Undead Emperor

Chapter 2481: Devour Toad

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"It's not impossible to save you, but from now on, you will serve me as the master and be my follower."

Su Zhendao.

"I am willing to serve the master for a thousand years!" The ancestor of all evils ecstatically kowtowed.

"A thousand years?"

Su Zhen's mouth twitched slightly and looked at him with full play: "It seems that you didn't realize the status quo, or let Devil Toad swallow you. I will kill Devil Toad again, and it's appropriate to raise an animal again." "No, minion Knowing that I am wrong, I am willing to follow my master forever and ever, please ask my master to save me! "The ancestor of all evils, cunning as a fox, prides itself on asking for the God Realm, how can it be willing to stay under the fence forever? Listening to the cry of ‘quack’ in the furnace, he was forced to take expedient measures, he thought

Su Zhen's cultivation has been less than three hundred years so far. Thousands of years are unimaginably long for Su Zhen. The concept of time is not as clear as his old antique.


Su Zhen saw through his mind at once.


The frog cries again in the Qiankun Bagua furnace, and the brutal and evil atmosphere of the Outland spreads out through the Dingbi. The Outland Devil Toad has basically awakened. The ancestors of all evil are scared, their faces are white, and they are mad kowtowing. To Ding Gai, there was a thud.

This old Modisi's begging for mercy: "Master save me, the minions are willing to sign the oath of the demon with you!" "The oath of the devil is too poor for you, an old demon, to swear by heaven. "The heart demon swears to ordinary monks. It is very terrifying. Once violated, the cultivation reaches an urgent juncture. It is likely that the heart demon will explode and the meridian will die in rebellion. The Zen master is not refined, and the demons are not even troublesome for him. The Heavenly Dao Oath is based on the Law of Heavenly Dao. The strongest bindings signed are generally used by Yuanshen Daozu. They intercept part of the Law of Heavenly Dao and make an oath to reach a certain constraint.

Then be punished by the law of heaven.

Even if Yuanshen can go side by side with Heavenly Dao and suffer the crushing of Heavenly Dao, it is also an unimaginable pain.

"God swears?"

The ancestors of all evils widened their eyes and suspected that they had heard them wrong. Su Zhen's eyes closed, with the help of the Wanxian Palace to get the adventure, the spiritual knowledge came to the river of destiny, and his hands turned over to intercept a part of the rules of heavenly path and brought it back to the endless continent. When he opened his eyes in the cave, his right hand spread out, a ball of light, like a little star sand, like the energy of a small silver river,

Floating above his palm.

"this is……"

The eyes of all ancestors straightened.

"Swear." Su Zhen suspended the rules of heaven and earth in mid-air, forcing the ancestors of all evils to take the oath: "I, swear here, I would like to serve Su Zhen as the master, follow eternal and eternal life, be loyal, not betray, Contrary to it, willing to be condemned by the sky and buried in the thunder of God! "

Every time he says a word, there is intangible energy, which is integrated into that rule.

Finished a paragraph.


The rule was shocked, and then turned into a little spot, disappeared between the world and returned to the river of destiny.

The oath has come!

"Master, can you save the old slave now?" The ancestor of all evils has no more scenery, and his face is ashes, such as the test of the mourning, this top demon with thousands of years of experience, was eventually surrendered and became the first day of arrogance. An instrumental spirit.

Su Zhen has not answered.

"Ah!" Two frogs sounded, the sound was loud, and the spirit was trembling, and the outland devil was completely awake.

The ancestor of Evil changed his face suddenly, looking down with horror. He could see the inside through Ding Gai. At the next moment, Su Zhen discovered that he was frightened and wanted to escape from the furnace, but a lot of black magic appeared in the furnace. Enraged, wrapped it up.

A toad phantom is forming.

"Master, save me!" The ancestor of all evils screamed, and the demon toads in the outer realm had completely awakened.

"Open the lid and let me in."

Su Zhen ordered.

The ancestor of all evils belonged to the artifact spirit. After the witch of the outer realm recovered, he took control of the gossip furnace of Qiankun and lost it quickly, but he could still do it by opening the cover. He opened the cover in a hurry, and Su Zhen took one step under his watch. Step in.

The clang sounded and the lid closed.


Inside the Qiankun Bagua furnace.

Su Zhen found that the black flames on the ground were rising, the magical energy was rolling around, and an ugly toad like a mountain was far away, and his eyes were lazily opened. Its body was covered with pimples, and the pimples burst continuously, exploding milky white venom, and many more A burst of black gas exploded.

Ding internal environment is caused by it. "I just made it into [Void Avenue] some time ago, and today I ran into the furnace, but Mochan is ten times and a hundred times worse than Ji Ban." Su Zhen was not enough before, now you can see at a glance, Mochan Extraterrestrial creatures, but not endless stars, should come from 36 small continents

One of them. The realm aspect is Yuanshen Realm, but its deity is refined into Qiankun Eight Diagrams Furnace, and Yin Soul becomes an instrumental spirit.


Mochan found Su Zhen.

Su Zhen looked at it, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted: "We meet again, maybe you don't remember me, but I still remember you."


Mochan couldn't remember Su Zhen who was in the Yuanying Realm at that time. He thought it was a lamb that fell into the tiger's mouth. It just fell asleep, just hit the tooth sacrifice, and his heart moved. The black flame on the ground wrapped Su Zhen and burned fiercely. .

Su Zhen was incarnation of Jinglili Bodhisattva, with a majestic treasure standing in the black flame, immovable and unharmed.

"Magic Toad, is this your way?" Su Zhen smiled.


Mochan screamed, his hind legs kicked the ground, like a male mountain pressing the top, slamming towards Su Zhen, blood basin wide mouth open, scarlet long tongue popping out, curling up Su Zhen, swallowing into his belly, and then snorting with satisfaction, Swing the obese body ready to hunt the second target.

It has noticed that there is an overstretched ghost, and while it is sleeping, the dove occupies the magpie's nest, and the prey is more nourishing than this human.

But just when it wants to act.


An unimaginable energy that shook the universe and shattered the starry sky exploded in its belly, like a vortex sucking it all in.


Su Zhen thought.

Boom! Along with the loud noise, the ugly devil fell to the ground, fell into the dark, and stared at Venus. When he opened his eyes, he discovered that "Yinhun" Su had a smile on his face and looked at it lightly: "You are Yuanshen The level of the spirit of the weapon, although the attack ability is bad, it is not easy to kill you, even if it is a common

There is nothing to do with the Yuanyuan God. But for me, you are just a lamb to be slaughtered, just because I lacked the corresponding energy recently, let you supplement it. "

The attack of the magic toad has long been led to the sea by Su Zhen, and it has now fallen on the Wulong painted halberd.


The sea surface exploded, and anger hit the air.

The next moment-"Aooo!" The roaring dragon roared from the sea of ​​knowledge. Under the frightened expression of the magic toad, five terrifying extremes, the foot shattered its bitter evil dragon surfaced ...

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