Undead Emperor

Chapter 2345: After the autumn

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A major accident occurred in Su Zhen's enrollment of Saint students, and half of the students were involved in it, alarming the deputy dean Qiu Sheng. Many teachers and students accused Su Zhen of cruel killing and demanded the demotion of the title of Sheng Sheng. Guan Qiusheng suspended the enrollment after consideration. He claimed that he would not make a decision until the dean returned.

The matter came to an end.

Su Zhen did not succeed in enclosing, but as everyone thought, he was suppressed by Guan Qiusheng or even expelled from school. The vast storm ended like this, and the dark tide continued to flow under the calm sea, causing trouble.


In the crane tower.

Everyone congratulated Su Zhen, who was not suppressed by the official Qiusheng, but only the Crane Fairy said it was a pity: "The Saint Student is the supreme honor of the college and has many privileges. Although its rights are not as good as that of the deputy dean, it is by no means weaker than Sikong Mingjing. Enter the court to make a fortune. "

"Don't talk about the title of the District Saint Student, even if I were to be deputy dean, I was not eligible to enter the court, where I wanted to kill me far more than here."

Su Zhen was not at all comfortable.

Fairy Crane shook his head, but still felt pity: "Even if you don't enter the court, those privileges are very important ... But fortunately, Vice President Guan Qiusheng just suspended the registration, did not say dethrone, there is still a chance in the future, but Su Xue ... … Su Daoyou should be more cautious and try not to get into conflict again. "

She wanted to call the seniors, but the other party did not enroll the sage students. In theory, they were the Qianlong class. They should be called the younger brothers. However, Su Zhen showed the strength. She really did not dare to call the words of the younger brothers. She simply called Daoyou.

Su Zhen: "I hope that these guys will become more honest." In a battle in front of the Holy School, in addition to the Yuanshen Taoist ancestors did not come, the champion, the poetry meeting, the book mountain has a road, the ink and fragrance, and the martial arts are all equal. The big forces are equivalent to being sent out of the nest, and they are still suppressed by him alone. As long as Shu Jiangchen is not a fool, he should understand why they ca n’t help themselves.

I will be honest for a long time.

They don't cause trouble, Su Zhen is too lazy to conflict. He Xianzi turned his head and said to others: "You have witnessed many things shortly after you came to the academy, but you have left a bad impression, but I have to explain that the Royal Academy is not the case, it is indeed a holy place for cultivation, and there are many good things. Nowadays, Su Daoyou helped us solve the problem, I hope the big

I can calm down my mind, take advantage of rare opportunities, and strengthen myself. I have sent people to take in the various areas of the college, lecture halls, seminary rooms, halls of exercises, and places of experience. Now let me tell you about it . "

The Royal Academy, which stands proudly in Kyushu and leads the world, certainly has a respectable aspect. However, because he was targeted on the first day of admission, all kinds of troubles continued, and there was no time to understand. At this moment, with the fairy fairy ’s complaint, I realized that the Royal Academy had these benefits. For example, in the temple of merit, with enough merit, Qigong can be exchanged, there are more than 70 places in the Taoist room

To talk freely, the worst instructors in the lecture hall are all Dao-Tibetan, and there are a lot of magic weapons, rare things, and spirit beasts.

The atmosphere is everywhere.

"The Royal Academy, which controls the world's academies, practice the first holy place, naturally has the merits, led by crane fairy, everyone strives to practice, and never come to this event! If you encounter deliberately again during the life of the academy Troublemaker, inform Su, I will be there as soon as possible. "

Su Zhendao.

Fighting in front of the Holy School is equivalent to their standing in the prestige. After the incident, everyone understands that the trouble will disappear, and it is time to truly experience the life of the academy.

After listening to the introduction, he began to say goodbye and practiced separately.

The real college life begins.

"Vice leader of the Soviet Union, take a step to speak." After the crowd had dispersed, Long Panzhi walked to Su Zhen and signaled something to tell him.

Su Zhen keeps up.

Long Panzhi released the demon yuan, isolated the probe, and could not hear it, including Crane Fairy. He lowered his voice and asked: "Why do you think Guan Qiusheng suspends the registration, instead of dethroning or expelling you from school?"

After Su Zhen finished saying that today, Guan Qiusheng was obviously angry, showing signs of repression, but somehow he suppressed the anger, and let the teachers and students testify, there were enough [witness testimony], and still chose to suspend the registration.

Even take a step back.

At that time, Long Panzhi had a feeling that if not strongly requested by the teachers and students, he would even continue to enclose Su Zhen, which was obviously not in line with common sense.

"The great prince wanted to say that there was an invisible big hand behind him to control everything, even though Yuanshen Taoist ancestors had to obey orders?"

Su Zhen looked at him.

Long Pan's expression was solemn, and he nodded: "Yes." "From Amnesty World to the Fengyunbang Finals, and invited me to participate, there are signs that a presence has noticed me and hopes that I will grow under his nose , I can come to the Royal Academy, it can be said that he 'arranged with one hand'. "Su Zhen turned to look at the window, as if through the water

Crystal Glass saw the prosperous city in the central area of ​​Zhongzhou and the man sitting in the magnificent palace. He said: "It can affect the Royal Academy and makes Vice President Yuanshen very worried about the existence. Except for this one, I do n’t think so. Out of others. "

Under the corner of Long Pan's mouth twitched, there was an inexplicable fear in his eyes: "If that is the case, let's ..."

"With his strength, he wants to kill us. It's just an idea. Since all of this is purposeful, at least I don't want to destroy me, so let's practice in a hollow manner. Only strength is the pursuit of the warrior."

Su Zhendao.

"It can only be so." Long Pan sighed.

Clearly defeated the champion club, poetry club and many other student organizations, but could not mention a little excitement, but worried.

"The crown prince will start college life, I am going to retreat."

Su Zhendao.

"Oh, the deputy leader of the Soviet Union can have a place of retreat?" Long Panzhi shook his head and shook away the miscellaneous thoughts. Just as Su Zhen said that the existence of too horrible, a thought can kill one's own side, it is better to consider too long-term things. Do it right now.

"Not yet."

"Then I recommend one place."


"Vice Soviet leader, come with me and make sure you like it."



Haoyue was in the sky and the stars were dazzling.

Unlike the chaos in front of the Holy School during the day and the jumping of the college's chickens and dogs, the Royal Academy returned to tranquility at night, especially the rushing river outside Jiji, which was so soft under the silver moonlight, like silver gauze spreading over the large On the ground.



Suddenly, two figures descended on the river.

Long Panzhi pointed to the river below and said, "The Royal College is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and facing the river on one side, this river is the" moral river ", and there is an organization called" Linjiang School ". The river is building a crystal palace, which is quite quiet and luxurious. If the deputy leader of the Soviet Union does not dislike it, how about retreating here? "

"Linjiang School?" Su Zhen raised his eyebrows. "Yes, it is this organization. Its founder has a connection with the Sea Palace. Long Mou is an acquaintance and will guide you on your behalf." Then, Long Panzhi fell to the river.

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