Undead Emperor

Chapter 1898: Arrival at Snowfield

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Chapter 1898 arrives in the snowfield

During these days of retreat, Su Zhen really gained something. The laws of the nine Taos have become more and more adept, and the prototype of the last one has already appeared. He half stepped into Yuanying Tenfold, and because of the 'Buddha Blood Lotus' Existence, after this supernatural power is performed, it is equivalent to completely entering the tenth level.

So it ’s ‘or ten’!

According to his calculations, if no one disturbs him, he will be promoted to Daozang within a few years.


Not waiting for me!

"Dao Taizhen can tell the Hanlin Academy, the cabinet center, and even the four emperors of the underworld, and they must have a very strong secret. Yuan Chan's 80% are exposed." Su Zhen knew that Qing Feilong was ultimately a prince of the palace and the scope of influence should not be affected The cabinet center, according to the information provided by Long Ying'er, the Crown Prince all tacitly agreed that things were serious.

"Where are we going?"

When he was thinking, Long Yinger came up with a map and found that he deviated from the route, which was the direction to Yingzhou.

"All the way to Bingzhou, it took too much time to do the teleportation."

Su Zhen answered.

"Hello, don't laugh, you are the big demon of" Famous World ", the whole dynasty chase you down, you dare to sit in the teleportation controlled by the court?"

Long Ying'er exclaimed.

"I have mastered the secret technique of" Return to the Yuan ", and Yuan Shen Realm can't see through me, not to mention the soldiers guarding the teleportation array? When you reach the shore, you enter my Tai Yi Secret Realm, and I will deal with the rest."

Su Zhen is very calm.

Based on his battle experience with Dean Yuelu, running into the Longtan Tiger's Cave is as simple as eating regular meals.

After five hours.

Haoyue hangs in the sky, starry, two figures appear on the calm east coast. The headed man opens the secret area, let the dragon horn girl enter, and then moves towards the nearest escape.


The next day.

In the early morning, the sky was bright and the air on the seaside was still a little damp. Before the cross-domain teleportation of the Tianzu City in the Eastern Territory of Yingzhou, a group of figures appeared, including a wax-yellow-faced boy.

"Line up, come one by one."

The guard soldier shouted.

The wax-yellow-faced boy progressed with the team. After waiting four waves, it was his turn. A Ningshajing soldier came to him and asked, "Who is the surname, where is it, and why he went to Zhongyu. . "

"My name is Huang Qi, a person from Yingzhou Northern Territory who entered the sea, a former sword dragon gate disciple, and later joined the Haoran Academy. After Dean Su Zhen fell into the magic road, I left like many classmates. I just came back the other day and thought Go to Zhongyu to try your luck and see if there are big forces to take it in. "The young man in wax yellow said to take out two hand cards, one is the sword dragon gate pie emblem, and the other is the disciple's certificate of Haoran Academy.

"Another Haoran Academy?"

Ningshajing soldiers glanced at their hands and threw them to the wax-yellow-faced boy. They laughed and said: "Before joining the devil's cave, all of them are very beautiful, and now they are all people with their tails in their tails. I knew it so, why should I have been?

The wax-yellow boy lowered his head lower.

Ningshajing soldiers chuckled again, and said, "First pay the spirit stone, and then stand in the teleportation array. Seeing that they are all fellows of Yingzhou, I will send you a sentence, go to Zhongyu. Do n’t mention that you were Haoran Academy. Students, nobody likes you today. "

"Thank you for your advice."

The wax-yellow-faced boy seized the spirit stone and stood in the teleportation array.

People are together.

The teleportation array started, and with a white light, they reached the edge of the middle domain. The wax-yellow-faced teenagers, like the brigade of the brigade, spent the Lingshi to buy places and entered the Yingzhou middle domain.

Before the interstate teleportation.

The soldiers guarding the Tiangangjing shouted: "The next batch is to transport Bingzhou, and all who are going to stand here."

Thousands of martial arts soldiers stood near the teleportation array. Hearing this sentence, fewer than twenty people stood out, including the wax-yellow-faced boy ... After the arrogant incident, the teleportation array increased dramatically every day, the core of the states, The degree of openness has also improved significantly. There are hundreds of thousands of martial arts from each state, but there are four states with the least number of people, one is the whirlpool center Qingzhou, and the other is the great wild state, the beast state, and the ice state.

Recently, the least number of people was Bingzhou.

As for the reason, everyone knows.


The level of cross-examination is significantly higher than in other states.

"Take out the identity certificate and tell me why I went to Bingzhou." The soldiers of Tiangangjing asked one by one, and it was the turn of the wax-yellow-faced boy. The latter took out a family badge with the word "king" on it, saying: "I am The son of the king family in Bingzhou Stormwind City, who was ordered by his father to come to Yingzhou to find a new station, has now been found and is ready to notify the family to relocate. "

"Why move?"

"My father received news that Bingzhou's palace was moving frequently, as if something big happened ... Seniors should know that we have a big cancer in Bingzhou. It is said that we are with the big devil, and my father is afraid that Stormwind City will become a holy ancestor. City, this is the way to go. "

"Cross-state relocation is not a trivial matter. Does your family have capital?"

"Father Yuan Yuan Ying Realm!"

Hearing this sentence, the soldiers in the Tiangang environment were obviously stunned, and they immediately showed a lot of affinity. They returned the badge and laughed: "It turned out to be a half-ancestral family, a little brother, and an elder brother in Zhongyu. If the family has just arrived and you are not satisfied, you can tell your brother. "

"Brother's last name?"

"Xu, you can just call me Xu, I'll be on duty now."

"Thank Brother Xu."

The wax-yellow-faced boy quietly handed the Tiangangjing soldier a top-grade spirit stone. The latter smiled, patted his shoulder, and brought himself into the teleportation array. Even the teleportation cost was reduced accordingly.

The formation is on.


The wax-yellow-faced teenager opened his eyes again. In front of him was a fortress city in the cold region. The eyes were granite and marble. The buildings were rougher than the one. It was different from the heat wave of Yingzhou in Qingzhou. The snow was falling here, and the street was covered with snow. Pedestrians are wearing animal skins and big jackets, holding giants crawling with heavy objects, breathing breath, instantly frozen into ice residue.

This is Stormwind City!

The largest city in Bingzhou is also the only core, known as the 'Kingdom in Snow'.

"finally reached."

Looking at the city, the wax-yellow-faced boy exhaled a breath and accelerated his pace towards the outside of the city. After leaving Stormwind City, he looked at the vast snowy fields, like the ups and downs of the snowy mountain range. The warriors leaving the city all have fixed routes, or go to nearby towns, or go to the mountains to hunt for digging parameters. Only the youngsters plunge into the snowfield and disappear into the snowstorm.

After an hour.

The wax-yellow-faced boy came to the depths of the snowy field, and there were no people around him. He closed his eyes and operated a qigong. The speed of his appearance changed with the naked eye, and he became a temperamental young man with a sword and eyebrows.

"Come out."

Su Zhen was full of energy, and behind him was a Taiyi secret realm. After propping up, he walked out of a dragon horn girl. He was a dragon Yinger. He had successfully reached the ice plain in less than twelve hours.

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