Undead Emperor

Chapter 1895: Hai Princess and Su Zhen

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Chapter 1895 Chapter Princess Hai and Su Zhen

This island has dense vegetation and a quiet terrain. The pen peak stands upright and clear, the Qujian flows deep into the ground, the sea cliffs compete with flowers and trees, and a few pine cones. For Long Ying'er who left the Sea Palace for the first time, it is absolutely It is the most beautiful scenery, even a pair of big eyes dare not blink, for fear of missing the beauty.

"It is said that the seabed scenery is the most beautiful, and the land is more beautiful."

Long Ying'er was in a happy mood.

She is like a bird flying out of the cage, wishing ten thousand thoughts to perceive the world, and every scene is full of interest to her.

"This is the cave?"

Long Ying'er flew around the island and took a bird's eye view of the scenery below. Suddenly, he found a humble cave underneath Bifeng. His big eyes lit up slightly, and he was pleasantly surprised: "I have visited a lot of caves under the sea. Have you seen it? Is there a sea beast ... No, it should be a monster. "

Once curiosity opened, it was out of control.

Long Yinger's mind was full of adventures. He escaped towards the cave, stood at the entrance of the cave and stretched his neck to look around. He made a trumpet-shaped hand and shouted, "Anyone?"

next moment--

anyone there? anyone there? anyone there……

Echoes from the cave.

Long Yinger's eyes lit up: "This is the echo? When I was a child, I read a book and said that there would be echoes when I shouted in the cave on the land. The girl finally heard it today!"

She danced happily.

The Siren has many heirs. The eldest son is the tenth realm of Dao-Tibet. Other children also have thousands of years. There are countless heirs. It can be said that Long Ying'er is much smaller than her many grandchildren.


Long Yinger was very favored in the Sea Palace.

The higher the state, the harder it is to reproduce offspring. Taking Su Zhen as an example, Huang Fu Qing Qing still conceived when he was condensing the realm. Now, although he has the heart and blood to give birth to blue worms, fire dances, Xuan Ji, etc., his efforts have been fruitless. After he was promoted to Daozang, his vital signs improved again, and it was even more difficult to keep bone blood.

This is still the Taoist realm.

As soon as you enter the Yuanshen, the soul can be transformed into heaven, and in terms of life characteristics, half of the foot can step out of the endless mainland creature Fan Tao, and the probability of birth of the heir is even more extreme.

According to historical records, only the emperor Dagan has done it.


The second one appears!

It is a miracle that the Kraken Emperor gave birth to Long Ying'er with Taoist in Yuanshen Realm! It is conceivable that Long Ying'er was favored in the Sea Palace. Not only her father, mother and princess, but also her brothers and sisters held her in her hands, fearing that there would be a little difference.

This situation also led to Long Yinger's news blocked.

Because the heirs of the Kraken Emperor have been famous for a long time, the leading figure of the young generation of the Hai tribe is now the Princess Carp. Its talent is very strong, and it blends with the blood of the gods. It is favored by the Kraken Emperor. To teach Qigong, he is now assigned to the Light Holy Church to participate in the prologue of the New Ancient Times, and has become the goal of countless admiration, admiration, and pursuit of the Nanhai demon clan.

The younger generation in the South China Sea respects Princess Carp.

But the royal family knew that Princess Lei did have a leader, but the youngest talent in the younger generation was not her, but—

Long Yinger!

The higher the state, the smaller the probability of multiplying offspring, just like the ancient gods and beasts, the more expensive the bloodline, the less the number of heirs, and those fierce beasts, who do not move twice a year, are known as ‘natural choices’.

Heaven chooses it.

The purpose is to balance the souls of the world.

As a ‘miracle girl’, Long Ying'er is born with half the blood of the Yuanshen, which is inferior to the ancient gods and beasts, at least one level with the ancient monsters, and is the best in the South China Sea and even the entire endless continent in terms of talent!

From the perspective of the South China Sea royal family.

The first true biography of the Taoist Sect, Li Moxuan, known as the strongest talent of the younger generation of the human race, the ape prince of the monster ancestral court, and his own carp princess, are far less talented than Long Ying'er.

If anyone can compare talent with Long Ying'er, they can only think of one kind of existence, that is, the royal family of Dagan. There are rumors that all the heirs of an undefeated king were born after his primordial divine realm, and even more than primal divine realm when he was born.

There is another one, that is-

Su Zhen!

It has been confirmed countless times that Su Zhen is not a powerful reincarnation, and his parents are directly ordinary mortals. According to the most original data, the Vientiane Sect's internal door test recorded that he is very talented, but at most it is second-class or quasi-first-class.

But the fact is another matter.

His growth rate, even the Yuanshen Taoist ancestor such as the Kraken Emperor, had to admit that it is rare in ancient times and unheard of. Is it true that Su Zhen ’s talent is better than Long Ying'er? They are not clear, but what is certain is that the Qinghai tribe is all Resources, the speed of Long Yinger's cultivation, can never catch up with Su Zhen.

No. 1 in the world, well deserved!

Besides Long Ying'er, her grades are already the weight of Yuanying, but under a lot of protection, let alone combat experience, her understanding of the outside world is blank.

"It is recorded in the book that there are treasures in the cave. Does Long Yinger have to touch one?" Long Yinger blinked his eyes and looked around. The cave wall was a little damp, covered with moss, and the fog was along the stone The crevices drip, accumulate many potholes on the ground, and there is a danger of slipping if accidentally.

"Su Xin Su."

Long Ying'er turned her hands over and offered a qigong for minors. The milky white energy group suspended in front of her to illuminate the cave. Her face was a little nervous, but her eyes were full of excitement.

The cave is very deep. She walked half a joss stick and didn't go to the end. The deeper she went, the environment gradually changed. Looking at the smoother surrounding stone walls without moss and no puddles, Long Ying'er was very happy: "On the land The cave is really strange. It ’s so wet and dark in front. It ’s actually very clean here. It looks like someone has cleaned it up, and the stone walls are smooth. ”

This shows that there is too little experience.

Changed to other monks, even the secular vulgar warriors can be distinguished at a glance. Some people have developed it later, and the development soon, indicating that the owner of the cave is probably still here!

Cautiously will leave immediately.

Long Yinger didn't notice it at all. She continued to move forward nervously and excitedly. After passing a joss stick, she suddenly noticed that there were energy fluctuations in front, sometimes arrogant like Luohan, sometimes peaceful like a Bodhisattva, sometimes awe-inspiring, sometimes **** The lotus, the birth and death, the disillusionment ... The eyes of Long Yinger lighted, the small heart was pounding, and the breath was fast, and the voice was excited and said: "There are treasures!"

"Haha, this young girl with invincible youth has never had bad luck. The father emperor has not allowed me to come out, otherwise I will have cultivated to the Daozang realm."

Long Yinger speeds up her pace.


She turned a few bends, her eyes suddenly opened up, and a cave with obvious traces appeared. A figure in the center was closed with her eyes closed, working cross-legged. Four scenes continued to evolve on him, and the familiar fluctuations came out of her.

"A human?"

Just when Long Yinger screamed and stared wide-


The cross-legged figure also opened his eyes violently, and two arrows gleamed.

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