Undead Emperor

Chapter 1909: Torture the Devil

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Chapter 1909 torture the devil

Gorefiend's mouth.


A **** wave of rushing to the sky exploded, accompanied by auspicious Buddha light covering the sky and the sun, the two merged in the front, and behind Su Zhen appeared a blood-bathing Buddha, Qingtian stand, cross-legged blood lotus, suppress the world.

The world of Buddha Town!

Buddhism has been suppressing all demons and evil ways, such as the four kings stepping on the feet are all ghosts, the king's anger is compassion, and the road is full of blood and cranes.


Su Zhen put his hands in his hands, and the nine-petal lotus took off.

Nine counts.

The Golden Lotus of the Buddha is nine petals. Nine kinds of avenues contain it. The Hunyuan is the same as the beginning, and the Qiankun is one yuan. There is a blood dragon in the center. It looks very young but has the courage of emperor.

Nine and nine are unified, perfect.

However, the emergence of the blood dragon did not abruptly merge with the blood lotus perfectly. It has the buddha nature, the magic nature, the imperial spirit, and the blood power. It seems that everything in heaven and earth is contained in it, the path contained in the nine lotus petals , Surrounded by it like the stars holding the moon.

Su Zhen went the wrong way.

At that time, he believed that the Nine Daoism was the Tenth Dao. It wasn't until the emergence of the Dragon Blood Path of the Emperor's Son that he suddenly realized that the Nine Nine and Nine are united, and the one yuan is not the tenth Dao, but the law of the Dao!

He has not been able to take this step because of the lack of last chance.

Only now.

The Buddha's wrath and blood lotus with the Dragon Blood of the Heavenly Son is even more powerful. Xue Wanhe never dreamed that Su Zhen dared to run into his mouth. It was too late to spit it out. It only felt that there was a Buddha country hidden in his mouth. When there is a defense, the Buddha will explode.


Along with the tremendous loud noises, the mountain-like blood demon heads shattered, blood spilled on the ground, the corroded Tancheng potholes, and bearskin men and others hundreds of miles away looked completely silly.

Blood Wanhe defeated?


It's a fantasy!

Tancheng was covered with blood, and part of the essence blood gathered, condensed into a semi-flowing liquid human form, and escaped into the distance ... This is the blood of the crane, he was caught off guard and was in urgent need of finding a place to heal.

"Want to go? How can it be so easy!" Su Zhen put away the blood and blood and chased toward the **** crane.


Both disappeared on the horizon.

Leaving Tancheng to stare at each other until the figure disappeared, the bearskin responded violently and ordered: "Send a message to the sacred church immediately. Hunt down! "

When he said this, his voice was trembling.

Yuan Ying defeated Dao Zang, had heard it, never seen it, but now he has witnessed the defeat of the **** Devil Crane, and Xiongpi Nan feels that his realm is overturned.


Reckless snowfield, chased after thousands of miles.

Blood Wanhe has condensed into a flesh form, and has no fear in the face of Su Zhen, but has a greasy expression: "Junior, Heng Yanfan's group of guys pit this seat, the information given is false, that Buddha's blood is angry Lian is obviously twice as powerful as the intelligence! This seat was caught by you, and it does n’t mean that you ca n’t beat you. After my treatment, I will kill you by hand! ”

"You have no chance to leave alive."

Su Zhen Yufeng chased away.

"Jian Jie, you are too underestimating the pinnacle of Dao Zang, this person wants to live even if Yuan Shen Dao Zu, can't guarantee to be able to leave me. Crazy? "Xue Wanhe smiled so badly that the ugly facial features were twisted into a ball, as if he was a bloodthirsty evil crawling out of hell:" To tell you the truth, half of the foot in this peak period stepped into Yuan Shen Realm, which is better than now Hengyan Fanduqiang, you can't even beat Hengyanfan, and dare to yell at this seat? After my treatment is over, I will definitely kill you! "

Xue Wanhe looks confident.

No wonder.

After all, during the peak period, the existence of half-footed into Yuanshen Realm, I am afraid that it is not more successful than the ancestors of all evils. This kind of person has the cost of pride, even if you carelessly lose your next move, you can make a comeback.

As for death?

The Ancestor of All Evils is a good example. The Yuanshen Realm can't be killed, it can only be suppressed. The Blood Wanhe is probably the same. He doesn't take Su Zhen's eyes at all.

If Su Zhen came alone, he would be helpless, but he had the foresight to bring the Qingxuanjian Pavilion, and the suppression effect of this thing was far above the martial stone monument.

"Is it?"

Su Zhen said indifferently.

Then he swelled with blood, penetrated into the clouds, re-emerges the cloud and sea Buddha, and attacked the blood Wanhe in a wide range. The latter grinned scornfully and sneered into the ice and slipped away from the sea.

The ice plain is originally the North Sea, formed by the cold, and the sea is hundreds of meters below.

Once Xue Wanhe dived into the sea, he wanted to catch him harder than he could, but Su Zhen waited for this time, at the moment when the other party escaped into the ice, he sacrificed the Qingxuanjian Pavilion.

The young monk of Bodhi urged Jian Gang to melt the torrents of Wan Jian and cut the ice layer directly.

The sword pavilion bloomed green.

After the ice layer was shrouded and ingested uncontrollably, Xue Wanhe realized that there was a bad intention to escape, and Su Zhen went up with his flesh and fought him into the cabinet.

next moment--


A large ice layer appeared on the first floor of the sword pavilion. Two figures stood on top of them, Su Zhen and the panicked Xue Wanhe.

"This is Qingxuanjian Pavilion?"

Xue Wanhe looked at his surroundings and suddenly changed his face: "This thing is an artifact of Haoran Academy, how dare you carry it with you?"

"It is a magic weapon for me, why can't you carry it?" Su Zhen stood hand down, calm and calm, and looked at each other lightly, and there was an unspeakable courage between the eyebrows: "Blood Crane, to What else do you have to say now? "

"Let me go, this seat will no longer intervene in this matter."

Blood Wanhe said gloomyly.

"Oh, you haven't figured out one thing. Entering the Xuanxuanjian Pavilion is my world. You are my slave and are not qualified to talk about the conditions." Su Zhen went straight into the sword: "I ask you, the Wanzai Blood Pool built by the Blood Shoulou Is Jingyuan hidden in you? "

"Junior, how can you kill me even if you are trapped in the sword pavilion? On the contrary, the imprisonment of this seat is equivalent to the loss of an artifact. It is better to let me know if you know me. We have exposed it."

Blood Wanhe also had a hard mouth.

Upon seeing this, Su Zhen said no more: "Yes, your old bones are very difficult to eat. The Penal Department can't take you away. I persuaded you to speak in three words. It is also delusional." He turned his head to the Bodhi monk, his hands folded: "Master, how is your state recovering, maybe you can get rid of it?"


The Bodhi monk smiled slightly and sang: "The little monk benefited a lot from the Holy Church. The King of Light has taught him a lot, and he also has a method of detachment cultivation. Compared with leaving the underworld, the little monk is only strong and weak, with the power of the sword pavilion Don Hua, the donor, is not a problem. "

"That's the trouble master, then."

Su Zhen withdrew.

The young monk of Bodhi stood on the ice, the blood Wanhe just wanted to ridicule, and the young monk spit a word of "good".

next moment--


Blood Wanhe felt Wanjun crush.

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