Undead Emperor

Chapter 2761: Qi and blood

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The two giant elephants stood on the sky, standing on the ground, facing each other, one sacred and mighty, and one nether domineering. The latter was slightly incomplete compared to the former, but it was better than others.

Wang Hu frowned: "Jun Yuzhen has also become a dharma world?"

"It's a means of law, heaven, and earth, but it is mixed with other things." The monks of the four seas are also sanctified in the flesh.

There were several Dharma phenomena in the field, Sirius Son, Bai Jing Juvenile, all sides can do it, and at a glance, Jun Yu was really strange.

But the reason is unknown.

Su Zhen stared at the golem, frowning slightly, and had a very familiar feeling, which was clearly a fusion of the strength of the star core! The most unexpected thing is that in addition to the breath of Fa Tianxiang Earth, Jun Yuzhen's body is another kind of "Taigu Zhenshen"!

"He is also in the middle of self-cultivation."

Su Zhen recognized it.

This discovery shocked his mind, but he could immediately understand that "The Archaic True Body" was hidden in the heavenly library. The undead great emperor could pass it to him, and the undefeated king could pass it to Jun Yuzhen.

This is why Jun Yuzhen is incarnate outside the parasitic domain of the dome?

Su Zhen recalled what he had discovered when the Purgatory City beheaded Jun Yuzhen's dharma body. After the Zhenguo General captured the continent, Jun Yuzhen was going to go there. Tens of thousands of creatures turned into dead bones under his sacrifice, and the mainland was dead. , The original purpose is this.

"For personal gain, blood sacrifices thousands of souls? Huh, every father must have his son!"

Su Zhen sneered.

Jun Yuzhen didn't know that Su Zhen recognized "Emperor True Body", and used this as the bottom card, indifferently saying: "I'm almost half way to cultivate the dharma sky and earth. Even so, killing you is still enough."

He took a step.


The magic elephant stepped on its feet, moved the mountains and shook it, and the elephant trunk fluttered out, and the clouds and sky shook for it.

Su Zhen stepped forward to fight.

The white elephant roared upward in the sky, following the action to fight with the magic elephant. The two elephant trunks were wrapped around like a python, and the ivory penetrated into the other body like a steel spear.

boom! boom! boom!

Wanshouling suffered a large-scale collapse during the collision between Fatianxiang and Earth ... Su Zhen's theory of the physical body is stronger than that of the current King Kun. Fatianxiangdi can fight with the giant Kun positively, but in the face of the magic, it shows a decline. After the violent collision, the body of the white elephant is full of holes, although the magic elephant is the same, but the next moment the magical energy will fill the hole

, The Fa celestial phenomena returned to normal.

The power of the golem seems to be endless, and the injury can be instantly restored.

The trade-offs grow and the white elephants become weaker and weaker. Ding Jian stared closely at the black gas of the patched magic elephant, and felt a familiar breath. After a slight stun, his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he found something suddenly lost his voice: "Star core? This is the star core! There is a star core integrated in it, no wonder there will be

This power. "


Wang Hu, the extinct Jianzun, and the monks of the four seas are puzzled.

Ding Jian continued: "I have always felt that the breath of the demon is a bit familiar, it turned out to be the fusion of the power of the star core. Su Zhen peeped over where Jun Yuzhen was, transformed into a dome, and drew the essence of a continent, it must be the star in front of him. nuclear power."

"Is that Su really bad?" Wang Hu worried.

"Not necessarily." Ding Jian said.

The next second, he seemed to remember something, frowning deeper, shaking his head and saying, "Maybe, the time is too short." The star core of Purgatory City was obtained by Su Zhen, and the other person admitted to him personally, there is Way to refine it. It ’s just that the refining star core is a water mill. He has been trapped underground for thousands of years, but he does n’t have to score anything, and Jun Yuzhen ’s real body is also outside the domain for thousands of years.

There is this harvest.

What are the achievements of Suzhen District in one year?

It was not only Ding Jian who recognized the star nucleus on the scene, Bai Jing teenager recognized it for the second time, the Lord of the Four Sides, the old demon of Huohuai, etc., all recognized one after another, followed by dozens and dozens, all those who watched the martial arts know.

In an instant--

The onlookers marched to the five bodies that Jun Yuzhen admired. Refining the star core was not possible, even the Celestial Cannot do. How could he do it?

Worthy of His Royal Highness!

"The star core has been refined, and the mainland will be exhausted. Is the Crown Prince's approach a bit harsh?" Some warriors also questioned, feeling too cruel.

Some warriors retorted: "The extraterritorial continents that the Prince's Highness must use. Those are the sites of the remaining evil spirits, but they are the tumors of the star domain. The star core of that kind of refining is the devil's defense and a feat of great merit."

Onlookers were talking.

Su Zhen's combat disadvantage became more and more obvious. The white elephant was finally overwhelmed by the injury and was entangled with the long nose of the magic elephant.

His dharma was also defeated.

Pedaling Pedaling ... The vast white elephant crashed and collapsed, and the resulting gas explosion swept across all directions, flying sand and gravel, and the sky of white fog, Su Zhen stumbled back a few steps before standing firm.

On the other side, Jun Yuzhen still didn't chase the situation, and his voice was cold: "You haven't practiced enough."

In the valley there was only a gigantic demon standing, and he stood in front, leaning against the demon, as if he were coming to the world.

Su Zhen wiped the blood at the corners of her mouth, looked at the golem after her breath fell smoothly, and looked very disappointed: "You are not as good at me as you are, but pure Qi Gong."

"Oh, can you tell?" Jun Yuzhen's eyes picked up.

Hearing the comments from the onlookers, he was talking about the star core, but the real focus was "The Archaic True Body". Without this qigong, how would you refine the star core?

Su Zhen can see the point, and he has vision.

"Yes, you can use Qigong to practice body training, and Prince Ben is stronger than you." Jun Yuzhen withdrew from Fatianxiangdi and looked at Su Zhen indifferently: "What else do you want to compare, you pick."

He wanted to defeat Su Zhen in all respects, proving that the rumors were unreliable. It was only his dharma body that failed, and the real body came to a complete crush.


Su Zhen's expression is indifferent, he doesn't seem to care about what Jun Yuzhen said at all, he takes a deep breath and urges his own magical power, "Qi Xue Tian Qing".

This magical power accompanied him to grow all the way, as the strongest means, was also left out, but there is no doubt that this is the magical power that the door can grow, it will accompany Su Zhen for life, will become stronger and stronger.

There are three forms of Qi and Tiantian:

1. A thousand miles of blood.

2. Yunhai Buddha Kingdom.

3. Eight-armed dragon.

With Su Zhen's fourth form of Tao Yuanshen being brewing, like the fledgling in the egg reaching the edge of hatching, he wanted to break out the shell with Jun Yuzhen's hand.

Su Zhenxian's "Qiankun Shock Technique" urged the first form.


A blast of blood rose up into the sky, running straight through the Xiaohan, connecting Yunxia, ​​and turned into a torrential blood river, covering the sky and the sun, the blood was surging, and the sound of the waves roared like thunder.

This is just the beginning.

Su Zhen became the incarnation of Jinglili Bodhisattva, the river of blood turned into Buddha, a lot of colorful clouds, thousands of gods, thousands of auspicious and many auspicious pavilions, pavilions, pavilions and corridors appeared.

The second form is also urged.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhen became sanctified again, and a stronger blood exploded, causing the kingdom of Buddhism to collapse and turned into a sea of ​​blood. A giant figure deep in the sea gradually rose and floated, revealing a grisly head. The third form is completed!

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