Undead Emperor

Chapter 2436: Severe punishment!

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"The leader is here!" At this moment, a shout rang from outside the hall. Many Fuguangs stood up and greeted the outside of the hall. They were lined up according to the duties of the helm leader, followed by Fuguang without positions, and other groups Strong elite students.

Wow la la.

The crowd is like a sea, lined up.

Right in front of them, a rainbow bridge traversed the sky. There were a large number of beautiful young men and women on both sides. Women wore neon dresses, men wore red robes, women wore flower baskets, they kept throwing flowers, men held streamers, and the glow of the sky was brilliant.

One male and one female, arranged in a cross order.

Like the welcome team, waiting for the main leader to pass through the Rainbow Bridge, in the eyes of everyone, a golden carriage approached, flanked by dragon horses, silver-clad youths, a fat man with big ears, no bald scoop Mao, a handsome and handsome, handsome and suave.

The two are ‘Wang Buddha’ and ‘Zhao Ming’.

The two were originally elite students, and the six-level realm of Taoism and Tibet was similar to the ape domineering of Wanxianmen. Although it was not a dusty existence in the Royal Academy, it was absolutely irrelevant to the dazzling new star, even if it was not among the elite student group. what.

But the two are the confidants of Long Wuhaoyi. Although Long Wuhao is the next director, there are four sage students in the college. Even Yulinglong and Gongsun Moli are heavier than his words. Coupled with his lack of established power, there are few followers. Suffering from a big challenge with Su Zhen, the identity of the first successor of the director is hidden

The appointment is not guaranteed, and the few followers have left again. It is Wang Fo and Zhao Ming who are always faithful. After the establishment of the First League, Long Wuhao hand-picked the two as deputy leaders. Those who had abandoned him were reportedly miserable in the end and were suppressed, but no one dared to talk about it.

Da da da……

The sound of horseshoes became clearer, and as the wheels rolled, the golden carriage appeared in front of everyone.

"Please lord!" Wang Fo sang.

There was a maid next to the carriage, who was a female student of the Royal Academy. At the moment, she opened the door with her hand, revealing a young man wearing a jade crown and gold armor, with a red cape, and a fierce appearance. His eyes were full of unspeakable young people.

Jade crown.

Golden armor.


Long Wu Hao Yi's dressing, striking the hearts of the gods, they guessed that Long Wu Hao Yi's appearance was great, but they didn't expect to be like the marshals who returned from the triumph, even though they were vice president Guan Qiusheng and director Sikong Mingjing. Not as good as one tenth of him?

"See the leader."

"Ah, see the leader of the League ..."

"See the leader!"

When Zhu Fuguang reacted, he bowed and bowed ceremoniously. Several students who were good at drilling camp bowed down directly and performed a five-body ceremony. After seeing it, Long Wuhao nodded quietly, obviously very satisfied.

After seeing it, the other students knew what they were thinking, and it seemed that they would give Long Wuhao a salute in the future, just like paying homage to the emperor.

"Go into the hall."

As soon as Long Wuhao stepped off the carriage, he was surrounded by stars like a moon and entered the bronze temple. The Malaysian sword was forehand, overlooking the people below, and his eyes couldn't express the satisfaction. He was born in a corner of Yingzhou, with a lot of talent. He first entered the highest institution of Yingzhou, dazzling all the way, and finally entered the Royal Academy.

In the same classmates, he also arrogantly excels.

However, when Xiuzhi was in the state of light, he discovered that there were people outside, and there were people outside, and the four saints were like emperors who had come to the world. Even if he tried hard for hundreds of years, he could hardly look at it.

Gradually, Long Wuhao realized that he would never catch up with those people.

he knows.

After the practice of the Royal Academy ended, it was best to remove the court, but the ordinary Hanlin or the six official positions, etc., he did not look at. There was no way to enter the cabinet center, and he could only retreat and chose to stay at the Academy as the director.

In the eyes of ordinary students, his scenery is infinite, but the top students know that he actually gave up.

But when Long Wuhao dreamed, he didn't think that there would be today, Junlin Academy, worshipped by all the lives, the first alliance established would be annexed, and the champion would shrink and dare not show his face! "Today, the headquarters of the First League was built, and the student wanted to keep everything simple, but Wang Fo, the deputy leader, claimed that the First League is the largest party in the college and the role models of all students. It was unprecedented to build this complex on the Tianfu Plain. All members, With You Rong Yan, the ceremony should be held to show the world and celebrate the world

! The student couldn't bear to sweep your interest, and agreed to hold it, but the specific process has never been asked, and I don't know until this time. Can you surprise me? Long Wuhao smiled and looked down at everyone below.

Everyone understands that it is just going to go through the process and present the gift. Wearing a big red robe, the "Zhou Ruo Lord" who looked like a bridegroom in the spring, stepped forward, and held out a transparent smear in both hands. Wish to present the Taihei Shield of the Little Magnetic Cloud, and wish the First League to survive forever and lead the Academy

Start a new chapter! "


The transparent smoke was sent to Longwu Haoyi with real energy.

"Oh, Little Magnetic Cloud Tai Chi Mask? I have heard of this thing, but it is your Zhoubangzhen Bangzhibao, Yuanying Realm Manipulation can resist Dao Tibetan attack, it is a very good magic weapon, take it as a gift Careful. "Long Wuhao wiped the smoke, and then handed it to the King Buddha.

King Buddha put away.

Wearing a green robe, the "Wood Rudder Master" embroidering the word "Qui" behind him grabbed the second one and stood on one knee, saying: "The first alliance was established. This league, as it is named, will always be the first, as the tree runs through the sky and crowns the sun and the moon! "


Long Wuhao nodded with a big smile: "The tree will be transplanted in front of the first Mengshan gate, symbolizing the eternal longevity of this alliance."

The third rudder leader followed immediately.




The students in the temple were like crucian carp crossing the river, and they all appeared to kneel and changed their treasures, and to win the favor of Longwu Haoyi.

At this moment--

Long Wuhao turned his head to look to the left and asked: "Vice leader Zhao Ming, deputy leader Wang Fo proposed to hold the ceremony. ? "

Zhao Ming had been preparing for a long time, and he stood up and escaped below. He first saluted Long Wuhao on one knee, and then smiled: "The leader of the Confederate looks like a torch, I can't hide from you at all. The younger brother does have a gift, please listen to the senior and all your colleagues." Then he took a scroll from his arms. , Marked as the emperor's edict, after the unfolding, a group of golden lights lit up, looked at the text above, and said aloud: "Fuguang" Longwu Haoyi "submitted for approval a month ago, Bai Shi, Zhang Yulong, Prince Ape, Huang Shang, Xiao Xuan, Jiang Ni, Gan Ye, Chu Ling, Li Moxuan, Long Ying'er all involved in assisting Su Zhen, maiming the student 'Jiang Linxian', injuring Gu Wenguang, Cen Junqing, Bei Zhaonan and other hundreds of students. The evidence is as firm as a mountain. Certainly! After deliberation by the college, it was decided to pass the proposal and order strict punishment! "

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