Undead Emperor

Chapter 1822: Old friend coming

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Chapter 1822 The Old Friends Arrival

"Have you heard that the Protestant Party will fight Wu Jue's life and death tomorrow!"

someone said.

"God Party?"

One side of the conversation was puzzled.

"It's unclear when you first arrived at Haoran Academy. The Protestant Party is a force composed of Saints and Saints. The party leader is rumored to be a great man with all means! Wu Jue killed two members of the Protestant Party, and Vice President Tianhe Shengzi went to find As a result, he did not know how to lift it up, and he slammed it. This is to find death. "

The man answered.

"Who shot the **** party, that leader?"

The other party asked.

"How is it possible!" The well-informed warrior shook his head and said: "It is estimated to be a powerful son. After all, Wushu is not a weak one ... It's a pity, it's not a lift."

For a time.

Haoran Academy is all this dialogue.


Hanging in the water mirror.

Su Zhen received a letter of invitation, the content is very simple [Tomorrow noon, the prodigal son of the Protestant Party "Bone Deficiency, Jiang Shaobai" will stage a ring at the martial arts square, waiting for Wu Ju's victory, which will lead to victory and defeat, and will be alive and dead. ].

"Oh, I'm so arrogant." Su Zhen's mouth twitched.

He knew very little about the Protestant Party. The emergence of Xuan Tianhe made him a little surprised. When he heard that he was serving as the 'Vice President', he felt that the power was unfathomable. But the latter opened his mouth and said, "Driving to the world, establishing the kingdom of God, and reappearing the prestige of the ancients." It is known that the party was created by a group of Yelang arrogant people. Xuan Tianhe joined it, maybe for another purpose, maybe deliberately bluffing him, but no matter which point, it proved that the Protestant Party is the Caotai team.

This invitation letter is evidence.

"That is, I need to disturb the muddy water, or who will fight such a battle in the ring? After throwing a letter of invitation, I will have to fight life and death, and I have heard more stories about the lakes and lakes." Su Zhen joked.

He looked down on the party from the bottom of his heart.


He needs the cooperation of the Protestant Party and the other party wants to fight, then he agrees.

"I don't know where Shiraishi are, have they resolved the Jiuzifeng magic needle." Su Zhen didn't worry about the Protestant Party and was thinking about this matter. As a result, a sudden news surprised him deeply.

The veteran Tianjiao arrived early!

Headed by "Qianlong List" and "Young Phoenix List", Kyushu's top Tianjiao collective came-


Headed by Mo Cangqiang, who has been promoted to Dao Tibetan territory, are: Xiaoxuan of Zhongzhou, Fang Ziqing of Dahuangzhou, Gu Tiansha, the master of Tiansha Demon Sect, Han Zun, the son of the dean of Shengzhou Meteorological Academy, Zhongzhou Hong Jianqing, Zhongzhou Linlangxie, and the Budo tea party The famous Gan Ye, the one-armed swordsman, and Lei Qianjue all came together.

the latter.

Headed by the cold smoke and dust that have advanced to the Tibetan realm, they are: East Sea Tianzhuan Shenzong Jiang Ni, Changshengmen Tongyan, Xing Luo Family Jialing, Zhongzhou Du Youyou, etc., and Han Weiwei, mysterious little girl who surprised four in the Budo tea party Did not come.

In addition, many Tianjiao arrived.

For example, Zhang Yulong, the second true story of Tian Dao Sect, Tian Lei Dian, Lei Ruan, Feng Xuezong, Chu Aoshan, Lin Langxie's younger brother, Lin Langfeng, etc. For a time, Kyushu's arrogance drove to Haoran Academy, and the world looked at it.

"All are here, the more people, the more lively."

Su Zhen closed her eyes.


The next morning, early in the morning.

There are crowds of people in the martial arts square. Five million martial arts are standing next to each other, and the water is leaking. There are three positions in the air that are particularly prominent. They are the arrogance of the heavens headed by Mo Cang and the cold smoke and dust. They reproduce the scene of the martial arts tea party.

Right in the north is a group of young men and women with face-to-face births. They are the new arrogance after the big event.

Right in the south is the veteran strongman, the one-armed swordsman, Lei Qianjue stood here, here is also the most Dao Tibetan territory, if Su Zhen seems to be able to find many acquaintances, emerald son Ye Liuli, bliss Daotong, witch Cui Ying The old Yinyin, Hong Pu, and even the Fairy Flower and her sister also came. One of them was very familiar, but he was promoted to Wu Lingtian of Daozang with his help.

The arrogant and powerful people from all over the world are here!

"Look, they are well-positioned, the new arrogance, the veteran arrogance, the old veteran three-legged triumph, and the last son and daughter." Five million warriors gave up the top four positions in the air. At present It is still empty in the west.

That was the site reserved for the Protestant Party.


time flies.

For these people, for a long time, they were in a blink of an eye, but they did not wait and talked to each other like old friends.

Mo Cangqiong said to Zhang Yulong: "Brother Yulong, why didn't Brother Li come?"

Zhang Yulong replied: "Senior Brother is attacking Dao Tibetan territory."

Mo Cangqiong nodded: "There are four people I admire the most in" Qianlong Bang ". Brother Li is one of them. He is promoted to Daozang and is readily available. When he holds the Daozang Grand Ceremony, I will definitely go to congratulate him."

Zhang Yulong: "Thank you on behalf of Brother."

Han Yanchen from the side smiled and asked, "There are four people you admire most. Li Moxuan is one of them. Who are the other three?"

Mo Cangqiang: "The prince is imperial."

Han Yanchen: "There are still."

Mo Cangqiang: "Prince Ape, one of the Seven Saints of the Demon Race."

Han Yanchen nodded in agreement, immediately looked around and quipped: "Do n’t blame me for not reminding you, you look at Xiao Xiaozi, Fang Ziqing, Tiansha Sect Master, Hong Gongzi, Lin Gongzi and so on. You only have one last place left, ready Who offended? "

"Ha ha."

Mo Cangqiang smiled slightly: "Smoke Girl said so, then I will offend, because the last one is that guy."


Han Yan was stunned.

Immediately reacted, and laughed, but with a little regret: "Yes, that guy can definitely sit on the table."

Everyone else knew who was talking, and his face was slightly regretful, as if he had lost his best friend. In the past, "The Qianlong List" recognized the strongest talents as Li Moxuan and Prince Ape. If Mo Cangqiong had a long time to practice, they must have advanced to Daozang earlier. accept. But what really convinced them was that it was Su Zhen who was listed as the 'big devil'.

Compared with him-

No matter how strong Tianjiao is, it is overshadowed, even Li Moxuan and Prince Ape ca n’t match it! It was lucky to be with him in the same era, and sad to be with him in the same era.

he is--

The dragon snake walks, the wind rises, and leads the times.

he is--

Outstanding, unique and unique.

"Of course, in addition to the four of them who are stronger than me, there are a lot of brothers Xuan Xuan, Brother Ziqing, Brother Tiansha, Brother Jianqing, Brother Langxie, and the amazingly talented Bai Shi, Brother Gan Ye, They are all very powerful. Brother Yulong has been enlightened in Qingxuanjian Pavilion for many years. According to legend, swordsmanship is no longer weaker than that of Brother Moxuan. It wo n’t take long before they will be above me. "

Mo Cangqiong noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and changed the subject and smiled easily.

"Brother Mo, don't just talk about big things, don't forget that the new era has begun, the protagonist is now the group of sons and daughters ..." Before finishing the words, Xiao Xuan pointed to the front and said: "Look, they come Now. "

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