Undead Emperor

Chapter 1911: Blockbuster Four

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Chapter 1911: Four Blocks

The Light Church.

The senior leaders of the ancient alliance were all in the hall, and Ruan Yun, who was under the bright saint, asked, "Can you have any news from President Su?"


Ruan Yun shook his head.

Xingman said in his deputy position: "President Su is really a man of God, and he can actually hurt Blood Wanhe, but he shouldn't chase it down, and practice to the level of Blood Wanhe. Staying, President Su is a waste of time and may be killed. "

"With President Su Xiuwei, it is impossible to be counter-killed."

Bright Saint Maiden Road.

"I agree with this, I just give you an example." Xingman explained: "President Su can escape from the front of Dean Yuelu, Xue Wanhe is a little bit worse than Dean Yuelu, and with injuries, it is impossible to reverse Kill President Su, but he shouldn't waste time. "


After the news of Suo Xin's cold region, Su Zhen seriously wounded Blood Wanhe and started chasing after thousands of miles ... After receiving the news, he was shocked at the scene. He thought that Su Zhen could block Blood Wanhe. The other party?

The news was shocking.

Especially the Divine Son Xingman, he sent Kruzana and Dean Yue Lu to meet with Manza, and he wanted to understand Su Zhen's true combat strength through this person, and the result obtained made his eyes narrow. Kruzana joined forces with Manza and lost to Dean Yuelu. Finally, he relied on the formation of Fengjiabao to repel Dean Yuelu. This shows how powerful Su Zhen really is.

The world's first arrogance, well-deserved reputation!

The bright saint looked at a few of the ancestral courts of the monsters and beasts, and asked, "Big Sacred Niu Demon, how about Blowing Snow Ridge?"

"Wume's mastery is amazing, but the eight of us joined together and still blocked it." After the eight monster monster ancestors played with Wume, they also had a deeper understanding of Su Zhen's strength.

Last time was Jin Ao Zhenjun.

However, by virtue of Fu Fu, this time fighting together, fighting together, was actually turned around by Wu Mei, Prince Lucky Ape and the Golden Lion King were so powerful that they forced Wu Mei to cast a mouse, and then left.

This is the result of one of the eight major players.

At that time, Su Zhen fought against one another, and now Wu Mei would scare him when he saw him. This is the difference!


At the same moment.

The ice plain is a place called ‘Whale Mountain’. This place is like a giant whale. It is instantly frozen by the cold wave and keeps the whale holding its head to breathe toward the sky.

Mountain top.

Those temporary ice halls were the temporary command post of the imperial army.

"There is no news of Blood Wanhe yet?" Zuo Shilang Li Yanting, Dean Yue Lu and Wu Mei of the Ministry of Military Affairs are all there, except for the landlord of the Blood Slayer, Li Yanting asked troops while arranging troops on the sand table and analyzing the situation.

"This person seems to be missing."

Dean Yuelu is very good in spirit and spirit, and the breath of Confucianism and Taoism is getting stronger. On the other hand, Kruzanna and Manza of the Light Holy Church have wounds on them, and the breath is not the peak.

With one enemy and two, slightly superior, natural spirit.

"It's strange. Dean Heng encountered the elders of the ancestral gods and gods. What I encountered was the eight-day arrogance of the monster ancestor court. Is the blood Wanhe the **** son Xingman, or the bright sage?" Wu Mei wondered: "But Even for these two, Xue Wanhe can't beat at least to save his life. Why hasn't he returned yet? "She looked at Dean Yuelu and asked suspiciously," Wouldn't it be that way? "


Dean Yue Lu categorically denied: "Xue Wanhe was planted a slave contract personally refined by Cui Shangshu of the Penal Department, and now the slave contract is in the hands of the old man, whether it is life or death, and the old man can't escape in a single thought."

Wu Mei: "What about that man?"

Dean Yue Lu couldn't answer. At this time, a pigeon demon flew and dropped a scroll. After opening, it was garbled like ghosts and symbols. Dean Yue Lu and Wu Mei didn't know it, but they knew it was the encrypted information of the Ministry of Defense. The Wanli transfer notes are created by Tiangong Institute based on the magical powers of monsters and beasts, combined with the qigong of the transfer of sound and secrets, which has a significant effect on instant messaging.

However, it has disadvantages.

Just like the ancestors of the Dao Tibetans, they can forcibly eavesdrop on the voices of Yuanying ’s babies, and there is also a risk of eavesdropping on Wanli ’s phonetic notes.

Even if intercepted, the enemy would not understand.

Li Yanting glanced for a moment, and his face instantly became somber, as if he couldn't believe it was true, he took a closer look, took a deep breath, put the scroll together, and threw it into the brazier to burn it.

"Don't look for it, Xue Wanhe is dead."

He exhaled.

"What?" Dean Yue Lu and Wu Mei were shocked: "How could it be possible for the King of Light to shoot? No, even if the King of Light, Blood Wanhe wanted to escape, there was a high probability!"

"Not King of Light, but Su Zhen."

Li Yanting's eyes were cold, staring at the sand table and wondering what he was thinking, saying: "The intelligence has two parts. The first is that the soldiers witnessed near the lock-hearted cold area. It is Su Zhen who resisted the blood Wanhe, the blood Wanhe was injured, and Su Zhen pursued The second article was sent by Hou Shilang from the Criminal Department, and the name of Xue Wanhe on the iron volume of the Criminal Department disappeared. "

The combination of the two shows one thing-

Blood Wanhe was beheaded by Su Zhen.

Dean Yue Lu was totally unacceptable: "Su Zhen's combat power is far inferior to me. With magical powers, he barely escaped. How can he kill the **** crane?"

Li Yanting behaved calmly: "Sometimes you can't just look at the strength. Master Wu Mei has experienced it personally. Su Zhen can destroy the four domains in the underworld and kill the flying dragon of the Qing Fei. Is there no way to kill the **** crane? This son, "You can't underestimate." Suddenly said, "Bingzhou Wangfu Mansion Commander 'Chu Shi Crocodile', Bingzhou No. 1 Academy of Storms Dean 'Hyacinthia', will come tomorrow, and then push forward."

Hear this remark.

Dean Yue Lu is no longer so spirited. It is obvious that the death of Blood Wanhe poured cold water on the imperial court army.


The Light Church.


A believer ran into the temple and knelt loudly, saying, "Sister Qi Qi, Dean Su returned smoothly."

Bright Lady: "Invite him here immediately."

Soon after the words fell, Su Zhen came to the temple, and suddenly countless eyes focused on him, wanting to see if he was injured, or how embarrassed, but he saw a young man with great spirits and excellent spirits.

It seems that he was not injured.

Xingman Divine Son smiled and said: "President Su really makes us worry about it. It's a great thing to hurt the **** crane, why not chase it down? The kind of realm master can't be killed, and next time, President Su, don't be rash again. Now. "

"Xie Shenzi is concerned, but Sumou has succeeded in chasing the enemy."

"Oh, what?"

"One of the court's vanguards, the original blood-stained landlord, Blood Wanhe, no longer exists in the world." Su Zhenyun said lightly and quietly, leaving a few words like thunder, and several figures stood up fiercely. Shocked, dumbfounded and questioned the truth.

Su Zhen spread his right palm.

A plume of blood like scales like a snake snake circulated around his fingers: "This is the blood pool sperm hidden by the **** crane, and now I have been integrated into the body. Is this evidence enough?"

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