Undead Emperor

Chapter 2026: The Ancient Demon, no one can stop

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Chapter Two Thousand and Twenty-Six The Ancient Devil, No One Can Stop It


Zhao Tiansheng's masterpiece of Zhou Xiangxiang's auspicious light, the red python robe turned into a **** seal character, circling around the body, exuding monstrous shame, whistling and rotating to resist the pressure of the world, and rushed to Su Zhen.

"Blood Demon!"

Zhao Tiansheng let out a beast-like roar.

With the sound falling, every blood-seal character turned into a grim ghost, with a grin and a smirk, and Zhao Tiansheng was ten times more fierce than the blood demon ancestor.

The onlookers were shocked.

"What happened to Zhao Zhangyuan, how did it look like this?"

"Confucianism, Confucianism?"

"It's a terrifying evil spirit. It's a hundred times more terrifying than the big devil. He's the real devil ... Who can tell me what happened, why did Zhao Zhangyuan suddenly become like this, is it the fire?" Even the oldest The ancestors of the Taoist Tibetans did n’t understand it. The identity of Zhao Tiansheng ’s previous sages ’articles has been made public, and even the divine power can be erased.

But a scene ...

No one can explain.

Only Wuwushuang, Duguye, Zhuge Qianzhong know the reason ... Kyushu King ’s Mansion has cheats, recording all kinds of secrets from the ancient times to the present, including the secret stories of the court, otherwise the incident of the Linghuang Island will not be revealed, and there is about Zhao Tiansheng His sage article was not false in his previous life, but there were hundreds of sage articles at the time, and less than fifty articles were preserved.

Where are the others?

Part of it was destroyed in the process of abolition ... It ’s true that the ancient sages had monstrous abilities, but the inheritance of the immortals they want to abolish is still good, and it ’s good to leave half of them. Use to spread faith.

Zhao Tiansheng is one of them.

After the establishment of the Dagan dynasty, these demons were completely destroyed, some disappeared in the long river of history, and some were reproduced in various forms. Zhao Tiansheng's chapter condensed him. Because he is a sage's article, he showed that Confucianism and Taoism were very strong, and his talents even surpassed Hong Tianxi. The reason why he did not stay upright was the problem of infection.

So the court knew.

He has been transformed by the evil spirit in his bones, and once he encounters certain things, he may reveal his true face. Looking back now, the sage's article, Fangying Gougou, and trying to climb up, it means that Zhao Tiansheng has a problem, and now it is pushed to the extreme, and finally shows his true face.


Ice Dragon Turtle.


"This guy is really a magic article!"

Du Guye looked at Xuesha's body, and Zhao Tiansheng's pupils of Mo Wei's monstrous sky shrank.

"The waste that has not succeeded and failed, failed to kill Su Zhen, forcing the deity to be exposed." Ao Wushuang's face was ugly, and the development of this matter was beyond their imagination. The two deans died and they let one From the appearance of the second grade officials, his face sank, and his body was full of vitality: "It is impossible to count on these wastes. Let us three shoot together and kill Su Zhen quickly."

"it is good!"

The voice fell.


A rush of fighting spirit poured into the sky, Du Guye pulled off the three-claw dragon robe, took off the Pingtian Crown to reveal his intrepid figure, and was ready to go out in person.

"and many more."

Just when the two were about to shoot, Zhuge Qianzhong stopped them and stared at the battlefield with a condensed voice: "Zhao Tiansheng is not necessarily a bad thing to force his true body. The true power of the sage's article can't be exerted, but he can fully control it. Maybe there will be a miracle. "


The sage article can abolish prostitution, but Zhao Tiansheng's performance is superior to Hengyan Fan, but it is not really invincible. It is not exhausting to keep up with the legend of the ancient sage article. Since he had been infested, it is easy to explain. Now that the real body is exposed, the power of the magic article is not weakened at all. It can pollute the ancient sages. It must not be underestimated.

First look at his performance.

The three Royal Highnesses stared at them, and under their gaze, Zhao Tiansheng rushed to Su Zhen, his right hand with five fingers into claws, and caught in the void. As he moved, the blood devil's head flew up.

"Jian Jie."

"Squeak ... chubby ..."


In Su Zhen's ears, there were ghosts crying and howling, screaming screams, those little devils bit his arm, biting all over frantically, and even the **** evil power visible to the naked eye slammed into his mind.

in mind--

Wow la la, a vast ocean of blood appeared out of thin air. The wind and blood rain, and the raging waves, like the birth of the Black Xuanwu, blood waves like blood lotus blooming, carrying a figure appeared.


As soon as the figure appeared, he roared first.

The blood lotus bloomed, revealing a blood demon evil spirit twisted by a blood column, hidden in a cloak, holding a steel fork ... This is the heavenly immortal that invaded Zhao Tiansheng's predecessor.

"Small mortal, he didn't kneel when he saw the god."

The blood demon **** sounds like a gong.

He waved the steel fork and manipulated the sea of ​​blood.

"Yin Soul Su Zhen" glanced at him without expression: "Very good, good tonic, worth the complete inheritance of Niu Mo Tian Xian, which will allow the Wulong Painted Halberd to basically gain momentum."


The blood demon is still roaring and roaring.

Su Zhen's approach is much simpler. He actively leads the blood sea into the sea of ​​knowledge, and the magic power invades it. The five evil dragons in the sleepy sea of ​​knowledge are alarmed. As the sea of ​​knowledge rolls over, five fierce dragon heads emerge.


The evil dragon roared, and his voice pressed directly across.


The blood demon evil spirit first saw the golden dragon, waved the steel fork, and then found the other four, and the cloak that hunted was not scratched. After discovering that each fairy was far above himself, he invaded the sea. The sea of ​​blood stopped.


Wow lala, withdraw quickly like the ebb tide, the blood demon evil spirit shrunk sharply, frightened mice like to escape, why is it too late, the five evil dragons who are not enough to eat every day, how can you miss the food and miss the front door After rushing up.

One can't breathe.

The blood demon evil spirit was eaten no more, and the five evil dragons satisfactorily returned to the sea and slept.


In front of Su Zhen, the demon of the universe is useless!



The onlookers saw Su Zhen attacking Wuji. At the critical moment, Zhao Tiansheng came with the blood demon, and blocked it with obscure evil and evil means, but he could attack like air. Even Su Zhen didn't stop him for half a second.


There was a muffled noise.

A big head exploded, and Gan Wuji fell in unwillingness.

Su Zhen's blood was shocked, and the blood devil's heads on his body collapsed, and he turned to look at the stupefied Zhao Tiansheng with an indifferent expression: "I thought it would be able to block me by changing to another animal? Tell you, it's far from Beasts are never opponents of human beings. Now I kill mole crickets and monks. You continue your performance. "

Step up.


Jin Lian carried him to the ground and came to Lama Cricket.


Rumbling, the sky above the storm city, the black robbery cloud covering the sky, constantly rolling, like a tide surging, another scene emerged, and the eighth heavy "Kong Kun Qiang" is brewing ...

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