Undead Emperor

Chapter 2067: Bride, Li Youwei

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Chapter Two Thousand Sixty-seven Bride, Li Youwei


"Su Zhen and the sea princess Li Youwei, held a wedding in the Light Church, inherited the Light Church, the Ancestral Gods Church, the Monster Ancestral Court, the South Sea Monster Race, and all the guests present at the ceremony to pay their respects. On behalf of the two newcomers, Xue Wushuang thanked everyone. "Xue Wushuang bowed slightly to his seat. Some onlookers were excited. They were Yuanying Realm and Jindan Realm. Quickly jump out of their throats ... they found that this is the most correct decision, not only witnessing the true body of Yuanshen, but also being respected by Dao Zang, and then there are even larger scenes, those who have not come to regret their life.

Thanks for the end.

Xue Wushuang looked at the Golden Bridge with a smile and said in a clear voice: "Now I announce, the ceremony--"


"Groom official please come on!"

As her voice fell, the fireworks spread all over the platform, and the formation was in unison, creating a hundred times of radiance, auspiciousness, colorful clouds, and fireworks that composed various patterns and kept bursting.

The sound of ritual music is improved.

Those beautiful women in the air, the sturdy youths spread flowers and wave flags, walking beasts, birds, and fishes are more cheerful, roaring, and tweets are full of joy and excitement.




The really cohesive smallpox began to change during the fall, some became birds, fluttered and chirped, some became little beasts, fell to the stands and ran, some became virtuoso, some became sword-skilled youth , Some cross-legged chanting, some shirtless boxing, all kinds of.

Some onlookers reached out to touch.

The moment I touched a ‘bare shirted fist’, the scene exploded like a bubble, and at the same time a piece of qigong merged into my mind. The man ’s eyes were bright and he shouted excitedly: “This is a king-level qigong!”


"These are qigong?" Many onlookers heard and reached out their hands, and all kinds of excitement suddenly came one after another, some got swordsmanship, some got experience, some had beautiful scenes in their minds, some got nothing.

It turns out that not all contain implication, and implication is also different.




The golden lotus on the ground began to change, blooming a variety of colorful flowers, forming a sea of ​​flowers, colorful butterflies dancing, flying to the stands, and the warriors quickly reached out to grab.


An exercise came to mind.

These butterflies are the same as those of small birds, small beasts, boxers, swordsmen, shami, etc., making the scene exciting and unstoppable. Some juniors have received imperial qigong, which has led to small conflicts. Fortunately, there are Yuanying, Daozang belt Team, understand that the trouble here is to find death, and the severity is more than junior.


Around Kyushu.

"This picture is so beautiful. The wedding of the Big Devil is so grand. It is simply a fairyland on earth. The ordinary Dao Tibetan family wants to create such a grand scene, I am afraid it will consume the whole family."

"After all it's the devil."

"Hey hey, why am I distressed about the cost of teleportation arrays, those butterflies, birds, etc. actually contain imperial qigong? Get an article that can make the family rise again, not to mention seeing Yuanshen's style, which one am I? Did n’t you go if you did n’t have the right muscle? ”The wedding scene was synchronously broadcasted all over Kyushu. The shadow wall was suspended in the sky. As long as you looked up, you could see clearly. Some intestines that did n’t go were regretted, and more were gone, watching Qigong , Great experience delivery, not greedy.


Wedding scene.

After the big delivery, the atmosphere in the venue reached a new climax. At this time, Su Zhen was solemnly debuted. I saw a black spot at the end of the golden bridge. The black spots are getting closer and closer, gradually becoming figures, and when walking to the middle of the bridge, the figure's dress is revealed first.

That's a body suit.

The upper body is a red cardigan with a dragon embroidered with gold wire, and the lower body is a skirt with small gold embroidered embroidered with gold thread, a jade belt around the waist, cloud boots with feet, hair **** with a red rope, and no hat.

The clothes are luxurious and festive, but not very eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers' eyes were staring into bronze bells, looking carefully at the figure's face, but unfortunately even the lines of the clothes were clearly seen, but they couldn't see their faces clearly, until the figure walked to the second half of the Golden Bridge, it gradually became clear, revealing a Zhang Jianmei starry eyes, angular face.

very handsome.

The most important thing is that the kind of momentum that will convince the Kyushu Tianjiao, the old powerhouses, no matter how they are dressed, just this momentum is enough to attract everyone's attention.

This young man is a myth of martial arts!

"Big Devil!"

"Su Zhen!"

"It's a strong momentum. He has clearly practiced for only a few hundred years. I have been in the Dao Tibetan realm for 4,000 years. Seeing him feel like a high mountain? On the martial arts, this son has made the old man hard to see his back ..."

The onlookers shocked.

In the grand scene, in the grand momentum, at the moment when the Lord appears, whether the scene can be calm is the most important. The four primordial spirits came to avoid the grab of the limelight, but also created a threshold, Su Zhenruo ca n’t surpass , The limelight is also gone.


He is Su Zhen!

Even when he appeared with Yuanshen at the same time, he didn't lose the evil spirits in the slightest wind. After he debuted, he listened to the tsunami-like argument of the mountain. He didn't move, so he stood with his hands down, and Xue Wushuang stood beside him and didn't move.

Let Su Zhen look around the field.

Under his gaze, the tsunami-like discourse of voice gradually disappeared, and whenever he looked at an area, that area seemed to be covered by invisible coercion, and half of the words came to an abrupt end.

After a round of look around.

Absolutely quiet in the field, the atmosphere was controlled by Su Zhen's eyes. At this time, he spoke, his voice was not loud, but it rang clearly in everyone's ears: "Today's Sumou wedding, thank you for coming, and Sumoujing will have a drink later."

A very short sentence.

After speaking.

Xue Wushuang stepped forward with a smile, thanking the guests again for Su Zhen, and then cleared his voice: "There is a bride now." The voice fell, and the golden bridge retracted, and a colorful rainbow was lit at the end of the platform. Cross the sky and link to the reception desk.

This is a rainbow bridge.

Everyone looked towards the end, and there were two black spots there. As they got closer and closer, they gradually became clear. One of them also wore a Xiuhe suit, the top was embroidered with a golden phoenix, and the bottom skirt was green Luan, jade belt around his waist, cloud boots on his feet, blue silk bun, wearing a phoenix crown, earrings, a necklace of gemstones on the snow-white neck, and a jade bracelet on his wrist, is very luxurious.

Her appearance is very clear.

The skin is as thick as fat, the facial features are exquisite, and the eyebrows are as picturesque as the perfect woman who emerged from the classical paintings. The temperament of her body is also noble.

She is perfect!

Even if there are many people in the Eastern District who know Li Youwei, she has a stunning feeling when she sees Xiuhe clothing ... This is the bride's appearance.

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