Undead Emperor

Chapter 2633: If I were the Yuanshen!

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"You are so brave, do you know who she is? Dare to refine her!" Jun Yuzhen looked at the nine-headed divine phoenix, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face showed great horror.

It's not a play, it's really horrified.

Yuan Chan's identity is special, even the concubine does not allow others to get involved, not to mention refining into a rule of the road, this is a big crime committed by bullying the king!

But at the same time of horror, Jun Yuzhen still had a chance.

Yuan Chan is a hot potato. He didn't think about how to deal with it. At present, Su Zhen refines it to solve a problem. As for Su Zhen's current state, he still doesn't pay attention to it.

Dao Zang Jiuzhong is nothing, not a primitive god, so why do you fear it?

"Su Zhen, just die for the crime you committed!" Jun Yuzhen sullenly shouted: "A battle has two qualities, it is a bit of a skill, but it is still far from wanting to kill this prince!"

"Zhongzhou King, kill him!"

Under the Yuanshen are all ants.

Without proof of the spirit, the ants are ultimately ants, and the strongest ants are only ants.

King Zhongzhou was instructed to manipulate the demon relics to attack Su Zhen. The Eight Dragon Lock Magic Ball and the Fire Cloud Lock Magic Chain were killed together. Su Zhen snorted and took a gentle step.

One step out.

Behind them all the laws of the nine avenues showed their power.

The Milky Way, the Dragon Demon, the world downstairs, the three fascination, the melting pot, the starry sky of thousands of miles, the gods of prison ... The "Dark World" of Shadow Avenue is coming, and the "Phoenix Power" of Yuanhuang Avenue is sweeping all directions.

Nine Dao Qizhen.


Two demon relics were swept away directly.

Ruyi's golden gold armor covers the whole body. Su Zhen bathed in flames and took the nine great magical powers to the King of Zhongzhou.


The face of King Zhongzhou changed slightly, and he actually had a tendency to be overwhelming: "The Daozang Jiuzhong is also a Daozang realm. How can there be such an obvious increase, this combat power is no less than that of Guan Qiusheng."

It is recognized that Su Zhen can leapfrog, but the gap between Daozang and Yuanshen is like an iron law, and no matter how strong the Tianjiao is, it cannot be crossed. King Zhongzhou always believed that the limit of Su Zhen's combat power in the Dao-Tibetan realm was predictable, never reaching the level of Yuanshen in the true sense.

Even the new Jin Yuanshen.

But now, the iron law appears to be shaken, and the fighting power of Su Zhen displayed by Daozang Jiuzhong is no weaker than Guan Qiusheng and belongs to the early stage of Yuanshen.

He can even subvert this iron law?

King Zhongzhou is incredible.

Su Zhen shot again, the law of the Nine Avenues swirled around him, and the avenue supernatural power flashed in the form of energy.

With one finger.

Nine kinds of supernatural powers mixed into a nine-color energy column and hit the King of Zhongzhou.

King Zhongzhou exploded.


Nine kinds of supernatural powers hit the air, and the void-like surface of the sea smashed the Emperor's syrup, raising stormy waves, and the vast tsunami swept across.

The void violently waved, and then—


Fragmentation and collapse, forming a huge hole communicating with the outside world, its area is more than 10,000 square meters, even the Yuanshen Taoist ancestors can't do this to many degrees.

"Yuanshen class!"

King Zhongzhou blurted out. Green, Bing, Man, and the four Kings of Yanluo were also surprised by Su Zhen's performance. The face of Jun Yuzhen, who stepped on the five-clawed golden dragon, changed countlessly, and he was equally terrified. But he forcibly suppressed the inner fluctuations and rushed to the state king to shout: "You have two demon relics, the five gods of the Yuanshen can suppress it, and one Taoist is nine.

Whatever it is, don't worry about it too much, just put it in the Eight Dragon Lock Magic Ball! "

Zhongzhou Wang took a few deep breaths and his expression became dignified.

