Undead Emperor

Chapter 2418: Duke Gongsun Moli

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Su Zhen was incapable of surrendering, the waves of fists and gangs were faster than the waves, the roaring continued, resembling dragons and tigers roaring, the sky collapsed, and the sky was full of majestic spirit, surging blood waves, accompanied by Xiaguang Xiangrui, showing a dream Fantasy scenery.

Gongsun Moli screamed, and the supernatural power resisted.

"Poems, words, books, paintings, sages! I used the theory to be handpicked by the Holy Guru as the champion, and I wrote that article again this time, killing the devil Su Zhen!" Gongsun Moli bit his tongue and looked into the air Spit big blood.

Essence of blood.

Gongsun Moli replaced the pen with blood, and replaced the ink with blood. He wrote five large characters, "Political Affairs, Agriculture and Mulberry in the World".

The word succeeds, and the golden light appears. [Since the Holy Emperor established the Dagan dynasty, abolished prostitution, sealed the gods, repaired the Great Wall to resist foreigners, set up colleges, educated all ethnic groups, unified weights and measures, and formed a unified situation from all aspects of culture and economy, communicating Kyushu in a true sense. Afterwards, he built water conservancy, emphasized agriculture and mulberry, and encouraged merchants,

Dynasty merchant ships spread all over the world, stimulating development to a great extent, and have such a prosperous scene. 】

[Another comment: The country takes the people as the root, and the people take food as the sky. 】

[Agriculture and mulberry is the most important country. 】

[Student Gongsun Moli, courageous and suggestive, helped Kyushu expand its fields and prosper the dynasty. 】

Policy theory is an article that advises the court on political issues.

Before the establishment of the Daqian dynasty, the princes stood in line, and there were denominations, sects, and other foreign evil gods behind them. Due to the hostility, there was no unified text, language, currency, weights and measures.

During the exam, the focus is also different. This has led to students from all over the country, who often get together and rarely have a common point of view. Even if the direction of the exam is different, your national champion will not be as good as a show in China. After the establishment of the Daqian dynasty, we started with culture and economy.

A Kyushu student, since that time, has focused on "strategy", "cifu" and "jingyi". The champion will be able to come together with the poetry and poetry, to a large extent, it will be proficient in vocabulary, which has been recognized by this group of proud people.

Strategy, to put it plainly is to discuss thesis.

Su Zhen despised Gongsun Moli's will to martial arts, but it is undeniable that he can be given the title of champion, and he must have strengths. Looking at the "World Farming and Mulberry" gradually becoming comprehensive, he raised his brow slightly and said, "I didn't expect you to have some strengths." , Can serve as the household minister still book. "

After the article was written, every word jumped out, either as a farmer, as a fisherman, or as a woodcutter, as long as it related to agriculture and mulberry.

The last gold seal fell.


The masterpiece of "Management of the World, Agriculture and Mulberry in the World", those fishermen and cultivators were all dyed with Jinxia, ​​such as gold casting, a little more noble and imperial, they did not hold a **** and rushed to the ground, but started up in the void.

Pieces of farmland, rice fields, terraces, orchards, vegetable fields, etc. appeared.

Produce golden beans.

The ancient Taoist school had the technique of "sold beans into soldiers". An old farmer picked golden beans and scattered them in the air. The golden beans changed in the wind, and a respected yellow towel warrior appeared.

There are big trees in the orchard, and the trees are full of ginseng fruit. The ginseng fruit falls to the ground and turns into a pink fairy.

The Daqian dynasty was holy, but it was also universal. The water can carry the boat and the boat can be overturned. When the princes stood in the forest, some of them were supported by the Holy See, the sect, and even the evil gods. They taxed and exploited the people in the territory. Cause the group to attack.

When there is an evil spirit, all temples are smashed, statues are worshipped, and faith is severely severed.

Nongsang in the world.

Peasants, the most low-level existence, are also the foundation for the construction of ten thousand pavilions, often the lowest but with the most terrifying power.

In the face of the Yellow Scarf Lux, Pink Fairy, etc., Su Zhen's eyes shone brightly and she finally got a little interested.


He is a little bit.

The Avenue of All Beings is condensed into ten feet, the silver awn resembles a sword, and cut into the orchard. The pink fairy gangs rise up and are chopped up by the horse. Several ancient trees have been cut off in the waist, but the silver awn has not returned The group of old farmers have re-cultivated and the towering ancient trees have risen.

The yellow towel fighters burst into battle.

Su Zhen's left palm turned, and all the evil roads emerged, condensed into a world-long dragon demon, five fingers spread out, black smoke covered the sun, and shot towards the yellow towel.


The Yellow Towels collapsed, and the smoke disappeared.

But there are countless mulberry fields, crops are maturing in an instant, yellow towel luxuries, pink fairy boys, enchantress pollen, etc. endless influx towards Su Zhen. Looking at this kind of scene, Nianping said solemnly: "I have read the articles of the past champions. The most literary in the past 50 years, which is innovative and innovative and has the greatest influence on the politics of the DPRK, should be the book Jiang Chenchen. Gongsun Moli's Although "World Farming and Mulberry" is good, there should be no such power.

There is a relationship. "

The Emperor Daqian has every reason, and it is impossible to read every article of the students. They are all courtesy, Hanlin Academy, and the examiner appointed by the examiner to read first, pick out the best three articles and present them to the Holy Ghost.

Then the examiner stamped the seal.

This seal is contaminated with the breath of many top powerhouses, and some of the emperors, the blessings of power can be imagined! "It is said that the article of the first champion Chuge Senior Scholar, Gaide Nai is a jade seal." There is also a saying that the Lord gave it back to Chuge Senior, no matter who

Once the hands are unfolded, even the Yuanshen can kill them. "

An article about killing Yuanshen, it is terrifying to think about it.

However, Zhai Qingluan and others still look down on the emperor Dagan. If he really covers his jade seal, let alone Yuanshen, Su Zhen feels that the gods can't bear it.

After all, the big emperor is too strong.

"It's a bit interesting, then the four great supernatural powers go together." Su Zhen spread his arms, the silver disc lay on the right side, and the dragon devil lay on the left side. . "

The silver light slashes the sky, the world of dragon and demon town is built, the world is filled with heaven and earth, and the three heads and six arms shake the world.

The four supernatural powers are advancing like Wanchuan, crushing agricultural mulberry, turning into wasteland, pink fairy, yellow towel luxuries, etc., in front of them, they are crushed all the way into paper powder, destroying all agricultural and mulberry, and then together Hit the "Times and politics, the world agricultural and mulberry".


The strategy to win the title of champion was torn apart and the golden seals were torn apart.


Gongsun Moli sprayed a big mouthful of blood, his face pale as paper, and his breath quickly fell to the trough.

"This article is good for mixing temples. It's useless to take martial arts." Su Zhen looked at him calmly, his voice indifferent: "Martial arts are sincere and sincere. Once they are mixed with others, they will no longer be martial arts. You are going wrong. Way. "

The voice fell.

Su Zhen closed his eyes and waited for it to open again, struggling for war, striding forward, and appeared on the top of Gongsun Mo's head, stepping on his heavenly cover.

Boom! A big head exploded, red and white things splashed.

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