Undead Emperor

Chapter 1856: Opportunity

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Chapter 1856 Opportunity

It takes a lot of perseverance to refine the flesh into a puppet. The reason why Chen Xuance dared to change into a Soul Master is directly related to the secret technique he created. He went to Zhongyu many times to see the main tower of Danta Promise. After paying a lot of prices, he finally got help and created a secret puppet technique that has never existed before.

The first test article is himself!

Unlike other physical puppets, Chen Xuance's body was made by himself and Qian Wuji, he took out the best ore, Gan Wuji provided the elixir of eternity, refined a special spirit liquid, and soaked it in it for a hundred years Endure the pain of biting the heart, the diamond that the body is tempered is not bad, the internal organs are hollowed out, the gear mechanism is filled, and even the fingers can change ten forms.

He once thought.

Although there is no real body, this body is stronger than Taoist Tibetan body training!


All this is broken today.

Su Zhen's face blasted his head, and Chen Xuance's soul shouted unwillingly, breaking through the sky and escaping. At this time, a strong suction effect came, Chen Xuance turned his head and found that Su Zhen was a giant whale sucking water, and an inverted vortex occurred in his mouth, and he had to swallow him in one bite.

"Do not!"

Chen Xuance was shocked.

He was transferred to a ghost master, and his flesh was equivalent to an implement. It could be destroyed and re-refined, but the ghost could be swallowed and really died.

He struggled desperately.

However, everything was in vain. With the swallowing sound of ‘Goodong’, the Pope Dayan, one of the world ’s strongest puppet masters, disappeared. Since then, there is no legend of him in the realm of cultivation.

So far.

Thousands of warriors who surrounded Su really disappeared!


The blood lotus shivered slightly, and the petals opened 10%.


Pope Dayan Xuance, the hidden clan of Dao Tibetan, and thousands of warriors from different realms fell at the same time. Even if the ancestral city and Haoran Academy are in chaos, they will cause huge disturbances.


Everyone knows that there is a bloodthirsty devil.

"I heard that he is Yuanying Realm? Hey, as long as I did n’t advance to Daozang, I could suppress it with Shenwei. If I were to kill him, I would n’t have made a name for myself. The **** party was overthrown by Su Zhen, a deterrent to the inheritors The power is greatly reduced, if I can carry the banner, I will be hailed as the strongest son! "The news of the annihilation of thousands of people spread, all kinds of ideas came out, and some were afraid to mess up in the holy ancestral city. Some are unimpressed, and others have the risk of winning in danger.

For example, this white-handed son.

A few days before he arrived in the Southern Region, he did not catch up with the prosperity of the Protestant Party, nor did he witness the battle of the top powerhouses. In his heart, he always had the illusion that the Son's fighting power was unparalleled. He felt this was an opportunity.

The bloodthirsty devil is strong?

That defeated him, the world did not know the majesty of the Son of the White Hand, and he could even take advantage of the opportunity to rebuild the party!


He went to challenge Su Zhen.

The result is obvious. Without being able to resist one face, he was bombarded to the slag. The sacred energy became the nourishment of the Five Dragon Painted Halberd, and the notoriety of [The Bloodthirsty Demon Head] was even better.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Su Zhen kept killing, tens of thousands of warriors died in his hands, blood lotus opened 30%, a large number of muddy waters and fish-fed generation also fled the holy ancestral city under his fierce prestige, only Haoran Academy remained chaotic.

The seventh day.

After a few fierce battles, the Holy Father City was basically calm, and Su Zhen came to the Haoran Academy.

Ten days later.

A story spreads [the bloodthirsty demon heads are madly killed, the monks of the right path jointly kill several times, and they all return to the feathers. The bloodthirsty demon heads into the mountains and their whereabouts are unknown. They return again the next day.

After ten consecutive times.

Haoran Academy has also calmed down, leaving only some Dao Tibetan ancestors to succumb to evil and search for the last resources ... Su Zhen fought against them from the early morning to the dusk, and he was heavily burdened with fleeing the South China Sea.


Over the South China Sea.

"The devil, you can't escape!" A Dao Tibetan ancestor just stared at Su Zhen awe-inspiringly.


A Buddhist monk named Gaosong said: "Donator, you have a serious sin, and you can't extricate yourself in a marsh. Let the poor monk pass you over."

"Go together!"

"This guy has no consciousness, but is a pure killing machine. It is useless to waste his tongue with him. Let's do it together and send him to the west!"


Zhudao and Zang joined forces to siege.

This is a rare battle, not even weaker than the Eighth Avenue Tibetan siege of the Qingxuanjian Pavilion. The only difference is that they are all in the early stage of the Daozang and cannot cause fatal damage to Su Zhen. Even if Su Zhen took the initiative and could not use his deity Qigong, he still survived the siege, fought all the way, fleeed all the way, and continued for a full half a month. When he went deep into the hinterland of the South China Sea, the Dao Tibetans suddenly realized that Escape, reappearance is the peak state, and their people have already damaged three.

"Can't kill him."

"Forget it, let him go."

"This guy appeared in the southern region of Qingzhou, and it should have been the Qingzhou royal palace or Yuelu Academy. Our dog took the mouse to do more business ... Amitabha, all the Taoists, the poor monks took the first step."

"I also say goodbye."

The remaining Daozang began to retreat.

But this time it was Su Zhen's turn to chase down. He tore the void with his flesh, and blocked Shan's ancestors. In just half a day, he killed two. After the Buddhist monk was overtaken by him, he intended to use the dharma to demolish the demon. However, Su Zhen was the holy Buddha with the sword on the cusp. The Buddha's power was 100 times more pure than him.

One day later.

After chasing and killing Su Zhen's eight respects, only two of them fled back to the Southern Territory.

The news spread and the southern region shook.

So far.

Those who took advantage of the fire and retreated in the muddy water gradually retreated. Su Zhen used the craziest method to calm down the southern region. The blood lotus in the body was also blooming 50%, just when he was going to continue to kill-


Blood Lotus shook slightly, the eyes of the Buddha's anger opened gradually, and the killing in Su Zhen's mind gradually disappeared. These days, the crazy killing brought blood and blood around the body, and slowly melted.

He began to wake up.


Su Zhen looked at herself and found that the tenth law of Tao has not yet been enlightened: "I should still be the devil without becoming enlightened, how can I regain consciousness?"

When he looked at the blood lotus in his mind, he understood the reason.

When the blood lotus expanded wildly, the first position occupied was the area where the blood channel followed the ancient dragon air. The two were entwined into one, seemingly without threat, but do n’t forget that one is the rule of the road and the other is the dragon air. , A simple one is higher than Buddha's Blood Lotus.

When the balance is broken, the destructive power generated obviously exceeds that of blood lotus.


Su Zhen's enchantment was forcibly interrupted.

"The two of you made contributions to me, but this time was a delay for me ..." Su Zhen suddenly realized that this was the opportunity for him to seek hard. An opportunity, is the ancient Tianzi Dragon Qi not suitable?

"In my current state, it is enough to suppress the law of the avenue alone, so why not extract the dragon spirit of the ancient Tianzi as the last law of the avenue, and create an unprecedented avenue?"

Su Zhen's eyes lit up.

The emperor's dragon spirit can bring down the realm. If it merges into the law of the avenue, what will happen to the enemy after the magical power is released?

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