Undead Emperor

Chapter 2343: Big defeat college!

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The head resembles a snail, resembles a crocodile, has a bone spur on its back, and the scale armor reveals a fierce and fierce breath with a trembling glow. Still striking.

It lies there, symbolizing cruelty.


The tsunami covered the sun, and the raging waves hit the sky. As the blood sea finally rolled, the entire body of the eight-armed dragon appeared, most notably the eight crocodile legs derived from its name, each of which was as thick as a column, with sharp claws! After the eight-armed dragon appeared completely, the blood sea rolled more and more fiercely.

He Zuijiu's momentum is the same.


"An ancient fierce beast is resurrected?" All the members looked at the high-altitude scene, their eyes were straight, they couldn't believe it, Shu Jiangchen and Cui Yingong glanced at each other, and they all saw the horror in their expressions.

The eight-armed dragon, extinct from ancient times, how can it be resurrected now?

Su Zhen did not give them extra time to guess. The strongest supernatural power came back. In the face of thousands of supernatural power qigong, his hands were empty in pressure, the sea of ​​blood collapsed, the eight-armed dragon, the roaring sky, the foot of the waves, and the monstrous tsunami Come.


After some collisions, it can be said that the world is falling apart and the rivers are flowing backwards.

The surrounding buildings could not withstand the storm and collapsed one after another. Although several mentors in the Holy School tried their best to shelter, it was also useless. With a muffled sound, the commendation hall that symbolized the highest honor of the college was ruined.


"help me……"

"Senior, quickly block the fierce beast."

"Everyone back!"

"No, my magic weapon! Ah, my arm, my arm is broken ..." There were screams all over the ears, and the students who rose from the sky fell like birds with broken wings, or the magic weapon was destroyed, or It was a broken arm or a severe wound, and each was in a state of embarrassment.

It's crackling.

The siege of the students fell as if the rain had poured out. Gu Wenguang, Cen Junqing, and Fuguang of the three famous earthquake colleges in Beizhaonan, vomited blood and exploded at the same time, and suffered internal injuries. If there is no panacea, do not want to recover for three to five years. The Aohai dragon sees the wind and makes the rudder, feeling the horror of blood and blood, turning into an ice dragon to escape and escape, just breaking a tail

Forget it, the deity did not suffer obvious trauma. Shu Jiangchen fought against Cui Yin and could not retreat. He exerted his magical powers to resist qi and blood, and the result was that each mouth was sprayed with blood, white as paper, and the breath was weak. His bones seemed to be broken.

Thousands of Tianjiao defeated by one's own strength.

Su Zhen took a deep breath, resembling a giant whale sucking water, and returned to the body with majestic energy and blood, and he became full of energy again. He spread his arms, the vast galaxy appeared on the left, and the wild river on the right.

"Book Jiangchen, Cui Yingong, the competition is not over yet, come again."

Su Zhen pushed his hands sideways.

The vast galaxy, the turbulent turbulence, the hundreds of rivers, the wild rivers, the turbulent surging, the destruction of the mountains and the Yue, respectively, locked the two major students. Shu Jiangchen's complexion became extremely ugly. Unexpectedly, he summoned his subordinates to fight, and he was beaten without being supported by a single face. At this moment, the Milky Way swept over. He gritted his teeth and decided to use the card: "Su Zhen, no wonder you are cruel and act. Like a devil, I still treat my classmates

Go all out? Huh, I can be the first holy student for hundreds of years, but it is not a vanity who has its own merits. The mythical record I created at that time was to fight against Daozu one hundred moves undefeated. You want to beat me. far! "

The voice fell.


Shu Jiangchen ripped Zhu Zi's deep coat, revealing his chest, and his chest skin was engraved with text. The silver awns flowed in each gully to form a sacred article. The most terrifying thing was a seal stamped on the abdomen. Big seal!


"No, this is ... school motto?" Su Zhenning looked at it, at first thought it was a sage chapter, but found that the sequence was clear, the order was clear, and it was reciting the rules of the Royal Academy. He actually engraved this thing on his body? "Your First Saint student is qualified enough, even the school motto is engraved on the whole body, but how can this thing be used? Let's see if it can carry my Avenue of All Living Beings." In the eyes of the vision, he has seen a lot of weird things.


All means end with combat power.

The vast galaxy, raging and rushing, rushed to the book dust, the wild river, surging, and drowning to Cui Yingong, the members below all forgot to scream pain, staring at the sky in a daze, worried about the end of the two saints.

"Su Zhen, you are the first person to force me to such a field with the Tibetan realm. You are proud of yourself. Look, this is my strongest card!" Shu Jiangchen's voice became hoarse and contained madness. Meaning.


When all sentient beings rushed, and when he was about to overwhelm him—

"Sacrifice for the school motto, right ..." Shu Jiangchen's eyes became red, his expression stubborn, and his mouth screamed. The school motto written on his skin became brighter and brighter, and there seemed to be changes.

And at this time.

A mysterious energy flooded in, covering the entire square, and the sound of buzzing from the void saw the surging galaxy, the surging flood river, moved into the parallel plane, and swept in the void but could not have any impact on this world. , As if locked in a mirror.

Su Zhen's attack was resolved silently.

"Yuanshen!" Su Zhen's brow furrowed, and Yun Yun's breezy expression was slightly solemn. He was too familiar with this kind of energy, not belonging to the endless Xingyu Tiandao Fan Tao, but balanced with it. This is clearly the Yuanshen energy. .

The Yuanshen comes! Shu Jiangchen, Cui Yingong also noticed this matter, and instantly understood who was coming. He quickly stopped to activate the engraved school motto. Yin Mang gradually converged. He put on Zhu Zi's deep suit again, and Cui Yingong next to him also stopped fighting. , Respectfully admiring the ritual in the void: "Student book Jiang Chen (Cui Yingong)

, To meet the vice-president. "

"Student visits the deputy dean!"

The embarrassed students below realized who was there and quickly struggled to get up. They asked in a respectful manner, and even the crane fairy of the Demon Gate and the ape domineering waited for the ceremony after a brief surprise. .

"associate dean?"

Su Zhen looked into a void.

Under his gaze, the void was split, and a white-haired old man in a yellow robe came out. Following him was Sikong Mingjing, which could be judged by the position of the first director. One of Yuanshen, Gao Ju [deputy dean] of the position of deputy dean ----

Guan Qiusheng! "The Book of Saints is a happy day. Why is it so embarrassing? What kind of system do you say?" The deputy director of Huang Pao and Bai Fa looked down at the scene below, with a sullen face and a deep sneer.

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