Undead Emperor

Chapter 2552: Four disasters gather

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After successfully capturing the Prison Idol, Su Zhen began to smelt the seventh avenue rule, the ancient bite sharks, dragons, Kui, etc. were refined one by one to form a fierce beast army.

The leader is the idol of prison. This group of rules is wise, like a beast, and they are not convinced of each other. Even though Canglong has the largest body and terror lethality, ancient white sharks and cows still dare to provoke, so Su Zhen has not started to be a prisoner After the appearance of the idol, this group of fierce beasts became more honest and took the initiative to follow

Follow behind.

after all--

The Prison Idol has absolute majesty!

While Su Zhen was practicing, Jun Yuzhen gradually grasped the positions of the remaining four catastrophes after six months of tracing. It is very coincidental that all four of them appeared in the Great Wasteland, not far from the monster ancestral court.


In a cave in the reckless mountains.

The four figures were seated.

Headed by a fat monk wearing a shawl, Xiang rosary beads, and **** breasts, he has a compassionate smile on his face, and the nine circles of light flashing behind his head are extremely sacred.

This is a demon.

Sitting on his left is a beautiful woman, about thirty-five or sixty years old, who is still in the grade where the milfs have a charm. She wears a cool and exposed white skin, and she is very proud. The dim look of drowsiness seems to have just got up, the clouds are scattered, and the most amorous feelings.

This is Madam Charm.

Born to be bone-skinned, her eyes are like water, and secretly send Qiubo to capture souls and souls. She dared not look directly at her except the demon monk.

To the right of the demon is a man wrapped in a burlap bag, covered with dirt and emitting a stinking smell. He is skinny, his cheeks are collapsed, his entire face is like a skull, his skin is blue, his tan dirty nails are very long , The whole look of a corpse.

His eyes were blue, and there was a ghost fire burning in his pupils.

This is the elder corpse.

There is also a shadow printed on the wall under the torch, but there is no figure in the spot. This is the shadow king, imprisoned in the eight dragon lock magic ball, and Ji Yin is regarded as the most troublesome guy.

Four catastrophes gathered here.

The most famous of these four people is undoubtedly the demon monk. This is the longest known for being the highest. He was not reconciled when he was killed by the big robbery. He secretly snatched a Buddha off the body and reborn, fell into the magic road, and fled from the pure land The endless continent has become a devil.

When he was in Kyushu, Mrs. Mei, the elder drove away, and the Shadow King was not born yet.

Demon is a senior!

Mrs. Mei, the elder of the corpse, and the shadow king have heard his name, and the four of them have heard of each other, but they are not familiar with them. For example, the devil monk had a corpse in the ancient times, and the skinny men were old. In addition, He hasn't seen both.

Mrs. Mei, Yin and Yang did not intersect each other. Originally, the four of them could not have come together. Almost a year after getting out of trouble, they had adapted to the current environment and knew that the Daqian dynasty sent their princes to chase them down. The four disasters coincided that the most dangerous place was the safest place. Su Zhen had a feast with the court, he hid in the monster beast ancestral court, the prince Ken

I wouldn't come here, so all four of us ran here, then met by accident, and finally hid together in this cave.

"Senior demon monk, we have been hiding for almost a year. When will you take us away?"

Asked the corpse elder. The entire endless star field is the site of the Dagan Dynasty. Even if the outer continent is temporarily safe, it is also a powerful heavenly land. The four of them have long decided not to stay in the endless star field. All four are primal **** realm, can cross the starry sky, but the danger is too great, so pin their hopes on the demon monk body


This guy promised to take everyone with you.

"The poor monk's celestial kingdom has almost recovered, and then sacrifice 100,000 souls to break the barrier, and take you with you. Whether you want to go early or late depends on the degree of hard work of the three."

The demon chants his hands together and recites the sound of Buddha.

"Seniors need too many creatures for blood sacrifice. We were also carefully discovered by the Dagan Dynasty. Some time ago, Madame Mei was broken by the Leopard Army. If it was not timely, it had been captured by the Crown Prince, even if we were there, there would be risks , No more shots in a short time. "

Defend the elders.

The demon smiled with charity and was not in a hurry: "Then wait for the limelight to pass." "I received the news that the crown prince made an oath at the Jinluan Temple, and I would be caught within three years. If you break your hand and go to Pingyao City to catch 100,000 souls to open the Paradise of Bliss, as long as you leave before the arrival of the Crown Prince, what can we do? "Yi Dao Ji

The dark voice sounded from the wall, and the shadow of the torch flicked down to express his opinion.

"It's too risky?" The elder corpse worried.

Mrs. Mei looked at the demon monk and asked, "How long will it take for the Bliss Heaven to open after the seniors have gathered their souls?"

Demon: "Three hours."

Seemingly knowing what Madam Mei thought, the monk squinted and added: "Once the Elysian Kingdom is opened, the radius of a hundred miles will fall into strong energy fluctuations. Not only the monster ancestral court will notice, but the Crown Prince will arrive as soon as possible . "

Mrs. Mei: "Can't you cover it?"

The demon shook his head: "It is much more difficult to break through the barriers of the two domains than tearing the void, so that the poor monk can only do it with this physical body. There is no way to cover up the energy fluctuations of that level. Three people can resist three hours. "

"The crown prince, the cabinet prince Yu Qian, the military general Li Lietang, the three of them, of course, I and Mrs. Mei, the shadow king can certainly stop it, but the masters of the lord dynasty are not only these, there may even be a robbery, and even the heaven comes, who Can it withstand three hours? "

The elder corpse was not confident. "If the emperor Dagan really wants to deal with us, I can find the trace of me waiting in a single thought. The next moment comes to the dharma body, and it will be crushed with one hand, and will wait until now? I think he intends to hone Chu Jun, and will not send other strong people to appear, and The crown prince has no face to find a helper, but he is writing in front of Jin Luan Hall

Wu Bai official vowed. "Shadow King's voice came again from the wall, spooky and weird:" What's more, this place is a monster beast ancestral court, and the big prince has scruples. "

After a moment of contemplation, Mrs. Mei nodded in agreement: "There will be movements in the opening of Elysium Kingdom, and it is no different from now on. I agree with Shadow King's plan."

The corpse elder looked at the demon monk.

The demon monk smiled and said: "The poor monk is only responsible for opening the Bliss Kingdom, you decide other things."

The elder corpse looked back to Madam Charm and the Shadow King. Seeing that the latter two had decided, they gritted their teeth and said cruelly: "Okay, then I will go to Pingyao City to catch 100,000 souls tonight! Damn, this elder is early I want to leave this ghost place, and I should n’t have come here from the corpse world! "" Oh, your ancestors of your origin, from the endless star field, are you here to find inheritance? If you want to get an adventure, you must pay Corresponding price, haven't you seen the corpse buddies now? "Mrs. Mei laughed softly.

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