Undead Emperor

Chapter 2128: Go to the ladder

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Chapter 2128 Going to the Climbing Ladder

The ministers gathered to discuss what was happening at Baiyang Street, mostly because of the lively ideas, but only one Zheng Sipin, a sour face, gloomy and reported to the boss.

Gongbei Hall.

"Master Shangshu, you were killed yesterday because of the incompetence of Fa Dao, have you heard?" A middle-aged man with a sullen look, a sturdy figure, dressed in a mantle but like a martial madman, sullenly faced a sympathetic rich man Road.

This person is called ‘Senichi’, but the insects are the best.

His ontology was registered in the court, but not many people knew it, but one thing was consensus. His current official position is Zuo Shilang from the Ministry of Industry, replacing the ancestor of the Fox family, wearing a pair of pants with the Fa family and enshrining the same master. That is Yuan Dongdao.

The rich man was Shangshu Shangshu. He deliberately showed a surprised expression and asked, "Is this still the case?"

"Fa Wu Dao sat in the mansion of Baiyang Street, and was killed by the mysterious Dao Zang. Along with the murderer, there was the fox family Yu Xihu Xian'er. This woman has been exiled as an official prostitute." According to the news, this kind of performance is nothing more than trying to stay out of the way, and he is also not polite, directly picking up the topic and forcing the other party to make a statement.

The Ministry of Industry Shangshu is a traitor, how could he be caught by him?

He said with a smile: "Fawu Dao is not a court official, and an official prostitute returns to the imperial capital, and we should not be in charge of the Ministry of Industry. Since Mori Shiro knows the details, go to the Penal Department, the Five Military Dudu Palace, and the patrol chief said that it will do. . "

"The Fa's contract to build the ladder is related to the Crown Prince's first sacrifice ceremony. The murderer's killing of the Fa is incapable of destroying the sacrifice ceremony. Once traced, our Ministry of Industry cannot escape the relationship."

"Oh, Morijiro means that the Fa family will fight the mysterious Daozo and delay the construction period?" Shang Shugong of the Ministry of Industry looked at Moriichi, and his voice solemnly said: "Mr. Morijiro, you are the new chief engineer of Climbing Ladder, other me No matter, the official only knows that if the time limit for the ascent of the ladder is delayed, you are asked first! "

"Adult, you ..."

Mori froze.

Although he had no evidence, he instinctively felt that the Ministry of Industry's Shangshu had a connection with the mysterious Daozang, and he wanted to use the ascending ladder's construction period to force the Ministry of Industry's Shangshu to bow his head.

Then again.

He was indeed the chief engineer. With the help of the national teacher, he initially took the position of the left assistant of the Ministry of Industry and forcibly took this task to share the oil and water with the Fa, but I did not expect that something would happen.

Really delayed the construction period, even the national teacher can't keep him?

Thinking about this, Mori's arrogance suddenly languished: "I'm assured that the construction period will not be delayed."


End early morning and backward.

Moriichi stood outside the palace city and contacted the head of the French family with a phonogram: "Don't control the impermanence of law and lawlessness. I will inform the patrol chief to deal with it. You must build the ladder as soon as possible."


An angry voice sounded in the phonetic note: "Mr. Mori, what does this mean?"

"Every department in the North Korea is discussing the matter of Baiyang Street. I want to force the Ministry of Industry to make a statement. The old guy threatened me with delaying the construction of the ladder. He can hear it from his tone. He must know that guy."

Mori replies.

"It will be completed in half a month after climbing the ladder!"

"I'm not a fake supervisor, but the old guy is the Ministry of Engineering's Shangshu, and the final checker on the ladder is him. He didn't press the seal. You said it would be completed when finished?" Mori said coldly, "Fa Jia Continue to build, let me deal with the matter, don't cause too much trouble to the master teachers. "

End the call.

Mori went to find the patrol chief.


Baiyang Street, Fox's Mansion.

In the backyard.

[Looking at the free bodhisattva, when the depth of travel is as long as the paramita, and the five aggregates are empty, all the misery] The ethereal voice sounded in Su Zhen ’s ears, faint, faint, trance, but very real.

Buddhist sounds, Zen singing, chanting.

It seems that it is true and false, true and false, true and false, true and false, it is difficult to tell whether it is Su Zhen's Scripture or whether it is in his mind, this ethereal feeling is indescribable.

In fact, this is epiphany.

Su Zhen has never mastered the Buddha, but awakened his four consciousnesses, and mastered the two Polo flames. To a certain extent, he has shown that he has a relationship with the Buddha. This kind of epiphany is the easiest. Observing the "Amoran consciousness" of the **** destroyer, Su Zhen first felt the ears. In other words, he was awakening his ears. The misty voice was still ringing, Su Zhen breathed calmly, his expression was plain, and the peacefulness was like the old monk who realized the Zen in the bamboo forest and wooden house after the new rain in the empty mountains.

And at this time.

The Jing blood avatar outside the hospital found a figure coming in.

It turned out to be Fox Fairy.

"Senior, there's an arrest warrant coming." Fox Xian'er was anxious, standing outside and shouting, hiding her hidden blood with her cultivation base.


The door opened.

Su Zhen walked out, he had put the formation and blood into his body, and just asked where the Fox Xian'er was holding the order, he noticed that there was a change of breath in the air. Looking up, I noticed that the air has slight ripples and waves, because it is transparent, it is difficult to distinguish, but he cannot escape his eyes.

That is a magic mask.

Precisely speaking, it is a cap of imprisonment method urged by the Yanluo City Array to prevent the target from escaping.

Su Zhen: "Legal School?"

Fox Xian'er shook his head busy and explained anxiously: "The arrest warrant is the decree of the city patrol, and it is the city commander who brought the horse."

Su Zhen: "What about people?"

Hu Xian'er is very familiar with the rules of Yanluo City: "There is a city patrol branch in the south of the city, but the predecessors have no way to kill, and they have excellent strengths. They must be transferred from the headquarters.

Su Zhen: "Come with me."

Fox Fairy: "Ah?"

Su Zhen: "I didn't have the intention to fight with the patrol chief, and the Fa came to the door without showing up, and followed me to the construction site of the ladder."

When talking with Master Mouse last night, Su Zhen analyzed from the other party's mouth that the probability of the Fa's coming here was not high, and asked the place where the ladder was built, and now changed to destroy the ceremony site.

Goal 1: Lead Yuan Dongdao.

Goal 2: It is better to make things bigger and force Hong Longhe to appear directly.

The imprisoned hood is like window paper to Su Zhen, the palm of his heart bursts with energy and shoots away with the fox fairy, the two of them just walked, and a battleship came to the back of the foot, and the flag was written. The figure of "Bing" with an iron painting and a silver hook, standing on the deck, all silver armor halberds, majestic, and a thousand troops.

Headed by a man with dark golden eyes and pupils standing upright, he looked at the mansion and summoned a subordinate to ask, "Where did the person go?"

The subordinate flipped his hands, shot a green air, and merged into the broken part of the magic mask.

A strange scene happened, the Fa mask was restored, and a scene of Su Zhengang's destruction was condensed. Watching him break his palm with one hand, carrying Fox Immortal towards the east, and even the route of flying escape was revealed.

"Sir, the thief is going to the ladder!" The subordinate said.

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