Undead Emperor

Chapter 2338: Three days later

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In the south mountain of the college, there is a valley full of peach blossoms, long streams and streams, farmland mulberry houses, and flowers blooming on the fields, just like the small towns under the east fence of farmers. This place is the residence of one of the two super powers of the college.

There is a plaque [Peach Blossom Source] hanging at the entrance of the village.

The poem and poetry meeting was created by Li Mubai. The predecessor was purely a literary friend, a poetry writer, and had similar interests. As a member, as Cui Yingong took over the nature of the gradual change, in addition to the need to be proficient in qinqi painting and calligraphy, poetry and song, but also need to have enough realm.

Now the poems will be all masters.

There is a wooden pavilion in the depths of Nongsang. It was originally the old site of Li Mubai ’s bamboo house, which was later built by Cui Yingong. It is the central place for the poetry and poetry meeting. , As if no one had written poetry for a long time.

This day.

In the hall, there were several figures sitting and talking.

Headed by a beautiful man with soft feet and head, wearing a white shirt with a zizi, red waistband around his waist, fair skin, like a jade crown, and a pair of peach eyes. He lay lazily on the chair, sandwiching the amber cup between his fingers, and shook his head as the female member played dance music, intoxicated.

He is Cui Yingong.

If you do n’t see it with your own eyes, it ’s hard to imagine Cui Yingong, one of the four saints, who is so lazy, contrary to Shu Jiangchen and Zhai Qingluan ’s temperament, like a young kid who does n’t learn and has nothing to do with it. day.

"In this door last year, the face of the peach blossomed red. The face of the human face does not know where, and the peach blossom still smiles."

Cui Yingong shook his head to sing poetry.

His voice is lazy and very nice, and the temperament revealed most appeals to girls.

"Which girl does the president think of again? This poem has been heard by you dozens of times. Presumably that woman won the favor of the president. If you like it, if you marry it back, even if you are the daughter of the elder, I ca n’t humiliate the other party ’s identity, so why bother?

A poem will laugh at the top.

"Senior Chen didn't understand the sentence 'I don't know where to go'? It means that the chairman didn't know the whereabouts of the beautiful woman, so he just fell in love." A senior man next to him laughed and laughed. Although the nature of the poetry has changed, the overall atmosphere is far It will be easier than the champion.

"Marriage is unsatisfactory, let's do a good job now." Cui Yingong drank his glass of wine and sat up lazily. He asked in a straight voice: "Gongsun Moli sent me a message saying that Jiang Jiangchen wanted to meet me. going or not?"

"Because Su Zhen?" "Besides that guy, who can make Shu Jiangchen so much fanfare? When Si Kong Mingjing called me, I didn't go, showing that I didn't want to contradict Su Zhen. The guy was really strong and beat. Fortunately, I just hit a nose! But the condition of Shu Jiangchen ’s opening was very tempting, claiming to meet with Ji Yinge and wanting to recommend me to enter the study room ... Master Hong Tianxi feasted me and said As long as I am willing to go to the Hanlin Academy, within ten years, I can take the bachelor's position. But this is the way for the champion, Shu Jiangchen, Yuan Dongdao, they will go, this son will not do it, or not

After being able to be content, it is very tempting to recommend directly to the study. "

"But Su Zhen is really strong."

"So Shu Jiangchen wanted to invite me! And he also said that he would inform Shui Xuan and the gods of them. Those guys had done Yue Lu, Ling Xiao, Bei Chen, and New Dean of Storm, if they wanted to be recognized, the most The direct approach is to teach Su Zhen, I think I will agree. "

"Even so, there is no Yuanshenjing."

"Shu Jiangchen can consecrate the holy students, but he has made a hundred moves in the hands of Yuanshen Taoist ancestors undefeated. Although I don't have this kind of experience, I don't have much combat power, and I'm not weak in myself. , Plus Shui Xuanshen is enough for them. "

"Then we listen to the chairman."

"Well, poetry will want to enter the court, this is an excellent springboard, so decided." Cui Yingong stood up and ordered: "Submit my command, tomorrow afternoon I will feast the book Jiangchen Saint students in the poetry building."


The next day, in the afternoon.

In the hall.

Shu Jiangchen came as scheduled. The accompany was not Gongsun Moli but Shi Shenxiu. Cui Yingong slightly raised his eyebrow when he saw it, but did not ask any circumstances. He invited them to sit and shouted poems to accompany the high-level.

After a simple greeting, go straight to the topic.

Cui Yingong said: "I agree with the proposal of the senior schoolmaster. I don't know when I will meet the new schoolchildren?"

Shu Jiangchen didn't speak, and the teacher next to him said: "Cui Xueyi, the younger brother went to see Director Sikong yesterday to understand the situation. The school recognized Su Zhen's identity and decided to enclose it as the fifth Saint student. The time is fixed. Three days later, the place is still the Holy School. "

Cui Yingong: "Can the dean be here?"

Shi Shenxiu said: "Due to the accident, the Dean cannot escape from the event. The whole process is presided over by Director Si Kong and Vice President Xu."

Cui Yingong nodded: "There is Yuan Yuan sitting in peace, so decide that three days later, the Holy School will prepare a generous gift for the new student."


Wanxianmen, cliff face, crane tower.

"The freshman Su Zhen listened to the announcement." A sing came from outside the cliff, and alarmed everyone in the house. He Xianzi Dai frowned and was preparing to use the array to look at the outside world. Su Zhen's eyes were covered with a layer of silver, which had passed through the building See the situation clearly.

A college administrator is holding a purple shaft in the sky.

"It's a steward." Su Zhen stood up and walked towards the door of the building: "Go out and see, don't care what tricks the group plays."

The Royal Academy is nothing more than an episode for him. The best solution is the fastest. As far as the seven seven eight eight things are concerned, it is smooth at one time, and he has enough confidence to let him fear no conspiracy. In the world downstairs, he can just Kill another Yuanshen again.

However, trouble did not come.

After a moment.

Su Zhen returned to the building and Bai Shi waited around to ask: "What's the situation looking for you?"

Su Zhen opened the purple shaft with the words of iron painting and silver hook on it, writing: The new student Su Zhen was awarded the title of "Mythical Student" because he crossed the Dao of Yuanying to achieve the standard of mythical achievements. He was held a ceremony in the Holy School three days later.

"Brother Su has become a student?"

Bai Shi was dumbfounded.

Long Ying'er looked at the asteroid and worshipped: "Brother-in-law is really powerful. He just arrived at the forefoot at the forefoot and was enshrined as a holy student. Seeing the look of that group of guys, there is nothing more than a holy student standing behind him. How can they be so angry! "

Someone else is calm.

"With Dean Su's fighting power, the holy students deserved their names, and when they defeated Shu Jiangchen, they will become the first holy students. This is expected to be read out." Zhang Yulong congratulated them, they didn't touch much , This is normal. "Oh, three days later, the Holy School?" Su Zhen looked at the purple axis, and his eyes stayed on the last few words. It seemed that this was the day when he met Shu Jiangchen.

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