Undead Emperor

Chapter 1814: Shinto party

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Chapter Eighteenth Fourteenth Party

"The Son of Flame is really powerful. The sky is full of fire, burning Jiuxiao, and it can even summon the legendary divinity! I can see the virtual image of the flame **** in my lifetime. This trip is worthwhile, this trip is worth it!"

Haoran Academy is full of martial arts.

"The flame son won?" A discordant voice sounded.

Hear this sentence.

The warriors beside him turned their heads and looked like monsters looking at him. One of them was shocked: "Did you not watch?"

"No, I'm watching Wu Jue's battle with Fan Shengzhen King. Wu Ju is really powerful. Once again, he didn't move, and killed Fan Shengzhen King!" The warrior was all excited when he talked about this matter. color.

"The new arrogant and powerful old veterans, how can the saints and saints fight beautifully?" The warrior disdained: "I tell you, both the saints of flames and the saints of green vines use divine power, and their fighting power is equal. Flame Son managed to win a trick. But Saint Vincent was defeated and unharmed ... the most important thing is, do you know the reason why the two are fighting? "

The warrior looked confused.

The former proudly said: "They are to join a force. Only strong enough sons and saints can join! At the end of the battle, one of the core characters of that force appears, it is simply the **** of the dust, so powerful! I listen According to the rumor, the devil once ran into the face with this one, and fled with his tail! "

"So scary?"

"Of course!" The warrior was more proud and taunted: "Now that I don't know how to watch the Holy War, what martial arts are most regrettable?" Just after he finished, he suddenly realized something, his tone changed, and asked. : "Wait, did you say Wu Ju stayed in place and bombarded the Holy King?"


"... In this way, Wu Ju can be comparable to Sheng Zi? Huh, no matter what, Haoran Academy becomes a pot of porridge, and it has become Tianjiao's proof that who is the biggest ring in Kyushu. The more Wu Ju stands out, the more there will be people Come to the door, wait for the Son to declare war on him, and don't look too late. "


Su Zhen sat cross-legged in the floating water mirror.

Beheading the Brahma Saint King, the fighting power under the Dao-Tibetan level will no longer cause trouble. Su Zhen did not rush to declare war on the Holy Son and the Holy Girl, but divided a blood incarnation and hid it outside the Haoran Academy, contact Lu Chiaki and others.

The external formation has been broken, he will try to contact him.


The world is complaining.

Crackling ... A series of lightning strikes down, consuming the blue Xuanjian Pavilion day and night, Dean Hengyan Fan of the Lulu knees high above the sky, closing his eyes and raising his mind, suppressing everything, a large number of tutors and students isolate the outsiders. Gu Xinghe has returned to Yuelu Academy to deal with things over there. Zhang Zhenghe and Hou Zuting are also in contact with the court, and the situation falls into a strange silence.

He is waiting.

The moment the sword pavilion was exhausted.


The heavens and earth complained slightly, and it was like a prey entering the web, which excited the spider king Hengyan Fan. He suddenly opened his eyes and caught a flash of lightning, with a sentence attached to it 【Dizhen Takaoka, a mountain stream Show].

"Su Zhen!"

In the eyes of Heng Yanfan, the elite burst into the air, suddenly stood up, disappeared into a streamer.

The tutors nearby looked at each other.

After half a day.

Hengyan Fan re-sited in the Qingxuanjian Pavilion, and a faint news spread. The big demon Su Zhen appeared near the Haoran Academy. Dean Yue Lu released his consciousness and pursued nothing.

The news came out.

The Haoran Academy is even darker, and those arrogant ambitions are more victorious.


Hanging in the water mirror.

Su Zhen broke off contact with Jingxue incarnation and frowned: "Heaven and Earth complain that the large array can isolate the sound transmission. This method is unbreakable and cannot rescue them. It seems that they have to intensify their time to do things."

Muddy water can touch the fish.

Su was really ready to charge the pilgrim child, but the other party took the initiative to find him.


An hour ago.

Secret Academy.

Former Qiu Taiji, Qu Huashang and other spiritual places, the most aura of Haoran Academy, was occupied by a group of men and women. They were young, middle-aged, teenagers, children, and even elders from all over Kyushu. There are also some unknown people, and even mortals who have never practiced.

Now there is a common identity-

Spirit spokesperson!

This group of people are saints and saints. Everyone has dignity, strong or weak, different in strength, the strongest is a shirtless young man, his head is crammed, his eyes are fierce, his body is tall, his muscles are hard, like A biting tiger.

His name is ‘Red Tiger Son’.

I did n’t know what his real name was, but there are two things to be sure. This guy was a mortal before the big event and never practiced any martial arts! And now, he is the strongest person in the presence of Kamui, and he is not as good as him on the occasion!

There is a suspicion of the Son--

The gods he believed in were still alive.

"In the ancient times, Kyushu was the only one we respected. As the gods fell, some rat generations came out to dominate the king, known as 'the first arrogance of Kyushu', and no tiger monkey in the mountain called the king! Now, I am waiting for the talent to come back and wake up. , Should let the world know who is the real arrogance, I formed the "God Party", is to reproduce the ancient prestige! "Red Tiger Shengzi looked around, indifferently said:" Only the **** spokesperson is worthy to join the God Party, I need You are fighting for the world for me and coming to Kyushu again! "

There are many veteran Tianjiao present.

For example, 'Xuanhe Shengzi' Xuan Tianhe, he is Zhongzhou Tianjiao, very familiar with Xiao Xuan, Lin Langxie, etc. When Wan Zhonglou wrote the last "Qianlong Bang", he considered making him on the list. Talents fell slightly north of Lin Langxie.

He knows a lot.

Understand more that the gods can no longer appear in Kyushu, and if they do, their situation will be worse ... Now the situation is actually very good, because there is no god, the court does not care about them, and there is more talent for nothing.

But why did he join the party?

the reason is simple--

Xuan Tianhe did n’t want to settle in with the status quo. He wanted to grow to the greatest extent. The “God Party” created by Chihu Shengzi let him see the opportunity: “This guy has a simple mind, a stubborn man, and the awakening divine energy is indeed strong, and he is fighting the world Impossible, but it is very easy to rule a site, maybe a small kingdom can be established. "

Xuan Tianhe has a clear goal.

Those without the gods belong to the rootless ping. Those believers who gather up know that the gods do not exist, and they will definitely disperse the birds and beasts. If a small **** kingdom is established, it is a big force, no different from the top martial arts.

At that time.

They call themselves ‘Son Son’ or ‘Elder’. It ’s okay for their followers to be called ‘Believers’. ‘Members’ are also perfectly suitable, which is the real power.

"I am willing to follow in the footsteps of His Highness!"

Everyone spoke in unison.

There are thoughts in it, some are the same as Xuan Tianhe, some are purely dreaming of fighting the world, some are holding thighs, and some want to be famous, and the fighting spirit is frightening.

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