Undead Emperor

Chapter 1832: Tangled

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Chapter 1832 The Strangler

"That group of guys need time, I have to hold Hengyan Fan as much as possible." With the decree of the Qingzhou King's Palace, the temptation of the Qingxuanjian Pavilion is so great that rebellion will take time to brew.

If Dean Yuelu is present to suppress, all the martial arts will not dare to move.

If not ...

"It won't take long, and the big battle will be broken in half an hour." Su Zhen is very confident: "Those warriors have new arrogance who don't know enough about the deterrence of Qingzhou's palace, and some old strong men who can take risks, and even more With Wu Lingtian and Zhang Yulong, any incitement can trigger a torrent of upheaval. As long as I hold Heng Yanfan, everything is possible. "

Half an hour!

This is the deadline he gave himself.

"Hengyan Fan can be called the most holy of Confucianism and Taoism, and it is **** the front, and he will be suppressed by him if he does not have a joss stick." Su Zhen's brain quickly turned and decided to fight.


Su Zhen escapes to the mighty Longyuan River.

The Longyuan River, as the most well-known river in the southern region, flows out of the Luoxia Mountains. It is vast and turbulent, and it is used as a province to nurture countless civilians in the surrounding area. Due to the first summer, the rain was plentiful, the water level skyrocketed, and the tidal flats were destroyed. From the aerial view, it looked like a giant water dragon out of control. The water mist rises, the cloud locks the cold river, and there is no charm.


Su Zhen sneaked into the bottom of the river.

"Go, go, go ..." He cast an incarnation of essence and blood, divided nine drops of essence blood, and flowed along the river. The deity converged, and the turtle shrank into a giant clam at the bottom of the river, hiding in silt.

Not long.

Rumbling, accompanied by the thunder roar, the figure of Dean Yue Lu appeared in the high sky, the eagle stared at the wolf, the consciousness was like a spider web scattered, and the inch-wide search of the Baili area found a giant at the bottom of the Longyuan River. Inside the mussel, there is a slight fluctuation of blood.

"There is no limit to learning."

Dean Yue Lu used the magical power of the avenue.

The vast sea appeared, covering the ten-mile long river. Dean Yue Lu manipulated the sea to infiltrate the Longyuan River, and copied Su Zhen from the inside ... He knew that Su Zhen could be reborn with blood, and guessed that the other party had hidden essential blood in the Luoxia Mountains, and killed this The body is useless, as long as it is suppressed, and cut off his connection with the essence blood, it is useless to hide any more essence blood.

Just when Long Yuanhe was going to be swallowed by Xuehai--


The giant clams in the silt exploded, and a figure soared into the sky. Their fists slammed into the sky like a bodhi, and they collided with the sea, causing a tsunami in the loud noise, and the step of devouring the Longyuan River was interrupted.

"Su Zhen!"

In the eyes of Dean Yue Lu, Han Mang shot.

"Hengyan Fan, let's meet again." Su Zhen became the form of Jinglili Bodhisattva. He stepped on the golden lotus and faced his eyes: "Strictly speaking, there is no direct hatred between the two of us. Bit me and hold it? "

"Endless vortex!"

Dean Yue Lu did not talk nonsense to him, a black vortex collapsed in the center of the sea, and there was a loud crackling noise inside, the water pressure reached the level of the sky, the scouring sound was louder than thunder, and the horror power contained was comparable to thunder.


The vortex swallowed Su Zhen.

Admittedly, Heng Yanfan and Su Zhen had no intersection before. He didn't even like to slaughter Su Zhen with the help of the academic conference, but that was Qing Feilong's order, and he couldn't help it. The upheaval that occurred at the academic conference was beyond his expectation. A large group of Daozang fell, not to mention that even the flying dragon was killed on the spot. A few days ago, Su Zhen robbed Shiraishi and so on from his hands, which was equivalent to hitting his face in public.

How can we stand on this hatred?

"You're really decisive, don't fight with you, see you next time!" Su Zhen reversed his qi and infused Zifu Yuanying, Qigong supernatural powers were all disordered, and the violent energy walked through the veins-


A giant mushroom cloud took off.

The swallowed vortexes were blocked by the mushroom cloud in the air for a long time. When the smoke disappeared, the dean of Yue Lu was gloomy with his face, releasing the spiritual consciousness and expanding the scope of the envelope.


He found a breath downstream.

"You can't escape!" Dean Yue Lu caught up.


The lower reaches of Longyuan River.

A blood lotus grows on the calm river, and the blood lotus blooms. Su Zhen was born with his knees crossed. Before he could move his muscles, a thundering thunder came and followed a vast sea descending from the air, covering a ten-mile long river. .

"Endless vortex!"

A black vortex swallowed him directly.

"Chasing so fast?" Su Zhen narrowed his eyes and resolutely reversed the true energy into the Zifu Yuanying, enduring the unimaginable pain of ordinary people. The bang exploded, and the giant mushroom cloud lifted into the sky, blocking the vortex process.


Lower and lower Longyuan River.

A drop of blood squirmed from the bottom of the river, and bones, organs, muscles, veins, and fur were transformed into Su Zhen's appearance. Before he could adapt to this body, a terrifying momentum fell from high altitude.

"Deep fried!"

Su Zhen blew himself up.


The river bank exploded, the tidal flat became a giant lake, and the mushroom cloud carried the river and collided with the black vortex.


Downstream again.

The calm river suddenly exploded and jumped out of a young man with a sword-brown star. He moved quickly in the direction of the mountain forest. Without a few steps, the sky became dark and a giant vortex swallowed down.

"carry on!"

Su Zhen gritted his teeth and exploded.


Once, twice ... six times, seven times ...

Nine times!

Successive self-detonation caused Su Zhen's energy to dry up quickly. Fortunately, he had just devoured the Shengzhou King's house to worship, absorbed the stored energy, and instantly recovered to its peak state. Before the ninth figure detonated, he released nine drops of essential blood.

This time the animal was used as a carrier.


After Su Zhen's first body exploded, a tiger monster that was frightened by the fighting and fleeing with its head, and a drop of essential blood in its fur, suddenly multiplied into a young man with swords and stars.

Iron-blooded barbarian.


One-horned viper.

Evil ape.

With the rise of Haoran Academy, not only did the young martial artists regard it as a holy place for cultivation, but also a large number of monsters and animals gathered here. Su Zhen's worst selection was Tiangang monsters, otherwise he would be scared and prostrate to the ground, and he could not transport his essence blood to escape.

All the beasts come and the birds come.

Su Zhen used the red-necked crane, the flaming eagle, etc. as the carrier to lead the dean Yuelu around the circle ... Time passed by one minute and one second, and a smile appeared at the corner of Su Zhen's mouth.

"Presumably those warriors are ready to move?"

Su Zhen keeps working hard.

The two escaped very fast, and the Luoxia Mountains were traversed by the carpet. Under the double brilliance of Yuanying's self-detonation and endless vortices, the mountains famously known as the peaks appeared in endless abyss.

After today.

Luoxia Mountain will be renamed Luoxia Abyss.

There is still a tea enough for half an hour. At this time, Su Zhen is exhausted. He keeps his state by storing the Elixir in the Taiyi secret realm. He must look at the expression of Dean Yuelu every time he explodes.

This time--

The endless vortex swallowed again. Just when he was about to explode, he found that Dean Yue Lu's face suddenly gloomy, glanced at the vocal notes around his waist, and cursed aloud: "A group of bold thieves, dare to destroy the world and complain about it?"

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