Undead Emperor

Chapter 2253: Summon Blood Ancestor

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Su Zhen defeated the eight demons with one punch, Ang Zang stood in the air, dancing with long hair, as if the **** of war is coming, with indescribable courage, as if he could hide the Wanlihe Mountain in his chest, look up to the sky and scream, can be forever!

"How about this punch?" Su Zhen asked quietly.

The blood made the face look old, ragged, unkempt, and embarrassed, staring at Su Zhen's eyes and revealing a trace of fear, but it was once the Yuanshen. Although shocked by the power of Su Zhen's eruption, he noticed that Su Zhen was weak at the moment. Some are strong outsiders.

"Shooting this punch with his realm, sure to evacuate all the energy, he is now Seili Nei, you join forces and destroy him together!"

Drink for the first blood.

His appearance is the oldest, with shriveled, wrinkled skin, age spots, and thinning hair, showing his scalp, just like an old man, and he has suffered the most from all blood.

"Millions of bats!"

He tried his best to swing his wings, and once again centered on him, a pungent blood fierce appeared, and the black gas rolled up, forming a slightly exhausted blood fierce ocean, in which a vampire bat emerged.

Swarms of bats flew.

"Millions of bats have no borders!" The other seven blood envoys followed to perform Qigong, and the eight became one, and the majestic blood reappeared in the ocean. Hundreds of thousands of bats swooped to take Su Zhen in a weak state.


external. On the Longcheng gossip-shaped stand, millions of onlookers have a very small part of them, their eyes wide open, or they are gloating, or they are excited, or they are nervously watching the blood of the counterattacks of the blood: "Su Zhen is exhausted now, there is no way to resist Is it right? The tenth boxing of "Thirteen Boxings of the True Sect" is already supreme, this

This kind of grade needs to get the Yuanshen to display, it is not unreasonable, even the big devil Su Zhen can't afford it! "

This is not optimistic about Su Zhen.

Hearing this, the warriors around turned collectively and stared at the warrior. The warrior's scalp was numb and uncomfortable, and he felt like a beautified jumping beam clown. He swallowed and said, "I said Wrong? "

The crowd kept silent and continued to look at him.

"The big devil has no real energy, what can he use to resist the blood attack?" The warrior said hardly.

The crowd kept silent and continued to look at him.

"You see, the big devil is still in a weak state." The warrior is also a Daozang realm, but he was promoted ten years ago, and he was in the closed state for the first hundred years. When he went out, he just met the finals of the Kyushu Fengyun Ranking and saw Su Zhen. A brief introduction, no in-depth understanding of the combat process.

"You don't know Su Zhen at all?"

Someone asked. The warrior was stared at and covered with hair, and finally came to Ken to speak, and immediately answered: "I saw all the contestants' introduction yesterday, knowing that Su Zhen is superior in power, and did a lot of big things, but the eight blood It is so true that he is still invincible, he is hard to resist, and he may even die

Both have sex. "


A large number of warriors around turned to watch him not speaking. One of the eagle hook noses said, "This brother was killed by Su Zhen, and he doesn't share it with him, but he also has to admit that the great devil is superior in strength, and he can be called the first in terms of talent. In terms of non-existence, he can devour everything, supernatural powers, qigong, laws of others

Wait, the visitor refuses, how can this situation be exhausted? "

The warrior froze: "Can it still be like this?"

The martial arts around said: "Otherwise, he has provoked so many forces, and no one can do anything about it now? Look, the eight bats don't understand the importance, and they are quickly killed by Su Zhen."

As he said.

Wan Man Wu Jiang is getting closer and closer, Su Zhen stands in the sky, motionless, as if there is really no means of resistance, and even the eight ancestors' blood reveals a terrible color on his face, as if the winning ticket is in hand.

However, at the moment when the attack was approaching-

Su Zhen's mouth was slightly warped, and a vast and magnificent river, like the galaxy of the Milky Way, erupted from the body, traversed in front of him, and gently swept, then the hundreds of thousands of bats turned to ashes.

First Avenue: sentient beings. The Avenue of All Beings is composed of various laws, supernatural powers, and qigong, including "Great Devourer", sweeping the bat swarm and refining it into pure energy, feeding itself back, and the state is completed in an instant. "Qiankun Shock Technique" is displayed simultaneously with Jinglili Bodhisattva, the blood column penetrating into the sky is reproduced, Wan Zhangxia

The light shone, thousands of auspicious descended, and the sacred did not dare to look directly.

"What?" The Eight Bloods shocked.

"You are too weak. Is there any other means, if not, send you on the road." Su Zhen's expression was indifferent, and his words contained strong self-confidence, far above the blood.

The ants are all under the Yuanshen!

Now Su Zhen has enough power to say this sentence.

Those blood understand that it is impossible to kill Su Zhen by normal means. If there is any reservation, the life will stay here. After looking at each other, they all say the same thing: "Sacrifice, call the power of the blood ancestor!"

The voice fell. The eight ancestors made hands cling to each other, struck a black light, merged in mid-air, and formed a dark circle. Eerie, evil, and cruel, accompanied by the monstrous blood out of the ring, as if it was a **** continent opposite. Huh, a lot of cloudy winds came out, and I could hear thunder

The sound of the waves rolling, the raging waves hitting the cliff, this is the blood sea raging.

Buzz! As the black ring vibrated, an ancient altar emerged. Its appearance was similar to that of the dark blood sacrifice, but it was more ancient, vicissitudes, and contained stronger blood evil. The most obvious thing is to summon this thing. The eight blood princes are very reluctant , Is the way to push to the end. After the altar emerged, the great

The black runes popped up, but did not spread, but instead condensed into a gigantic bat head, which was the same as breaking into Su Zhen's sea, but more powerful.

This is a blood ancestor!

"Great blood ancestor, your faithful servant sacrifices to you, prays for strength, and slays profanity." After the head of the bat condensed, the eight blood envoys knelt down with a pious look, crawling in front of the head.

"Say, what do you want me to give."

The bat head speaks ancient language, and the notes are obscure and difficult to understand. However, although the language of each race is different, the meaning of the expression is similar. As long as you reach the Jindan realm, you can identify the content of the discourse through fluctuations.

"Return to Yuanshen!" The blood said nervously.

"not enough."

Bat head spit out these two words relentlessly.


Massive sacrifices are required to return to Yuanshen Realm. With their eight current states, even basic battles are difficult to maintain, let alone offering sacrifices. In that year, he was able to survive the defeat of the Holy See. In addition to the blood pool, he also relied on sacrifices.

As a result, the realm fell. The current sacrifice is different from the dark blood sacrifice. It is a sacrifice directly to the blood ancestor, and the sacrifice is itself. This is the same as wanting to play the true power of "Thirteen Fist of the True Sect", you need to use your own life yuan.

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