Undead Emperor

Chapter 2846: Dragon Valley

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On the day the strongmen of the fairyland returned, the matter of the Budo tea party spread into their ears. The dragon clan learned that they had lost eighteen holy items. That night, they sealed Taishuhao into the ghost lamp, and the time flow rate was only normal. One, severely punished a whole


Six hours a night.

According to the flow rate of the ghost lamp, there is a full year and a half! For Taishuhao, this was cruel torture, but this punishment was nothing compared to what he lost.

Then there are rumors-

According to legend.

Dragon Chief Patriarch 'Uncle Gong' and Second Patriarch 'Prince Uncle' have great adventures in the insect continent. Tai Shugong is expected to advance to Xuan Xian, and Tai Shuchen is expected to advance to True Immortal.

Therefore, he did not punish Tai Shuhao too much.

However, Su Zhen's name was completely included in the list of the dragons' enemies, and ranked first.

At the same time, the Dragon King also knew the news of Long Xinyue's entry into the Eternal Kingdom, but he chose to acquiesce, focusing mainly on the alliance.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, five years have passed.

A handsome young man wearing a gold war shirt, a cloak embroidered with black roses, a blonde hair, and blue eyes, three-dimensional facial features came out of the palace.

Outside, a car was waiting.

Standing in front of the car was a stunning female, who was suddenly the Queen of Spiders. She saw the teenager immediately asked, "His Royal Highness, Lord Dragon King agreed?"


Handsome teenager nodded.

"Great, the Dragon Valley is the resting place of the ancestors of the Dragon tribe. It has many powerful dragon souls. Each dragon soul contains one or even many sources of fairy roads. As long as His Royal Highness refines a few roads, he hopes to walk out of a new fairyland road. . "

Queen Spider is very happy. The handsome young boy is a golden lion king. Compared with his previous figure, his momentum has changed significantly and sharper, revealing his fighting intentions like a crazy erupting volcano. When Su Zhen came to the seabed for help, the Golden Lion King entered

Relics, refining and inheriting the God of War.

Soon after the arrival of the fairyland, he successfully advanced to Yuanshen.

However, the goal of the Dragon King was to inflict heavy damage on the imperial legion. The primordial divine realm was not enough to see, and with the help of many fairyland aids, the insect continent seemed to be able to withstand it.

He went to Heaven Fairyland to go through customs in one breath. It happened that the battle became fierce, and Wan Zhance wielded a three-pointed, two-edged sword, striking the golden fairy, slashing several heavenly immortals, and sweeping invincible. After the Golden Lion King exited the customs, he held Ares ’s famous artifact ‘Weeping Blood Spear’, struck 10,000 battle strategies, and defeated the imperial court

Army, end the struggle.

After the war.

The golden lion king naturally became the leader of the insect continent.

But the weird thing is that the **** of war Ares is an ancient top golden fairy comparable to the master of the beast of the beasts. The golden lion king is promoted to the heavenly immortal. I am afraid that the inheritance of refining is not even one percent.

But after the war, he did not stay on the continent and continued to refine and inherit, but came to the seabed continent.

Other continents thought he was an alliance, the real reason is only known to a few, and the Queen of Spiders and the Dragon King are two of them. "When I was promoted to Yuanshen for the first time, I was stared by Taishu Gong and Taishuchen. The two dragons were insidious, greedy, and cunning for ten years, until I declared that Tianxian was out of customs for the second time, The dragon only acted. They took advantage of my strategy,

Break away from the starry sky, descend on the mainland, and steal the remaining inheritance of God of War.

Although I am clear, I can't produce evidence.

The two dragons are highly weighted and are extremely strong in themselves. I can only follow the seabed continent to find a chance to reclaim the Warlords heritage. "The Golden Lion King and Queen Spider entered the chariot.

The car can isolate the peep of fairyland.

In this, the Golden Lion King will tell the story. "The two dragons are not good from beginning to end. In so many star battles, both of them are not working, they are pure bastards! At first, the ancestors and the uncles of the team were abandoned by the uncles. The enemy fell on his back before he fell!

The fighting power of Ant Ant can completely kill the opposite! hateful! "

The Queen Spider gritted her teeth.

Recalling the battle at that time, she was irritated. Not only her, but the remnants of the celestial continent all hated the dragon clan. They could not speak without fighting, and they stolen the inheritance of the God of War.

"The moment they chose to support, they decided to steal something."

The Golden Lion King.

"With complete inheritance, His Royal Highness is able to ascend to the sky in one step, proclaiming the Golden Immortals, and now they are all destroyed by the Dragon Clan!" The Queen of Spiders was furious.

"Inheritance is definitely going to be taken back, but it has to be taken step by step." The Golden Lion King said: "The Dragon King is clearly dissatisfied with the Dragon Clan and is willing to help me. Open the Dragon Valley to enlighten me. I am lucky to get a complete source of fairy road. I There is hope to advance to true immortal. Once I am promoted to true immortal, I will work from Taishu Gong, too

The uncle regained his heritage. "

"The Dragon Clan has offended many people, and other continents have also died because of them. The true fairy of Dongchen Continent was abandoned by Taishu Gong before falling.

The dragons are too many enemies.

Not only Dragon King, Blue Dragon Clan, Black Dragon Clan, etc. are also very hostile to them, but also Su Zhen, I heard that he won 18 holy artifacts from the hands of the Dragon Chief.

Your Highness, we can call Su Zhen to deal with them. "

Queen of Spiders said.

The Golden Lion King shook his head: "Su Zhen is busy advancing to the crossover robbery, the goal is the Divine Son Competition, and calling him to deal with the Dragon Race is not suitable, not to mention that he is not as strong as me now, or let me do it myself."

"Well." The Queen of Spiders nodded, but added: "But Su Zhen's trouble with the Dragon Clan will be resolved sooner or later, not to mention himself, it is the Nanhai demon clan under his command. Enemy with the dragons. Bright goddess and great waste

The barbarians all surrendered to the dragon clan, and the hatred on both sides was growing. "

The two said, and the car walked away.



Su Zhenxiu is practicing, and there are 13 years left before 30 years. His ultimate Yuanshen Taoist cultivation reaches the fourth level, which is already a veritable strongman of the Yuanshen quadruple.

Today, he is still practicing.

A piece of news spread in Wanfachi, and Long Qun discussed: "Have you heard, Your Majesty wants to open Dragon Valley."

"Dragon Valley is the resting place of the ancestors. Only the fairyland that is about to break through can go. The dragon soul contains all the origins of the fairy road. Which elder Tianxian wants to break through?"

Asked the dragon.

"It's for a fairy, but not an elder."

"Not an elder?"

"Is it His Royal Highness? His Royal Highness is the strongest talent of our generation, the first Heavenly Wonderland to be promoted, now sprinting into Real Wonderland?"

"Not a prince."

"No need to guess, it's the newly-increased immortal of the continent, known as the" golden lion king "who passed on the **** of war!"


"How could he be? Why should an outsider enter Dragon Valley!"

Dragon fryers.

"Her Majesty the Dragon King promised, no one knows the specific reasons, but I heard that many Dragon tribes are dissatisfied. The senior uncle Chen has made it clear that he will also enter the Dragon Valley."

"Why is there a dragon family?" "No way, after all, the dragon family is very beautiful ..."

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