Undead Emperor

Chapter 2651: Enter Purgatory City

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"Master Yu wants to check the ban. I naturally have to cooperate. Besides, Master Yu is more at ease. The ban in Purgatory City was originally laid out by the Tiangongyuan." Zuo Shilang of the Criminal Department put his attitude very low, and he was very aware of the old man's eyes. The importance, although they are officials of the same grade, is quite different.

"These are the Taoist Sects?" Purdue Cihang walked to the prison car.

"Master Yu is careful, although the realm of both of them is abolished, the sword intention is still there." Zuo Shilang, the criminal department, was beside him, and he could not afford it in case of an accident.

"It's okay, the old man is ordinary, but he doesn't know who is stronger than his will." Purdue Cihang reached out and touched Zhang Yulong. It was a pity in his eyes, "It's a pity that there are so many good guys to send to Tiangong Institute to do a lot of research." "

"It has been ordered above that the purgatory city must be exiled." Zuo Shilang, the criminal department, laughed, fearing that Purdue Cihang would take the people away.

"The old man knows that it won't embarrass you." Purdue Cihang closed his hand and left.

Zuo Shilang, the criminal department, was next to him: "Master Xie Yu has the same size. In the future, there will be prisoners with the same situation in the criminal department. As long as there is no special care, I will leave it to the Tiangong Institute."

The Tiangongyuan is omnipresent, with weapons, arrays, symbols, and dan, to all kinds of tricks and tricks, including the improvement of puppetry.

There are many monsters in Tiangongyuan. They were dissected in vivo, some organs were removed and replaced with organs, becoming a new generation of organ puppets. While retaining the talents and magical powers, it also possesses the power of the organization puppet, and has greatly improved in all aspects of attack, defense, and survivability.

It is rumored that the court is secretly forming the tenth largest legion, and the members are composed of new puppets.


There is even more obscure news that the Tiangong Institute also carried out human body transformation.

Zuo Shilang, the criminal department, thought that Purdue Cihang was a happy reaction, which was completely in line with common sense. He did not know that at the moment of contact, he hid a bead on Zhang Yulong.

The golden lion king was hidden in the beads.

everything's ready.

But everyone is still waiting, waiting for the arrival of the crackdown on the entrance to the Purgatory.

After half an hour.

Thousands of clear skies were suddenly covered with clouds, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the sky was dark instantly. The purple thunder arc collided in the clouds and burst into a roar.

A hurricane blew up.

Next to the jungle, up to the sky.

The purple arc, like a snake, revolves around the hurricane, crackling and cracking, and a figure appears in the clouds.

The figure gradually became clear, and he stepped out of the hurricane.

He was thin, wearing a red lining, a black robe on the outside, white paper-like skin, dark purple hair, and a lazy and noble man.

"Xiaguan, the left servant Huang Youren of the punishment department, see the blood master." The left servant of the punishment department led his subordinates to visit the men.

"The Ministry of Industry, Yu Danian, has seen the blood master." Purdue Cihang also saluted, but he did not kneel.

"The Purgatory City has not been opened for hundreds of years, but it has been opened frequently recently." The lazy man did not control Zuo Shilang of the Penal Department. He looked at Purdue Cihang and asked, "How did Master Yu come?"

"His Royal Highness is about to enter Purgatory City. I'll come over and check to avoid accidents."

Purdue Waterway.

Man: "With me in, there is nothing to worry about."

Purdue Cihang said with a smile: "If you are a courtier, you should always think of your master. Blood Master, open the entrance to the purgatory city."

In accordance with the normal order, the men's "blood master" must first check the situation of the prisoners who entered the purgatory city. Under the urging of Purdue Cihang, they took this step to take out an array from their arms and manipulated it.


In the hurricane, the thunder hits, and as a thick dragon-like arc splits, a bronze gate is suspended in midair.

The bronze gate is very old, with forty-nine copper nails underneath, and a pair of foreheads in the middle, suspended in the hurricane, surrounded by thunder and black wind.

Its appearance seems to bring a certain mysterious world, through the bronze door can feel the endless depth.

The last time the Purgatory City opened, Ao Wushuang and Zhuge Qianzhong entered. It was not ‘exile’, and Zuo Shilang, the Criminal Department, was not present. This is the first time he has seen him.

The Purgatory City Prohibition was made by the Ministry of Industry, and Yu Danian knew very well, but the "Master Yu" at the moment was actually centipede Jing Pudu Cihang, and he also saw the bronze gate for the first time.

The deep energy that radiated out made him thrilled.

"Master Yu, please check it." The man "Blood Lord" stood calmly before the hurricane.

Where does Purdue Cihang understand this, his purpose is to cover the entrance of the Golden Lion King, and to look at the bronze door in a pretense manner, and left the servant of the torture department, said: "You send the two traitors from the Heavenly Dao Sect, the old man sees whether the passage is stable stable."

The criminal assistant Zuo Lang looked at the man ‘blood master’.

The blood master was not suspicious. He manipulated the position. The bronze door slowly opened, and a burst of violent gas burst out, as violent as a volcanic eruption, and as bitter as the earth, and the environment gave people a worse feeling than the underworld.

Through the bronze door, you can clearly see the weather inside.

The dark clouds, the roaring wind, the thunder and thunder, and the strong are in the robbery, it is difficult to imagine what kind of people can thrive in it.

This continent seems to remain stuck in its instability when broken.

Feeling the violent violence in the world inside the bronze gate, Zuo Lang, the criminal department, was a little trembling. He ordered people to pull the prison car, opened the cage himself, and escorted Li Moxuan and Zhang Yulong, and pushed forward roughly, saying: "Go in!"


Purdue Cihang took a step forward, took out two metal cards, and brought them to the two of them, patting lightly, two body shields appeared.

"They didn't fix their behavior, and they died when they encountered the hurricane. Master Huang was careless." Purdue Cihang pushed forward and personally sent the two into the hurricane, saying: "This shield can record energy fluctuations, let me Analyze the data better, and do n’t spoil your Prince ’s event because of a little carelessness. "

"Master Yu reminds." Zuo Shilang, the criminal department, nodded busy.

He was shocked by the bronze door, and he really forgot that Li Moxuan and Zhang Yulong were waste people, and they had to die as soon as they entered the hurricane.

The two metal cards are indeed produced by the Ministry of Industry, and the effect is as Purdue Cihang said, and the blood master standing aside has no doubts.

What they did not know was that Purdue Cihang used the shield to cover Li Moxuan and Zhang Yulong's body differently, and completed the fish-eye beading, hiding the idea of ​​crossing the sky.

After Li Moxuan and Zhang Yulong entered the hurricane, they were ingested by the bronze gate.


The bronze door was closed, black smoke completely enveloped it, and then disappeared in the hurricane.

"I haven't stayed in exile for a long time. Master Yu has a chance to see you." The bloodlord nodded to Pudu Cihang and stepped into the hurricane. The hurricane gradually disappeared into the clouds, and then the clouds disappeared.

"The matter is over, the old man also quits." Purdue Cihang rushed to the left of the court to leave.

"Master Yu walks slowly."

Watching Purdue Cihang leave, Zuo Shilang, the criminal department, took the others away, and the remote mountain people went to the empty building, as if nothing had happened. In Purgatory City, a new chapter begins.

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