Undead Emperor

Chapter 2170: Lord of Soul Hall

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Chapter Two Thousand and Seventy Chapter Lord of Soul Hall

The lights are dark.

The saying is that the lighted kerosene lamp illuminates all corners of the house, except that the shadow below it cannot be eliminated, and it is often described as: the most dangerous place is the safest place.


The city of Yanluo is huge, and there are hundreds of officials from the east to the south, and the north of the city. Once the early dynasty ends, most officials will leave the palace, but some political affairs have not been discussed, you need to find a place to continue.


Some special political opinions are inconvenient to talk in the Chaotang. They need to gather privately to discuss with the same faction, so the emperor has many famous buildings.

Shanglu Hall is one of them.

Its location is very special, located near the East Palace, and is also one of the most luxurious buildings in this area. It can be seen from the location of Shanglu Hall, but all the civil, military and military officials who are discussing here belong to the prince's vein. However, unlike other places where the officials are frequently different, the newly-built Shanglu Hall is a **** bird. With Yuan Dongdao as a national teacher, Shanglu Hall was only a little angry, and most of them were demon monks.

So there are hundred officials teasing, this is the rudder of the Temple of Heaven.

When the legalists undertook to climb the ladder, the former assistant of the Ministry of Industry was thoroughly investigated, and Hong Longhe showed his prestige in the Chaoye for the first time, so that Shanglutang became famous ... Unfortunately, it did not last long.

Yuan Dongdao


The legalist, Mori died.

The ascending ladder was continuously destroyed, the fall of Xiong Qingtian, the fall of the commander of the city patrol, etc., all caused Hong Longhe ’s prestige to be seriously damaged. His upper Lutang can be imagined, even the demon monk went clean.

This is the empty courtyard.

At this moment, there was a figure in Shanglutang. He walked in court, looking left and right, as if looking at his back garden, and finally nodded approvingly: "Not bad."

He is Su Zhen.

After getting away easily from the garrison, Su Zhen knew that there was too much exposure this time, and the enemy would understand that Daozang Realm was a casual clown for him, and he would definitely not send Daozang thoroughly to investigate.

Either stop here, or send out additional gods.

The former is a good thing, and the latter has to deal with it carefully ... Based on Yuan Dongdao's memory, Su Zhen decided to come under the "black under the lamp", so he escaped to Shanglutang. Sure enough, unlike the inns in the east and south of the city, they are questioned every day. The quietness here is terrible. The yellow leaves of the trees, the autumn wind, and the desolation of the deep courtyard. However, the golden yellow ginkgo, the red maple leaves, and the artificial stream covered with gurgling leaves all have the lonely beauty of early autumn.

There is this place in the underworld?

Su Zhen raised his eyebrows. According to Yuan Dongdao ’s memory, Hong Longhe personally drew the drawings and ordered the construction of the Ministry of Industry to be used as a base for followers. It was close to the East Palace, and many things were convenient. With this garden layout, it ’s just make sense.

It's a pity that the dream is very good. The reality is that Su Zhen's crossing the river dragon makes it muddy and basically in a deserted stage.

"As long as it is not found, no one here bothers me." Su Zhen chose this place for two purposes.

First, the second level of promotion to Daozang,

Second, everything should be done. If you want to rescue Lei Youwei and Koi King, you need to grasp the timing. The Tibetan Hall can keep an eye on the Donggong's movements at any time, and take action whenever you have the opportunity.


at the same time.

The emperor has passed the news to Hong Longhe and the eldest prince, and their reactions are very consistent, their eyes narrowed into a slit, realizing the trouble of the mysterious Dao Zang, the other party was stronger than expected.

"Your Highnesses, if you want to arrest him by Taoist possession, you have to be a god. If you only rely on me, the speed will be very slow."

In the East Palace, Emperor overbearing.

Crown Prince: "How long?"

Emperor: "On the premise that the other party does not leave, it will take about half a year."

Hong Longhe immediately said, "It's too late. The ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky will begin two months later. If I don't catch him before, how can I confess to the father and emperor? If something goes wrong with the ceremony, how can I confess to the **** Limin?"

Emperor Pai: "Then increase the Yuanshen."

The big prince glanced at the gloomy Hong Long crane eyes, his eyes narrowed, as if thinking about things. Yuanshen is very noble and noble in the Daqian Dynasty, especially in the Yanluo Dynasty. After countless years of drawing, he only walked closer to the four Yuanshen. Like Hong Longhe, except for Prime Minister Gintaro, Emperor Ba and Baijixing are all equivalent exchanges, and it has nothing to do with pulling together.

Increase the Yuanshen?

The crown prince will certainly not invite his four princes to take action. As for Hong Longhe, I am afraid that he will not be invited.

As he expected.

Hong Longhe's face became more gloomy, but he had no solution at all. It was his limit to be able to move Emperor Ba and Baijixing. Now that the mysterious Daozang has ruled out the relationship with the great prince, according to the agreement, the mission of the emperor is completed, whether it is seized or not, is a icing on the cake. Not to mention Yuanshen's help, Emperor Ba can't help, Hong Longhe can't tell.

"Let me think about it."

Hong Longhe said.

The eldest prince saw his embarrassment, and all the news he knew had been known, so he stayed soon and got up to say: "Prince, I will go back to the mansion first, and let me know if there is anything."

"Brother walk slowly."

After the eldest prince left, the emperor looked at Hong Longhe, who was poor in skills, and understood that there would be no result if he stayed there. He said goodbye, but before he had finished speaking, the rapid knocking sounded--




The voice of the little **** came from outside the house: "His Royal Highness, the location of the mysterious Daozang's initial appearance was found, and a senior wanted to see His Royal Highness!"


The decadent Hong Longhe regained his spirit, as if grabbing the last straw to save life, and stood up violently, saying: "Come in and make it clear."


The **** pushed the door in and hurried forward. He knelt down with a surprised look on his face, and he could not wait to report. When he found that the emperor was also there, he suffocated him when he came to his mouth.

The emperor replied with interest, and immediately retreated: "His Royal Highness, I will return to the house, and I will notify you if something happens."

"The general is walking slowly." Hong Longhe escorted away.

The emperor stepped out of the study and saw that there was a person wrapped in a black robe waiting outside. There was no leakage around Zhou, only the black gas was constantly changing.


Emperor Pa's pupils shrank, and he suddenly felt strong energy from the black robe, and his strength was extraordinary.

"It's you?" The emperor recognized the other party.

"General Emperor Ba, it's been a long time." The black robe figure also greeted the emperor.

"The overlord of the ghost, the supremacy of the sky, the master of the holy demon are suppressed, but the soul master, you can escape to the sky, the ability to send the soul to the sky is really extraordinary." The emperor said that he was one of the four major overlords in the outer four domains. Lord of the Soul Palace. As King Guangming said at the time, the Lord of Soul Palace left the river of fate to avoid repression, and the deity hid in the Yan Luo divine dynasty. He finally appeared today, and in the mansion of Hong Longhe, what does this indicate?


The first sentence of the little **** was: Find the place where the mysterious Daozang first appeared.

this means……

His Royal Highness Prince knew the origin of the mysterious Dao Zang?

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