Undead Emperor

Chapter 1819: God Party! Caotai team

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Chapter 1819 The God Party! Caotai team

Secret Chuanyuan, Langya Mountain.

This is the most majestic spiritual peak in this mysterious realm. It stands proudly on the seashore, facing the magnificent sea, facing the magnificent sea, with giant whales, dragon pythons, echidactylus, and turtles traveling, and the north is a stretch of hundred miles like a The dragon is creeping on the ground, and Langya Mountain is the dragon head.

Mountain top.

There is an open field.

Chihu Shengzi used magical power to carve a huge rock into a dragon chair, facing the sea, sitting on it, and on both sides were several sons and saints. He enjoyed the king-like treatment.

Xuan Tianhe stood behind him, with a pious look on his face, but his heart was full of disdain.

【Tu Baozi】

This is his evaluation of Chihu Shengzi.

"But it's okay. With him standing in front, I hide in the dark to take advantage of it, and it won't attract attention." Xuan Tianhe is very clear about his position, that is, the army division of the God Party.

Just thinking.

Suddenly, a series of giant earthquakes spread into the secret realm.


An unlucky giant whale was shaken into blood mist just after jumping out of the sea, and a sea of ​​water was stained red.

"What's the matter?" Chihu Shengzi asked.

"Your Royal Highness, it should be a beast of arrogance ... This secret realm was created by the founding dean of Haoran Academy on the basis of a plane space. It is not high in itself. The external battles are fierce and will naturally come in."

Xuan Tianhe explained.

He was the most knowledgeable at the scene, and only he knew many things.

"It turns out that it must be that the members of our **** party are standing in the prestige." Chihu Shengzi raised his mouth, proudly: "Seeing that, this is the majesty of the **** party, what Kyushu Tianjiao is worthless in front of us, God The party will become famous all over the world, gradually establish a dynasty, and reappear the prestige of the ancients! "

"Long live the God Party!"

"Long live the God Party!"

"Long live His Highness!"

"Long live His Highness!"

The saints and saints shook their arms and shouted, like Xuan Tianhe shouted a few voices, but the despise of the red tiger saint in his eyes grew stronger, he could n’t understand this kind of guy, why is the divine energy awakening the most of.


A ripple appeared in the void, and several figures emerged from it.

"The Son of Bone Deficiency is back." Someone stood up here, and the man who came out of the ripples was as thin as a wood, his cheeks were sunken, and he was 70% similar to the skeleton. The **** he believed in was a skeleton god. He took two Shengzi quickly walked to the top of the mountain, kneeled halfway in front of Chihu Shengzi, and said loudly, "His Royal Highness, his subordinates are not humiliated and defeated Yingzhou Tianjiao."

"Very good, enter it."

Chihu Shengzi waved his hand and said to other people: "Seeing it, the God Party shot, those arrogances, all down!"

"Long live the God Party!"

"Long live His Highness!"

The sons and daughters shouted again.


A second wave of ripples appeared in the void, and several figures came out, headed by a man in a yellow robe. He walked quickly and knelt down before the red tiger son, and said in a loud voice: "Return to your highness, Teng Snake is not humiliated Defeat Shengzhou ’s two major arrogances, and the other two are not afraid of war, and take the initiative to admit defeat. "

"Very good, enter!"

Chihu Shengzi waved his hand again, and the flattering cheers rang again.

The third ring of ripples.

The Son of the Black Gun appeared and presented a good news.

On the fourth circle, Ripple walked out of a woman in a white dress. Everyone on the hill was waiting for her success with a smile, but she knelt in front of Chihu Shengzi, whispering her head and daring not to lift her head: , Bai Yu's battle with Shang Zhaojun in "Young Phoenix List" ... was defeated. "

"Very good, enter ..."

Chihu Shengzi wanted to praise instinctively. Hearing the last two words, his eyes glared sharply, his hands were out of control, and he snapped the armrest of the dragon chair with a "click", angrily said: "What did you say, defeated?"

"Shang Zhaojun is extremely fighting, and his subordinates are not opponents with supernatural powers. After offering the supernatural powers, they do not want to be defeated by her early ambush. Please pay a punishment."

Saint Bai Yu dare not look up.

"Shang Zhaojun is currently the most valuable arrogant in Haoran Academy. The only member of the Young Phoenix List. Defeating her will greatly improve the majesty of the party. The Holy Son will entrust you with the heavy responsibility. Are you defeated? "

Chihu Shengzi's face was gloomy like rain.

Other saints and saints frowned, and their faces were not good, especially those with bone deficiency, snakes, and black guns who showed strong disdain. The Tianjiao that they had just defeated included the veteran strongman, and they felt that those Tianjiao boasted in the past were all embroidered pillows, and the failure of Bai Yu Sheng Nu, they could not understand.

"The God Party does not need waste, even Shang Zhaojun can't fight, you don't have to stay in ..."

Not finished.

Xuan Tianhe interrupted him and preached: "His Royal Highness cannot be expelled. The God Party is sculpted and needs grace and grace. Although the White Feather Saint has made a big mistake, it is not enough to expel it. Conducive to the growth of the Protestant Party. "

Chihu Shengzi turned to look at him.

Xuan Tianhe stood at the back, always expressionless, as if there was no transmission of voice into the secret.

If you change to a normal person, you will take Xuan Tianhe's suggestion, but the Red Tiger Son has changed from a mortal overnight to the strongest son, and the inner expansion is boundless, and he even reprimanded Xuan Tianhe face to face: Do you need to intervene? Just a nonsense, and expel you from the party! "


Xuan Tianhe looked up, his face dull.

He was dumbfounded.

He is as good at the world as he is, and he never dreamed that Chihu Shengzi said this, and he didn't know what expression to use for a while. Other saints and maidens did not hear the rumors and secrets, and did not understand what was happening. There were a few famous sons before the big events, who guessed what happened, and all showed ridicule and sneer. They did not like to talk to They had the same starting line, but they had become Vice President Xuan Tianhe.

This is the God Party.

A team of Caotai gathered together.

"God Party don't waste, you go." Red Tiger Shengzi issued an expulsion order.

"Your Highness!"

Saint Bai Yu's eyes widened.


Chihu Shengzi sounded like thunder Zhen, using tiger roar magical power, the speed of sound waves hitting Bai Yu Sheng Nu with the naked eye speed, directly crashed it into a serious injury, and fell into the sea, and other members of the audience applauded.

Saint White Feather crawled out of the sea and left the Secret Academy in dismay.

She just left.


Two white lights appeared in the void, revealing the figure of the space maiden and the young man in black. They were in a state of embarrassment. They stumbled towards the top of the mountain. Now! "

As soon as this statement came out, the mountain top was shocked.

"What do you say?" Red Tiger Shengzi took a big step, his right arm soared, and grabbed him in front of him: "Aren't you dealing with people who are brutal, why is it that only you two come back, who was killed by the flames and thunderbolt? of!"

"It's martial arts!"

The youth in black screamed: "That guy is not a **** arrogant, but also a son, and a great son who controls divine art!"

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