Undead Emperor

Chapter 1688: A bumper harvest

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Chapter 1688 is a bumper harvest

Su Zhen grabbed the essence of the fire, and the latter made a childish scream, like a crazy child, claiming to burn the flames of all things in the sky, burning, and Su Zhen's glass body began to melt.

"The temperature is really high."

Su Zhen raised his eyebrows and took out the core to photograph it.


A turquoise blaze burned in the pure black crystal nucleus, the two relics collided like dreams, and the ability of the fire to incinerate everything was just resolved by the earth's core, and Su Zhen was put into the ruined Taiyi secret realm.

All this is done in a flash.

Lou Xieyue stood in the air and did not react. When he wanted to fight for the essence of the fire, he had become a thing in Su Zhen's pocket. Other onlookers are even more stupid. I can't imagine that Su Zhen could actually explode this kind of combat power. The wave of bombardment of the Zoroastrian Son and the suppression of the spirit of separation from fire are his real strength.

When things were done, Su Zhen was ready to leave.

"and many more!"

Lou Xieyue shouted at him, his eyes gloomy, and said in a low voice: "President Su, can you deliver the essence of Lihuo, and urgently need it, willing to exchange ten thousand years of elixir."

"Sorry, I need it too." Su Zhen refused.

Talk about it.

He wants to escape.

Lou Xieyue's voice became dark and brought threats: "This thing is related to the future, and it must not be lost. Dean Su still thinks about it. Don't forget, I just watched on the face of Dean Su and let go of the Fairy Fairy. Do n’t forget that if you attack me with a child prodigy, the essence of Lihuo will already belong to me. "

"Ha ha."

Su Zhen laughed and said nothing.

Lou Xieyue saw that he was hard and hard to eat, his tone was more gloomy, and his face was fierce. Sacred object of the underworld? You have an immortal body, and you have this seat, and it is stronger, you think about it! "

"Ha ha."

Su Zhen continued to reply with a smile.

Lou Xieyue is the devil, Su Zhen is also not a good person, and his innocence is guilty of his crimes. Lou Xieyue's deity is a page of "Life and Death Book" is a big mistake. Su Zhen has always wanted it, let alone the other party's secret calculations. . But after all, he was the head of the first court. He served the people with virtue and could not be robbed. Then he lured Lou Xieyue to take the initiative again to kill him.

Dare to rampage a page of "Life and Death Book"? As everyone knows, Su Zhen is carrying two pages!

Lou Xieyue didn't do it directly after all, his eyes were scarlet, his expression was erratic, he thought for a long time, and finally turned into a sneer: "President Su is so determined that he won't persuade me more. Just wait and see. "

Turn around

He turned into a black wind and escaped.

Su Zhen's expression was slightly disappointed, and he also rose up into the air with regret, and escaped into the corner of the endless fire.


Near the ruin palace was calm, night glass, ecstasy, witch Cui Ying, old Yin Crow, Hong Pu, Huo Hengshan, etc. looked at each other, it took a long time to wake up from the shock and rushed to the extinguished magma spring. The Holy Son who worshipped the fire was dead, and the essence of the fire was gone, but the ruins were still there. There must be treasures buried here. Su Zhen and Lou Xieyue couldn't look down on them. They were regarded as rare.

Fangyuanbaili was again confused.

But all this has nothing to do with Su Zhen. He is looking for a remote place and is dealing with the battle harvest.

Headed by: Holy weapon lance.

In the broken Taiyi secret realm, the swords roared, Thunder flame burst out, Luotong manipulated the gold sword, and was fighting with the gold gun, the air waves generated by the two sides fighting, so that the secret realm was devastated.

Landslides, ground fissures, rivers cut off, forests destroyed ...

"How come it's not over yet."

Su Zhen stepped into the secret realm and saw that the Golden Sword was pursuing the Golden Gun. Although it had the upper hand, it was still far from wanting to suppress.

"The Zoroastrianism was also a great religion in the ancient times. Although it is far less than the Qingxuanjian school, the holy artifact forged in the religion is very strong, especially this spirit. From the first moment of birth, he manipulated the golden gun, which is much more skilled than me."

Luo Tong's voice came from the golden sword.

"let me help you."

Su Zhen thought, a male mountain stood up in front of the golden gun, he took a big step, shrank his ground to an inch, and instantly appeared beside the golden gun.

"Don't surrender!"

He stretched out Liuli's arm and grabbed the golden gun.

The golden gun rushed from left to right, like a **** who wanted to break away from Su Zhen's control, but he refused to surrender. Luo Tong consciously passed on and said, "President Su is a son of destiny. He will ask for the supreme existence in the future and follow him. What's wrong? The Zoroastrianism is gone, and you are a candidate for a new master! "

"I am the son of the Son, and only the heirs of the gods deserve to own me, mortals don't want to mess with their fingers!" The voice of the golden gun resembled Huang Zhongda Lu, Su Zhen screamed out a rude man in front of him.

This is its spirit.

"Daigan Emperor swept across Kyushu, ruled the world, sealed gods, succumbed to evil spirits, abolished prostitution, and the world was already godless, what kind of **** heir came from? The Holy Son who worshiped fire just now was a walking dead, and the man who manipulated you was away from fire. The essence! "

Luo Tong scolded.

"Halloween never falls!" The Golden Gun is very sturdy.

"Heir of the gods? Oh, then you can see if I can." Su Zhen Lingzhi invaded the golden spear, the latter was in a state of anger, instinctively followed the counter-attack, and part of it rushed into Su Zhen's mind. Su Zhen originally wanted to surrender under the will of the immortal Emperor Wu Dao. As a result, the ray of will of the golden spear saw the five dragon painting halberds who knew the sea, and suddenly froze on the spot ...

After a few breaths.

The golden gun cleverly leaned next to Su Zhen. After listening, he fell off. Luo Tong looked dumbfounded and asked in a silent voice, "How did you do it?"

"My go to Qingxuanjian Pavilion is the successor of the sword god, which meets its requirements." Su Zhen then made a fuss. He was also unexpected. The martial arts will not be used, and an artifact scared the golden gun.

It's normal to think about it.

A holy weapon is like a Yuanying martial artist. When he encounters an artifact named Daozang Realm, he will be frightened. When he encounters an artifact named Yuanshen Realm, he will creep on the ground, willingly be a subordinate, and never dare to betray him forever.

right now--

Su Zhen owns two holy items, plus the once fairy device of Qingxuanjian Pavilion, and the five dragon painting halberd that suppresses the knowledge of the sea. No one is stronger than him in terms of magic weapons.

The next step is to refine the core.

Su Zhen withdrew the two holy vessels and took out the core of the earth to take a closer look. It was found that the essence of the fire had softened it and the black crystals gradually melted. The first drop of essence of the core would be dropped in about seven days.

"A drop in seven days, ten years can be refined into" Ancient True Body (Middle Volume). "Su Zhen felt too slow. The revenge of Yuelu Academy and Yuan Dongdao returned at any time. How could he retreat for ten years?

But there is no other way.

"Ten years of cultivating a peerless magical power is absolutely awesome, but it's a pity ..." Su Zhen sighed. He also knew that this was a lack of greed, but the time was too tight.

"Forget it, first look at the third sample." Su Zhen took out the third item.

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