This is the first time. He has always been assured of dealing with Su Zhen, and it was only at this moment that he regained his spirit and regarded Su Zhen as an opponent of the same level. As Jun Yuzhen said, he himself is the five-level realm of Yuanshen, and with the two demon relics can defeat the same level of power. Do n’t say Su Zhen is not the Yuanshen, it ’s really the weight of Yuanshen, he can still fight


After correct attitude, the attack becomes fierce.



The eight dragon lock magic ball flew out with the fire cloud lock magic chain. At the same time, the king of Zhongzhou turned his hands over the seal, and an ancient seal fell in the air, which turned into a mountain in response to the storm, blocking Su Zhen's retreat.

He rarely made a move in person, and it seemed that he was really serious.

Su Zhen ’s Nine Kinds of Avenues, Body Protection, Divine Light, Invincible, Galaxy, Dragon Demon, World Downstairs, Three Laws, Melting Pot, Various Planets, Prison Idol, Dark World, Nine-Headed Divine Phoenix Flying, or lingering, or roaring, or chirping, Su Zhen surrounded is like an emperor of all realms.

Point out.

Nine kinds of supernatural powers condensed into a nine-color energy column, directly blocking the magic demon of the town, and facing the mountains falling down on his head, Su Zhen punched away with his own physical strength.

At this moment, his flesh is infinitely close to ‘sanctification’.

The fist touches the mountain—

Rumbling, the Big Bang, the tumbling waves, the overwhelming, the mountains were beaten to show the original shape of the ancient seal, Su Zhen's half arm was also broken in the collision.

But the undead bloodline is running, and the next moment is intact!

Su Zhen's performance makes the ancestors of the demon, the sea monster, the king, the linden tree joy, the green, the ice, and the three kings look gloomy. It seems that the Zhongzhou king can't suppress Su Zhen? "His Royal Highness is behind the entire dynasty. The Yuanshen is like the Ganges Stars and the stars are endless. Even if this king has some difficulty in suppressing you, as long as His Highness orders, there will be a few or even dozens of Yuanshens. Escape. "The King of Zhongzhou reconstructed the ancient seal into the mountains, and two demon relics fought around

: "Your Majesty is slightly interested in you. If you lay your hands and catch, before escorting the imperial guard, maybe there is still a line of life. There may be an old man in your Majesty's Law."

Zhongzhou Wang wanted to disintegrate Su Zhen's psychological defense.

Su Zhen looked indifferent, ignoring the attack of King Zhongzhou, his eyes fell on Jun Yuzhen in the distance, as if only the other party could fall into his eyes.

His voice was dull: "I said it was my turn to kill you. You probably thought I was Yelang arrogant, but you can remember that the emperor Dagan gave you a ban, not allowed to go beyond Yuanshen's helper."

Jun Yuzhen has always put part of his energy on him. Hearing this, he mocked and sneered: "Kill you still use the helper beyond Yuanshen? If this old monkey gets in the way, this Prince will shoot you with one blow!" "

"It seems that you still haven't looked at me, yes, how can a Daozo Ninefold be seen by Yuanshen Tenfold? But if, I also prove the Taoist Yuanshen?" Su Zhen said his eyes sharpened: "You I do n’t know yet. Your father and emperor dug a hole for you and buried his successor personally. "

While speaking, a spirit of daring to fight against the world and daring to be the enemy of the world is vented from the body.

If the dam is broken, the gas field is raging, suppressing all directions.

Su Zhen became mysterious and majestic, even though the ancestors of all the monsters were trembling and frightened, and there was fear in the depths of their souls, seeming to be uneasy about something that was about to happen.

More than the ancestor of all monsters.

This kind of feeling is present on the scene. If the feeling of the lower realm is deeper, the expressions of blue, ice, wild and middle four kings become directly afraid, and the problem appears to Su Zhen!

"Not good!" These words appeared in everyone's mind.

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