Undead Emperor

Chapter 1850: Ox ghost

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Chapter 1850

"Your Excellency now strikes me, and I can still withdraw."

Su Zhendao.

Even if he has doubts in his heart, he can calm down and deal with the matter in the shortest time ... The Kraken stares at his eyes and wants to know if it is a lie.

Seeing is firm.

"I arranged for the Tantai family to send them to the Light Church, you continue to grow, now you are too weak." After saying this, the Kraken took a step, cracked a void with his movement, and hid in it. Disappear.


Shengzhou City, south of Qingzhou.

In an old courtyard, a young man crossed his knees and put some flags around his body to prevent the breath from leaking. A circle of blood and blood radiated from him, suddenly bright and dark, as if the ancient fierce beast was breathing.

This is Su Zhen.

It has been seven days since he returned from the South China Sea, and he changed his identity with the secret technique of "Science and Technology Derivation" and "Guiyuan". That day the Kraken left, and Su Zhen couldn't explain why he was puzzled, but there was one thing that Kraken said well. He is now too weak and continues to grow. Originally he wanted to return to the Southern Territory, and immediately started revenge, but now he decided to consolidate the realm and look for the opportunity of Yuanying Shizhong.

"I can retreat from Dean Yuelu's whole body, but I can't help the other party at all, but now the ninety-nine is unified, the blood lotus is perfect, and I should understand the tenth way."

In Su Zhen's mind-

The nine principles and eighteen principles are intertwined, with the Buddha's blood and blood lotus as the foundation, constantly colliding and combining, just like the colorful dragons frolicking and fusing together to create new laws.

Su Zhen ’s path is different from others. Every law of Tao is created by himself, and the blood of Buddha ’s wrath is an important foundation for advancing to Daozang. Using it as a carrier, it accommodates the Nine Dao, while comprehending the Tenth Dao, and merges The rule of the road.

of course.

This is a step derived by Su Zhen, because no one has ever traveled, and he doesn't know what the road ahead is like, like now, it is clear that nine and nine are unified, but the tenth law of the Tao has not appeared for a long time.

"Could it be wrong?"

Recalling the price paid by Liu Xiang for forcibly evolving the Avenue of Life and Death in the Eternal Kingdom, the laws of the Nine Ways can be perfectly integrated in the Buddha's Blood and Blood Lotus, which proves that the route is not wrong.

What is missing is an opportunity.

"Nine Dao's perfect balance requires an opportunity to cause a qualitative change, which leads to a step in the sky." Su Zhen stopped comprehension, opened his eyes in a breath, looked at the outside world, and frowned: "I need some rules for reference."


As the Qingxuanjian Pavilion left, Su Zhen retreated, and the capture organization led by Dean Yue Lu was defeated. He has returned to the old nest and left a mess.

Some strong men also left.

But Nanyu did not become cold, but more and more martial arts gathered here. The battle in Haoran Academy continued. The Secret Academy, the Elite Academy, the Inner Courtyard, the floating water mirror, the Taixuan Daochang, and the Supreme Pavilion of the Avenue were all Turned upside down.

A large number of warriors became rich overnight.

The same happened to Zhennan Houfu ... Zhennan Hou and Haoran Academy transferred the core members of the family into the Qingxuanjian Pavilion, and they were scattered as birds and beasts. Due to the abundant resources, many warriors were jealous of their eyes and began to kill more and more goods, and soon the melee spread to the entire Holy City. There were countless battles every day. The buildings were turned into ruins, blood was scattered on the long streets, and the broken limbs were broken everywhere.

Holy Ancestor City and Haoran Academy became purgatory.

Some demons took the opportunity to blood sacrifice the city pool and practice evil skills, the degree of cruelty was more serious than the invasion of the South China Sea monsters.

"School girl be careful!"

Su Zhen just withdrew his formation and heard an exclamation.

follow closely--


A brute force smashed the courtyard door, and several young men and women fell in.

"Ji Jie, the remnants of several of your holy academies, don't hide from being a man, but dare to stop this practice, I really don't know life or death!" An old man in black robe walked in, his body was thin, his cheeks were sunken, and his whole body was filled with evil spirits. At first glance is evil repair.

He stepped out.

The spitting breath swept through the courtyard. Several young men and women felt covered by the cold wave. The biting cold made them pale. The true energy became slow, and their despair rose.

"The devil, you sacrificed blood to the people, and the sins are so great that you should be blamed!"

A young man headed shouted.

"Su Zhen is the big devil, you are the little devil, dare to say this seat? Jie Jie, those mortals have too little blood, and a thousand blood sacrifices can't resist a warrior. You can come to the door to better help Cultivate this seat into a magical skill! "Judging by the evil spirit of cultivation, this is a condensed state, and those young men and women are all spiritual springs. Even if the number of people has an advantage, they can't resist the other party's attack.

Xie Xiu is called a blood elder.

He was one of the countless warriors who came to the southern region of Qingzhou to find adventures. With his cultivation practice, he did not dare to touch Haoran Academy and Zhennanhou House, but the family of Shengzu City, Xiaozongmen became his goal. Especially after the outbreak of chaos, he found a way to advance, taking advantage of the chaotic blood to sacrifice mortals to practice divine skills, until he was stopped by this group of Haoran College students.

The first youth is called ‘Chang Liang’.

When the disaster of Haoran Academy was about to happen, some students fled ahead of schedule, and many vowed to coexist and die with the college, that is, tens of thousands of students who were arrested by Dean Yue Lu and others. After the group of martial artists broke into the Haoran Academy, they left in chaos, and some left, and some still remained. When Shengcheng City and Haoran Academy fell into chaos, they could provide help within their power.

Chang Liang is one of them.

They saw the blood elders indiscriminately killing innocent teams to resist. They did not expect that the other party was too strong. Everyone was wounded, and they seemed to be killed here.

"Students and girls, see you in my next life."

Chang Liang is not afraid of death, but he hates not killing blood elder ghosts, and he doesn't know how many innocent people are going to be hit by him.

"Senior, see you in my next life!"

Several young men and women regarded death as their home.

The blood elder stared at a female student with a good face and said with a smile: "Does the little girl want to live? As long as you are willing to be a fellow, I can spare you."

"You don't need to be complacent, someone will kill you." The female student stared at him.


The blood elder disdainfully ridicule: "Horan Academy has been destroyed, you are the dogs of the mourning family, who can kill me? Su Zhen? Jie Zhen, he dare not go back to Qingzhou is a problem, not to mention, this seat is to kill a few mortals, Who would alarm him. "

"Dare to stop this seat, you must have the consciousness of death!"

The blood old ghost laughed with a yin, five fingers into claws, tearing the bleeding color against the young men and women, and when they saw that they were about to be separated, a group of forces enveloped them and blocked the claws.


Haoran students were startled.

"Who!" Blood Elder's face sank, and he looked up and found a young man sitting cross-legged in the courtyard. When he saw the other party, his face changed slightly. Did the other party just come here or have long been here? He didn't even notice it?

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