Undead Emperor

Chapter 2714: auction

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King Yan Luo quickly approached Dahuangzhou, he did not rush to the 100,000 mountains, to make a temporary stop in Pingyao City.

The King of the Beast State was the first king with a different surname. Du Guye inherited the title and died in the monster ancestral court within a few days. The chaos of Ping Yao City can be imagined.

Today, it is also the most chaotic place in Kyushu.

The majesty of the Beast State King's Mansion only exists in the King's Mansion. The entire Pingyao City is chaotic, and the wealthy family sects have moved, and even the highest school in the state has been left empty.

There are also some masters who are taking advantage of the chaos to make a fortune, and the city ’s chickens and dog robbers continue to happen. There are innocent and tragic deaths every day, and no one can catch the murderer.

King Yan Luo condensed his breath, disguised as an ordinary warrior and settled in a restaurant. He ordered a few small dishes casually and sat by the window looking at the messy street.

His thoughts drifted back to before the antiquity. At that time, there was a wild scene in the world. According to the different personalities of the forces that control hegemony in each place, the regional jurisdiction is also very different.

The Taoist forces are very calm. There is a peaceful group in the area under the jurisdiction of Daru Village, where courtesy is added, and there are places where the evil gods control the bloodthirsty killings.

The unowned situation of Pingyao City today is like most places in ancient times.

The great dynasty ruled the world, abolished prostitution, sealed gods, established colleges, set up medical halls, and promulgated laws and regulations to govern Jiangshan, but it had maintained peace for a long time.

King Yan Luo was sighing, and a voice interrupted his thoughts: "Hey, is the guest official out of town?"

King Yan Luo turned his head and found out that it was the shop second.

Dian Xiao Er arranged the food and drinks, and did not withdraw consciously. Instead, he leaned beside King Yan Luo and whispered: "In recent days, there have been so many people in Pingyao City. Fat sheep? "

"Speak so straight now?"

King Yan Luo raised a brow. "The world has changed, the blue, ice, barbarian, and the four kings are all dead, and the court was scorched by Su Zhen. Then there is still time to control the chaotic beast state? This is the far realm of the emperor Tiangao, the rich family. Escaped long ago, and came to Pingyao City at this time

, Which did n’t want to make a fortune? "Dian Xiao Er laughed and said," If you don't hide the guest official, even the palace of the Beast State is chaotic, there are strong people sneaking into theft! "

"There is this thing?" King Yan Luo: "Has that person ever succeeded?"

"Successful, many stolen treasures, I heard that there are three pieces of holy items, and some seals that symbolize the status of the beast king have been stolen."

"The official of Fengjiang officials has the court seal and someone steals it?"

King Yan Luo asked. "Let's talk about chaos, besides, the man is not an ordinary strong man. The thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse. If he can stolen successfully in the Beast State Mansion, do you think it is an ordinary person?" Dian Xiaoer said: "He has many babies Very well, these days, the client is dealing in private

. "

King Yan Luo glanced at the shop Xiaoer and laughed: "You said that you want to sell me so much? Why, are you the client of the thief?"

"Ye said he laughed, how can I just run away? But our shopkeeper knows that man, I think the visitor is not an ordinary person, should I recommend it?"


King Yan Luo has not yet figured out how to sneak into the monster ancestral court to catch Su Zhen. Since there is lively look at it, let's take a look first. He also wants to know who is so bold that even the seal of the beast state king dares to steal.

Led by the shop's second child, came to the backyard of the restaurant.

There is a rockery in the courtyard. When King Yan Luo entered, he discovered that a half-demon of the fox clan with exposed clothing was waiting. He picked him up from the shop Xiaoer and smiled and pushed open a stone door.

Behind the stone gate is a step leading to the underground.

"Yeah, please, the auction is underway." The demon took the initiative to hold King Yan Luo's arm, and his proud figure leaned softly on him, leading into the underground.

The stone door closed.

After a tortuous tunnel, I came to a fairly wide underground chamber, where there were already a lot of figures, each accompanied by a fox demon.

King Yan Luo was sitting behind.

Looking towards the front, there was an old man with a ruddy complexion and a very good mental state standing on the counter, and a fox girl beside him was holding something on the tray.

"The second time, is there anyone asking for a price?" "Okay, the third time, the deal!" The old man slammed on the table and said with a smile: "This 'Wannian Snow Ginseng' collected by the King of Beast State was bought on the 15th In the pocket of family income, the next auction item is more valuable, but it is a robe.

Panic, present it! "

The fox girl holding the snow ginseng withdrew, and the two fox girls walked out with the hanger. The hanger was covered with a red cloth, and they couldn't see clearly what was inside. The old man began to render: "This robe is a perfect implement, but the materials used for refining are holy items. Only because there is not enough time for cultivation, it stops here. Which one buys it back and refines it is entirely possible to have the original The brilliance! As for its special effects,

The old man said briefly ... "

On the stage, King Yan Luo sat under the stage and raised his eyebrows.

The buyers on the scene were all good. The weakest ones were Yuanying Tenfold Realm, and there were two Taoist peaks. The old auctioneer was Taoist Triple Realm.

According to the shop's second child, he should be the shopkeeper.

A Taoist Tibetan is the shopkeeper, this restaurant seems to be a guise, and even just opened, it was purely taking advantage of the chaos of the Beast State to get rich.

The robe covered by the red cloth has not been seen by other buyers, but King Yan Luo recognized it when he pushed it up, and it is a brand new official robe of the Beast State King.

This kind of official robe cannot be faked, especially the four-clawed dragon on the chest, which needs to be injected into the dragon soul, only the court can master the method.

It seems that Dian Xiaoer said well, that someone really stolen the Beast State Mansion.

"Everyone must have heard of this robe, but few have seen it with your own eyes. Now please open your eyes!" The old man said as he pulled off the red cloth to reveal the prince-level official gown.


A burst of coercion spread and the secret room became very depressed.


The buyers were all frozen, and it took a while to respond to one of the two Daozang pinnacles. They stood up in shock, pointing at the official robe and trembling: "Here, this is ... the official robe of the king of the beast ! "

"Yes, this is the official robe of the Beast State King. I have just said the effect. The starting price is 500 million spirit stones, and the bid price should not be less than 10 million yuan each time." The old man announced excitedly.

But after waiting for a while, none of the bidders. The buyers were very shocked and looked at the official robe, but there was no one who spoke. Finally, the Daozang peak shivered: "The starting price of this robe is indeed not expensive, but this is the official robe of the king of the Beast State. Wearing it is a big deal

To annihilate the Nine, who dares to buy so boldly? "

"That is, this thing is a hot potato, and if you are careless, you will have to slash it all."

"I don't dare to ask." "I don't dare, you still have other auction items." The buyers expressed their attitudes and did not dare to take over the official gown. No matter how good the things are, you still have to enjoy life. of.

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