Undead Emperor

Chapter 2006: Go to Stormwind

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Chapter 2006 to the Stormwind City

The furnishing in the thatched house was simple. Li Moxuan wore a loose training suit and wiped the sacred flying sword that followed him to this day. His appearance is not much different from the Budo tea party, but his temperament is more restrained, like a sword hiding a sharp edge. At first glance, it was simple and unpredictable, and even thought it was a decayed Chen Jian, but Zhang Yulong knew that once he was provoked, a shocking sword awn would erupt.


Zhang Yulong greeted him with greetings and then opened the door: "I was invited by Brother Su to accept the invitation. What does it mean? Stormwind City is Longtan Tiger Cave. Of the twelve people who left their names, apart from the three attendants, which one is not Taoist Pinnacle? Arrogance, Duguye, Zhuge Qianzhong, and Zhao Tiansheng of the Hanlin Academy, all above the dean of Yuelu, why did Brother Su agree? "

"I have received the news, just like you, and I don't understand it."

Li Moxuan pointed to the Taishi chair beside the table, and asked the other to sit down, and then said: "Why does Su Zhen agree with me, but I see the reply from the Shining Religion, and Prince Ape will appear, so I will go to Stormwind City."

"You go too?"

Zhang Yulong was startled.

Hearing this, he understood that he must go.

"I have been fighting with Prince Ape for hundreds of years, and now it has become the Dao Tibetan realm. Naturally, to meet the side, not to mention the Golden Lion King." Li Moxuan wiped the sword, moving slowly, like an old man who was good at keeping in good health, but His eyes became sharper and sharper, and a gentle gesture came out of the gentle movements: "Since the big event, the Kyushu Tianjiao has emerged in an endless stream. The credibility of" Qianlong Bang "and" Exclude the Storm "has dropped greatly. Some people have said that These veteran arrogances are nothing. If there were Su Zhen supporting the scene, the whole army would have been destroyed. In these years, I closed the rush to the realm and did not ask about the world. Now that I am a master, I should walk the rivers and lakes again. "

Ye Yu battling the lonely city, Pingming Jianqi watched the sound of the sword.


Repair in rivers and lakes.

"Senior brother will not fight against Prince Ape?"

Zhang Yulong frowned.

"If Your Highness is proud and waits, when you shoot Su Zhen, Prince Ape will not be involved, I am asking for his supernatural powers." Li Moxuan looked at his brother quietly, and his voice was dull: "I know that you came for a real purpose. Right. "


Zhang Yulong admitted frankly: "I can advance to Daozang in advance, thanks to Su Xiongqing's Xuanjian Pavilion, plus save me from the underworld, and grace and me, I must stand on his side."

"You are an elder now."

Li Moxuan said.

In the past, Zhang Yulong had stood by Su Zhen, but at that time he was the second true biography, which could not represent Heavenly Taoist Sect, and could not be followed up. Now he is promoted to an elder, and his words and deeds represent Heavenly Taoist Sect. If he publicly stands in line with Su Zhen, he will cause trouble to Zongmen.

"Then I will betray the teacher."

Zhang Yulong Road.

Li Moxuan glanced at him and continued to say plainly: "Zongmen has grace and you, Su Zhen has grace and you, and it is a dilemma, so it will destroy itself and be a traitor. It is right or wrong. Very decisive. "

"Brother, do you know whether you will start with Prince Ape?"

Zhang Yulong asked directly.


Li Moxuan raised his head, and after seeing Zhang Yulong's face extremely ugly, he added: "But I will not take advantage of people's danger, and Prince Ape will not go to the muddy waters of His Royal Highness, if I fight, I wo n’t shoot. "

"Brother Xie." Zhang Yulong arched his hands.

"Since you're here, don't run again, go to Stormwind City now." Li Moxuan let the sword return to the sheath, stood up and walked out, Zhang Yulong looked at his back and stepped up.

Both Yukong left.

The news that the two elders left Zongmen quickly reached the core ears of Tian Dao Zong, and some elders talked.

"Zhang Yulong is gone."

"Yeah, this guy must act recklessly."

"Stop it!"

The elders understood Zhang Yulong's relationship with Su Zhen. At that time, they asked Ziyuan Fairy to shoot at the academic conference. In fact, the Taoist Sect received an invitation as early as six years ago to encircle and enlighten the Holy Religion together. At that time, half of the elders agreed, and even the high princes acquiesced.

However, the night before departure.

An order was suddenly issued: all members of the Heavenly Taoist Sect banned the **** of the Holy Religious Church.


Heavenly Sect Master!

A big change in attitude within a day, no matter how stupid elders are, the suzerain received some news, but no one knows what news. However, the order was strictly enforced. None of the members of the Heavenly Taoist Sect went to the Ice Plain, but now two of them went to Stormwind City, and one of them was Zhang Yulong.

"I'll stop it."

An old man with white hair stood up.

"Elder Chen, don't worry too much, isn't Mo Xuan following, there is something he will deal with." A clear voice sounded, the owner was talking in a pale green shirt, his eyebrows were bent, his nose was clever, and he was exuding Young and energetic girl.

She is a fairy of Ziyuan.

Fairy Ziyuan, as the seventh elder of Heavenly Taoist Sect, has a very heavy voice. With her words, although the elders were scrupulous, they were not easy to refute face to face and could only give up.


Zhongzhou, the imperial capital.

Xiao House.

This is the mansion of Shang Guozhu, and the home of Xiao Xuan, the arrogant of Qianlong List. As the fastest holder of Yuanying's record, he has a magnificent scene. With Su Zhen's rise, the light is covered up, but Xiao Xuan is not angry at all, and continues to practice with his ordinary heart. Now it is a quasi-Tao realm, and there is hope to break through within ten years.


There was a call.

Xiao Xuan turned his head to look around and saw several figures walking behind him. In the middle was a beautiful and elegant woman in a white dress. It was his fiancee Chu Aoshan. There were three people beside them, namely Lei Poru, Lin Langxie of the Lin family, and Lin Langfeng.

"Brother Xiao."

Lin Langxie greeted with a smile.

"Brother Lang Xia." As the only member of the "Long Dragon List" present, Xiao Xuan and Lin Langxi stood out. After greeting each other, they looked at Chu Aoshan and doubted: "Aoshan, you come together ... … "

Chu Aoshan: "Go to Stormwind City!"


Xiao Xuan looked to Lin Langxie.

Lin Langxie directly said: "The news of Su Zhen's appointment is well known in the world. Many people want to witness this first day of arrogance returned from the outer universe. What medicine. "Suddenly added," As far as I know, we will go to both "Qianlong Bang" and "Young Phoenix Bang". The arrival of the characters is destined to be very lively. "

The voice just fell.

"Brother Xiao is there?" A figure from Yukong came out, turned out to be Hong Jianqing in "The Qianlong List". After seeing Lin Langxie and others, he was stunned and immediately smiled: "Let me guess, everyone Are you going to Stormwind City? "

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