Undead Emperor

Chapter 2304: Leave it to you

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"Then make you convinced by mouth!" Presumably with Wulong's halberd shape, Su Zhen was like a ants, and this ants held the halberd with one hand, lifted it up, and then faced ninety-nine Buddha statues. Smash it.


The whole world downstairs was shaking, the low mountains below completely collapsed, the Jiangnan water village turned into nothingness, the five evil dragons roared into the sky, shattered stars, and split the sky, unstoppable.


call! When the halberd was split, the compressed vacuum could be seen with the naked eye. The gas mask was as big as a bucket, and it collided fiercely with the palm of the volley, pressing the strongest wave of air ever. Lama Jiuyang ’s golden body disintegrated instantly, and it was unsuccessful to summon the virtual image of the Buddha. Those qi waves were like hidden weapons.

Penetrating his body, the blood was dripping, and screamed and fell to the distance. The disciple of the magistrate who protects the country is only a slight chance to advance to the master of Yuanshen, and he ca n’t even stop the storm of battle?

Like him, there are worms.

This thin old man, Naidan, burst at the first time. His hands turned over and performed the tricks of the founding dean of Lingxiao College. The atmosphere of calligraphy and Confucianism appeared one after another, but he was vulnerable to the storm.

He whispered, showing his original shape.

The centuries-long flying centipede emptied into the distance and wanted to avoid the storm, but it was also slowed down by the storm, and despite the constant struggle, to no avail, there were a lot of scattered Buddha shadows, palms. , Long Wei waited to fall.


After a violent collision, the flying centipede was hit hard, and even the body was scorched in half by the red evil dragon breath, forcibly broken, tearing the void, and barely leaving the battle circle.

Look into the sky again-

The storm is still raging, and you can vaguely see a large number of Buddha shadows in it, palm gangs roaming, and five behemoths roaring repeatedly, open teeth and claws, any Buddha shadows, palm gangs, swastikas, and the Buddhist scriptures are torn into shatters. .


A gold cast dragon claw reached out and grabbed a Buddha statue not far away.

next moment.

The Buddha statue was dragged into the storm, and was thrown into the entrance by the Golden Dragon in vain, chewed into pieces, and swallowed down. In the process, the crisp sound of 'Gang Bong' Boom 'could be heard, like The scrap metal was crushed and very harsh.

During chewing, golden liquid still came out of my mouth, as if bleeding.

After the Golden Dinosaur devoured the Buddha statue, the other four were unwilling to fall behind. They all extended giant claws from the storm and continuously ingested the Buddha statue to chew into the dregs. The Golden Dinosaur also began the second round of hunting ... Under the continuous efforts of the five-headed behemoth The total amount of Buddha statues is declining rapidly.



Ninety six.









… Fahua is not an opponent at all in the face of the Five Dragon Painted Halberd. As he said, even if his master is left, it is impossible to beat the Five Dragon Painted Halberd. When he saw that the general trend was gone, even if he rushed up recklessly, it was just moths fighting the fire. The only thing he can do now is to complete the mission and pass on the heritage

Carry on. The headed Buddha image glanced at the five evil dragons that raged in the storm, with a firm look in his eyes, and turned to march to the Jiuyang Lama.

The storm is far away.

Lama Jiuyang lay muddy in the void, in a very poor state. The storm severely damaged his magical body, and his body was riddled with holes. It was almost destroyed. Even the ghost was also severely damaged. Rescue, he still wants to fly away.

Boom Boom Boom, the statue of Optimus Buddha stepped forward.

"Senior, save ... save me!" Lama Jiuyang struggled to stand up after seeing it with his horn, and his mouth kept overflowing with blood, and he begged with painful expression. Every time he said a word, his breath faded, it was obvious The lamp runs out of oil.

But now is not the time for him to die. The Buddha image of the incarnation of the monk Fahua said: "Jiuyang, you are my Buddha's disciple, and it is your responsibility to demons and demons! The poor monk is demonstrating unfavorable demons today and is about to dissipate. Heaven, turn into a Buddha! It ’s up to you to complete the unfinished business of the poor monk ... This artifact is more terrifying than

The poor monk can imagine that in the ancient times, no heavenly **** could control and manipulate this kind of thing, even if he had been recognized, he would consume a lot of energy. He must only use it this time! When he is exhausted, you can carry the power of Yuanshen, destroy it, and make a life for the world! "

"Senior wants to pass it on to me?"

The sudden happiness made the Lama Jiuyang stunned, and his eyes burst out with the color of returning to the light, struggling to flip his body, looking up at the Buddha statue in Qingtian, and daring not to put the channel: "I, can I be the Yuanshen?"

"Enter my door, do what I do, have deep roots, and you can't go against it forever!"

"Nine Yang--" "Inheritance!" The monk Fahua didn't talk nonsense to him. At this time, the five evil dragons had devoured 70 Buddha statues, and there would be no chance to inherit any more. As the apparently overbearing words fell, the Buddha image incarnate by the monk Fahua began to burn from the soles of his feet, and a turquoise flame rose up and wrapped up

Buddha statue body. Then the Buddha statue melted and turned into a drop of gold juice, while the blue flames condensed into a fire lotus.

The golden juice adhered to the lotus petals and turned into Sanskrit characters.

This scene has appeared, and it is clearly the scene when he attacked Su Zhen with the "Miao Falian Hua Jing". The Sanskrit characters on this blue fire lotus are still the "Miao Falian Hua Jing".


the other side.

"Huh?" Su Zhen saw the inheritance of Fahua through the storm. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the five evil dragons. Just like Dao was really suspicious, Fahua also thought he could activate Wulong painting at most. Halberd cannot be manipulated flexibly.

It's like a great flying sword. After the recognition of the Lord, it can be controlled when the state is not enough, but it has serious flaws in flexibility. But this is not the case. In a sense, the five dragons painted halberds did indeed recognize Su Zhen, but because of Su Zhen ’s undead blood, Wulong painted halberds felt more trembling after worshipping, and they were courtiers to the monarch.


and so--

As long as the Wulong painted halberd wakes up, Su Zhen can flexibly manipulate it.

For example now.

He was completely able to abandon the remaining Buddha statue, directly smash the bicolor fire lotus that was shrinking, and send the Jiuyang Lama back to Pure Land. But after Su Zhen's brain quickly turned, he pressed this idea, and continued to let the evil dragon devour the Buddha statue.

He is waiting for the Jiuyang Lama to advance. "The Yuanshen Tribulation Nine Heavy, I will encounter it when I cross the robbery in the future. Since I have the opportunity now, it is better to observe the experience first and prepare for the future. As for the Jiuyang Lama becoming a Buddha, I can still use the halberd to show it three more times. Even if you become an immortal, you have to die. "Su Zhen manipulated the painted halberd to think of a good way. Today, first look at the Jiuyang crossing, and then kill him to prepare for the future.

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