Undead Emperor

Chapter 2599: Kill everything

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"Wu Hai?"

Du Guli almost jumped up in fright, and the commanding forces of the palace, one of the strong men in the palace, was beheaded? The **** head was at his feet, his eyes widened with fear, as if he saw something terrible before he died.

"Who did it!"

Du Gu shouted sharply.

He looked up and found that everyone else was looking at the temple door. The expression on his face was very strange. Du Gu hurriedly followed him. His expression was synchronized with Du Gu's death, Du Gu Shui, etc., his eyes were wide open, and his chin was almost shocked to the ground. .

"His Royal Highness?" Du Guliu shouted out of breath.

At this time, of course, Du Guye appeared, with a grin on his face, staring at everyone in the conference hall, like a poisonous snake burrowing into the rat's nest, all with delicious prey in front of him. "Jian Jie, you are really loyal and sincere. I am still alive, and you want to plot to usurp the throne. Why didn't you see that you have such ambitions in the past?" Du Guye is full of playfulness, and his mouth is evil, and he can't see that he is not angry at all. Purely mocking the teasing mentality: "If you show this earlier

With such a mentality, why not worry about the prosperous state of the Beast State? When the father died and jumped out, it seemed that he would only be in a den, did n’t he die? "

He looked at the oldest solitary death present.

Before entering the door, Du Gu passed away his words clearly, this guy is definitely one of the first evil.

"His Royal Highness's safe return is a happy event. Why didn't I inform you in advance?" The solitary deceased person became mature, and he recovered after a brief shock. Knowing that the power struggle is not easy at the moment, he forcibly shifted the topic: "Come here, prepare to give Shizi the wind Wash the dust. "

Du Gushui's face was somber.

He also did not expect Duguye to return at this time. Today, he is determined to gain the throne. He is suddenly hit by this foot. The subsequent changes are difficult to speculate. However, as Dugu died, it is not easy to continue to fight for power.


Du Gu Shui snorted heavily, with Du Gu Fu, Du Gu Ying, and Wang Shikun leaving.

But when he reached the temple gate, he was stopped by a hand.

"and many more."

It was Du Guye who stopped them, his lips curled up, his expression mocking, and said, "I let you go?"

"Why, it's still necessary to talk about the wind banquet?" Du Gushui's voice was cold, and everyone had to hear his strong dissatisfaction. He didn't fear Du Guye as before. He now has a great influence and is not weak to Du Guye. Strong.

"Wind the feast?"

Like a joke, Du Guye laughed like a joke: "The second brother is really naive, it seems that the **** Mei Yaner didn't teach you to judge the situation, you have heard what you said just now, and you can do nothing. ? "

"Duguye, what do you want!" Dugushui's face turned sullen.

Duguye looked around the meeting room, his eyes moved across everyone's face, his eyes became sharp and vulgar, and his voice was cold as an ice cave: "The idea of ​​this world is very simple. You have to die for me! "

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the hall was frozen, and the bird was silent.

Du Gu Shui, Du Gu Fu, Du Gu Fu, Du Gu Ying, Du Gu Li, Du Gu Feng, and Wang Shikun was stunned, and then showed a hallucinatory expression, looking at Du Guye's eyes, as if looking at a foolish idiot.

Is this guy crazy?

According to the clan rules, they should all kill, but according to the clan rules, they dare not rebel. The King of the Beast State dies, and the dragons have no heads. They are equivalent to the 'princes of all roads', and they are strong. people?

Originally, the appearance of Du Guye disrupted the plan, everyone wanted to avoid the edge, but his words re-inspired the rebellion in the scene, and the viciousness came out. Du Gu Shui took the lead in sneering, laughing wildly: "Dugu Ye, are you going to kill us all?" He stared at Du Gu Ye's eyes, as if looking at a fool, reaching out to his head, mocking: "You are here It ’s not broken. When the father died, you lost your backing. What are you going to do with us?

? You are too stupid, too arrogant, this sentence is self-breaking! "I turned to look at you and shouted," Your Highness, Shizi knows that we have rebelled. Once he is allowed to take the throne, we will die. I suggest that we join forces to destroy him, and we will fight for the position again! "

These words resonated.

Du Gu stands up: "Kill him, we will be right."

Du Guliu and Du Gufeng looked at each other and stepped forward together: "Destroy him, and never suffer future troubles!"

Finally, Wang Shikun.

After seeing Du Guye's return, the chief executive expressed the most subtle expression. Now he wants to be an old monk, but he will not allow him to pass through, but Du Gushui does not allow him to pass through, and forced to ask: "General Wang, who do you want to support?"

Wang Shikun was silent.

Du Gushui's face was slightly gloomy, suppressing the anger supplementary sentence: "My mother, Lord Wang agrees very much."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Shikun's eyes lit up slightly, as if recalling something intoxicating. He looked up at Du Guye, and after turning his eyes, he made up his mind and said: "Whoever has the most support for the king's mansion, who seems to support him now. The second son is the most suitable. "

"it is good!"

Du Gushui's confidence soared, and when he looked at Du Guye again, his mouth curled up evilly, and he also showed a playful expression: "Shizi, His Royal Highness, Brother, now the lonely widow is you, thank you for the sentence you have, what are your last words? "

Duguye looked around the crowd, his expression did not change, he was still smiling, and he looked like a clown.

"Last words?" "Ji Jie, I don't have any last words, I'm here to send you on the road." Du Guye looked at each face present, and finally stayed on Wang Shikun. The words were spoken to everyone, more like him. Said alone: ​​"The king's palace is also taking care of you, and the result is that the brain is rebellious and wants to rebel! Huh, also

Don't look at the group of things, but also want crows to become phoenixes? "

"A bunch of crooked melons!" "You are the cancer of the palace. Today, this son will kill you, not only you, your offspring, your woman, your friends will all die! I want to let the world know , The rebel, kill without forgiveness! The Beast State Mansion will carry forward in my hands, more than the father Wang ’s life

Qiang, I, Duguye, is a new generation of King of the Beast State, and it is the strongest of the nine great surnamed kings! "

The voice fell.

boom. A vast tsunami-like aura burst out of Duguye, such as a raging wave of rage sweeping all directions, directly overwhelming everyone present, at first solitary death, Dugushui, Wang Shikun, etc. thought he wanted to laugh at the dream When the momentum enveloped their bodies, their faces changed at the same time

, Instantly gray, his eyes widened exactly the same as Wu Hai's expression before he died.

They also saw something horrible that they couldn't believe.

This level of aura is ...

soul! Duguye became Yuanshen Taoist ancestor? Each of them was shocked, and there were storms and waves in their brains.

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