Undead Emperor

Chapter 177: King Kong Body

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Chapter 177 Indestructible Diamond Body

Without King Huaiyin, the Wangui Cave could threaten Su's real existence. None of them, he was at ease in his practice. Fight for the spirits, after exhausting the true energy, return to the tomb to retreat and wait until the state recovers before exiting.

This perfect state of cultivation has made Su Zhen's true energy more and more rounded.

Days pass by day by day.

In a flash, two years have passed.

On this day, Su Zhen stayed in the grave and recovered his true energy. According to the fluctuation of his body, he seemed to have reached the late stage of the ninth birth!

"There are fewer and fewer monsters in Wangui Cave. I did n’t expect to be killed by me in two years. I want to find someone who is born out of ten. It ’s harder to reach the sky. It is only one step away from breaking through the tenth weight. "Two years of mad cultivation have made remarkable progress, but the consumables brought by Su Zhen are also consumed cleanly.

The rest is just for the tenth.

However, as the cultivation level became higher and higher, Su Zhen understood the principle of "water overflowing", no longer as rash as before, but full of polished real energy, a natural breakthrough that came naturally.

After nine consecutive weeks of continuous operation, after finishing today's homework, Su Zhen began to practice "Hundred Tribulation Mixed Body".

With the help of physical fitness, four super talents, Su Zhen spent three weeks to cultivate 'one robbery and one turn', three months to 'three robbery and two turns', half a year to' nine robbery and three turns', and now he is striking ' The immortal King Kong body '.

A circle of golden light emanated from Su Zhen, setting off his majestic treasure.

A stream of blood mist sprayed from his pores, and then contracted back, as if the blood mist was breathing, which was tempering the body with qi and blood.

Each flush of qi and blood makes the body cells more crystal clear.

"I have stepped on the threshold of the indestructible King Kong body with half of my foot. It's time to break through." Su Zhen did not stop but continued to run after nine weeks, he felt that the stage of "Hundred Tribulation Mixed Body" had reached Degree.

Sure enough, with another week of operation, the body began to change slightly.

Changes from the inside out, bone marrow, periosteum, viscera, muscle, skin, every inch, every inch, are slowly degenerating.

Removal of impurities, new cells are born, more tough and firm.

After the eighteen big weekdays are completed, the body is completely transformed and sublimated to a new level.

Su Zhen stretched his body and burst into a crackling sound, like a jackal, a tiger and a leopard hiding in his joints. At this time, he suddenly felt that his body cells were very hungry, as if the hungry ghost was reborn and greedily wanted to eat.

"Everyone builds a layer of" Hundred Tribulation Mixed Body ", you need qi and blood to feed. The more qi and blood you absorb, the better the effect of this layer." Su Zhen has deep experience and controls qi and blood without any tension. feed.

With the completion of Nine Tribulation Three, his blood is much thicker than before.

Su Zhen has full confidence in feeding the immortal King Kong body.

As a result, the immortal vajra body is like a bottomless hole, swallowing continuously, as long as one-third can be fed, and completely disappeared, until the swallowed one-tenth, the immortal vajra body is still not full.

Su Zhen was shocked: "Entering the fourth stage, so different from the previous one?"

According to this situation, all qi and blood are sucked away, and the Vajra is not full.

"Oops!" Su Zhen's face changed. This was the rebuke in the annotation. The practitioner's blood could not be reached, resulting in being sucked into a dead body by "Hundred Tribulation Mixed Body".

"I don't have greed, I can't go on a business trip, why don't the extinct King Kong body absorb so much blood? Is it because my undead bloodline is mixed with" Hundred Tribulation Mixed Body "and there is some kind of reaction?" Understand, but what matters most now is to stop absorbing qi and blood.

Su Zhen stopped running "Hundred Tribulation Mixed Body".

But the body cells still devour qi and blood uncontrollably.

Su Zhen's face became somber.

"If you can't stop, you can only let it **** up. I don't know if the undead bloodline can save me after it becomes a corpse." He was thinking about it, and suddenly another thought came out: "But if it can be fed, it will not be destroyed. Everything about King Kong is fine. "

How can I feed?

Su Zhen searched for a panacea to nourish qi and blood, but unfortunately it was already consumed within two years.

But just when he was about to take back his spiritual consciousness, he suddenly found a snowy white egg in the corner.

"It's it!" Su Zhen suddenly remembered that this was the spoils obtained from Fu Lingtian, containing the majestic power of blood and blood, which should be the eggs of an ancient spirit beast.

Su Zhen originally wanted to hatch and cultivate into a spiritual pet, but now he is ready to eat it.

Take out the animal eggs, shoot a ray of true qi at the fingertips to break the eggshell, Su Zhen opens his mouth and **** in, **** the rich qi and blood power into the body, and replenishes the cells.

The immortal King Kong body is replenished and absorbed more joyfully.

The power of qi and blood contained in the mysterious beast egg also made Su Zhen free from worries.

Ten hours in a row.

When the immortal King Kong body absorbed the mysterious animal eggs cleanly, and sucked Su Zhen's blood, there was only a ray of it, and finally fed! Immediately afterwards, the indestructible Vajra body began to feed back, and a stream of qi and blood spit out from the cells again.

this is normal phenomenon.

During the first three rounds of repairs, Su Zhen experienced that every time the cells were fed first, then fed back and returned to Su Zhen. The qi and blood fed back are all refined, extremely pure, free of any impurities, and each drop contains supreme power.

"In the past, feeding back would increase my energy of blood and blood by one or two points, and this time not only absorbed 90% of me, but also ate a mysterious beast egg. How strong will the energy from feeding back be?"

Su Zhen is looking forward to it.

Without destroying the Vajra body, he was not disappointed. With the continuous breathing, a **** river soon formed above Su Zhen ’s head, surging blood, tumbling, rushing, and merging into a rapid blood river!

La La La hovered above Su Zhen.

The blood river is as big as Tongtian River under Xingfeng Cliff! The river water made of blood seems to have an ancient fierce beast to surface!

The waves are magnificent and very spectacular!

Feeling the magnificence of the blood river, Su Zhen's eyes were straight: "What a powerful force of qi and blood, I'm really even more monster than monster!"

The river of qi and blood, the breath of qi and energy, and the immortal Vajra body.

Su Zhen's defensive power has been able to use the physical body to resist the superior Qigong exerted by the masters of the realm, while the pure physical strength has expanded to 700,000 catties, with the true energy approaching the one million mark!

The flesh can sweep the strong.

Returning to Vientiane Sect, I am afraid that Xiang Fantian and Xu Luyan cannot resist Su Zhen in pure flesh.

His strength surged sharply, and then he encountered the soul-wrenching man, and the front was hard, Su Zhen could beat him! Behind the immortal King Kong, Su Zhen turned his head and started to rush towards the realm. As the blood violently increased, he felt it was time for the water to overflow.

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