Undead Emperor

Chapter 1979: Ants move

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Chapter 1979 Moving Ants

"Who is this?"

"The appearance of Associate Chan Sheng has changed!"

"Su Zhen?"

"He ... he is a demon outside the world?" All the survivors witnessed the death of Gu Chansheng by Su Zhen, and his appearance changed drastically, from a cream kid to a majestic young man with swords and stars.

"Associate Chan Sheng?"

The loyal follower of Guzensheng watched Su Zhen's voice tremble.

"I am not a bone Zen student, my name is Su Zhen, which is the evil spirit in your mouth. Bone Zen student is not known as a demon, how do you explain my existence? You, your deputy Zen students, but you are a complete liar, do n’t He was deceived again. "Su Zhen's voice was very flat, but like Jiu Xiao thunder struck those loyal minds, leaving them blank.

Is all this true?

Gu Tongtian and Gu Chan are the wrong side, and this demon is the only hope for them to survive?

This this……

Those people are ignorant.

Elder Ming understood that it was not easy for everyone to accept this matter, and immediately spoke to appease and stabilize the matter first ... No matter how to deal with the natives of the Skeleton Continent, Yuan Chan came to Su Zhen and asked about the situation.

"Are you okay?"

Yuan Chan's beautiful eyes are worried.

Su Zhen nodded: "Without the deity as a carrier, the forced use of the Buddha's blood and blood lotion is very expensive, but fortunately, the bones are too dependent on the power of faith, and the soul has never been cultivated, which is equivalent to the first entry into the Tibetan level. Big, otherwise it may really disappear. "


The senior leaders of the Skeletal Religion first led everyone to the depths of the mountain to evade, Jianxun Zun, Elder Poison, and Su Zhen retreat to heal, leaving three elders in purple robe to stabilize the situation. The deacon of blue robe is scattered to prevent the sudden attack of time and space, and the remaining elders return to the rocky desperation. A large amount of treasures are buried inside, which must be dug out, and when the indigenous people are transferred, space magic is also needed.

time flies.


Five days passed.

Su Zhen adapted to the new body, and the broken bones healed again, but the state fell back to the infancy period ... The capture of the house is a double limit, how high is the realm of the loser, and how high can it recover after the capture. For example, when the Snake Snake descends, from innate advancement to Yuanying, and the bone Zen student is one of Dao Zang ’s weight, it will fall to the Yuanying Jiuzhong after the seizure ... This is normal, the law needs to be understood, and the bone Zen student will be destroyed. At that moment, the mastery of the road disappeared, and Su Zhen did not inherit it, so he naturally fell.

This day--

Outside the cave, there was a dialogue.

"How is he recovering?" Listening to the sound is Jianxian Zun, followed by Elder Ming: "I haven't been out of the border, and I'm not sure."

"No one bothers?"


The mountain where the people temporarily dwelled has many caves. Su Zhen chose one of them to retreat. The high-ranking skeleton gods called it ‘guarding for him’, which actually prevented escape, and the elders were responsible.

of course.

It ’s not completely useless. Some survivors are unstoppable and want to avenge their loved ones. If they do n’t guard the elders, they may cause trouble. In the past few days, seven or eight batches have been blocked.

"Deacon Yan has heard from the news that there is only one day left in the chaos of time and space, so first notify him to go out and transfer his position."

Sword string respected.

"it is good."

Elder Ming promised to come down, Jianxian Zun turned and left.

Watching the figure disappear gradually, the elder Ming frowned, and after a moment of pondering, he decided to open his mouth: "Teacher, please stay here. Let's wait and wait, it's not a way. The hearts of the people are too scattered. Four thousand people have fled in the past few days. , Or think of a way to send away a batch first? "

"Who sends?"

Jianxian Zun turned his head.


Elder Ning spit out a name, saying: "Last night, Elder Scorpion, Elder Gu came to me. After consultation, we are willing to take risks. Taking the demon girl to go to the Land of Lan Gang first, we must first let those hundreds of thousands of people see hope."

There is no hope, it is despair.

Everything was done in despair, the majesty of the Skeletal Religion fell like a cliff, and now it is still secretly said that the sword string reigns as the leader, Su Zhen is the acting he seeks from the congregation, etc. The direct result is that the heart is scattered. A large number of people who escaped could not be stopped by the church.

"Yuan Chan did not cross the universe."

Sword string respected.

Elder Ning: "The subordinate knows, but the demon with the surname Su has just taken over, who knows how long it will take to adapt? What's more, he has tried his best to bombard the bones, and the price he paid is certainly not small. . "

His worries are not unreasonable, even Jianxian Zun has this idea.

What he saw with his own eyes was not what Yuanying Jiuzhong could do. Su Zhen's flesh turned into ashes, and his spiritual knowledge merged into it, creating a blow to destroy the world. Who would believe it at no cost?

Two or three years recovery period?

This is good!

Elder Ning continued: "Elder Chu returned this morning and dug out nine skeleton warships. The small bone world was also found. It happened to be able to send a batch. The small bone world left. We took the warship."

"No, too risky." Jianxian Zun disagrees.

"Teacher, you know how much you hate the evils of the heavens. For the time being, how long can you hold it down? Whose relatives and friends are present who have not died in the hands of the evils of the heavens? Seeing no hope, they will rebel ..."

Elder Ning hurriedly said.

Just when the two of them expressed their opinions, a figure came out of the cave, and it was Emperor Yuanchan, who said indifferently: "The two opinions of Su Zhen have all been heard. He asked me to talk, and the two are ready to prepare, today At night, we will cross the universe and go to the land of Lan Gang. "


The two were shocked at the same time.

Even the elder Ming who insisted on going early had a deep tone and said in a murmur: "The first batch is handled by the old man, and there is no need to worry about the evil surnamed Su. He will just retreat and rush back to the peak to **** everyone. No, only he asked. "

"Let him continue to retreat."

Jianxian Zun also said.

Yuan Chan's expression was indifferent: "You really can't imagine Su Zhen's ability to recover. If he is here, a drop of blood can be reborn. Even if he takes a new body, five days is enough, hurry up and get ready to go tonight. "

Talk about it.

Yuan Chan returned to the cave.

Jianxian Zun looked at Elder Ming with deep skepticism. They were deeply skeptical about this. The former considered that the turbulence in time and space was about to strike. He should have shifted his position and tried it directly. Then he ordered Elder Ming to continue to keep the cave and not leave half a step. After that, all the senior executives were called to begin to order.

In the temporary temple.

Elder Zipao and Deacon Blue roared with unbelievable expressions. Elder Scorpion said bluntly: "How can we return to the peak state in just a few days, the demon must be playing us, can't believe it!"

"Yes, don't be fooled."

"Gutongtian's father and son are not good things, but don't forget that the culprit that destroys the continent is the extraterrestrial demon. You should be more vigilant towards them and never take it lightly."

There was a lot of noise.

Jian Xianzun finalized: "So, it is declared to be a transfer position, and the arrangement is first placed on the warship and the small bone world. As for the truth of Su, it will soon be known."

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