Undead Emperor

Chapter 1647: Beat the Gu Dao Ren

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Chapter 1467 Cracking Gu Guren

After taking the Thousand Eyes Bodhisattva, the manifestation order of Su Zhen's energy is: the real body of the Bodhisattva, the vision of heaven and earth, and the protector gamma, and the last one of the eighteen protector gamma gods is ‘overlook’.

His disappearance heralds the effect of Bodhi Fruit.

"Eighteen virtual images disappeared behind him. Was it a big move, or was it time?" Archbishop Keo stared, eager to know the answer, as did other demons.

At this time-


Su Zhen shook again in his body, and the ‘perspective’ gamma-rays also disappeared.

"It's time, and his power is drying up!" Niu Mozhen, the ruler of Jumo Morosh, has been passed down as a Buddhist cultivator, but he has never exposed the Buddha's magical powers. Until then, he actively said: "I am also a Buddhist disciple. The level is clear, and Galan is the lowest-level protector, and looking around, thoroughly looking at the penultimate and second, respectively, their disappearance indicates that Su Zhen's power will dry up again, and he has no time! "

"Hahaha, there is no end to me!"

"hold onto!"

"Hold it, he's going to finish ..."

Archbishop Keo, Wu Mei, Gu Dao Ren, Shen Liu Zhen Jun, etc. all laughed excitedly, even the madness of the cold ancient sword Dao laughed, the joy of desperate life, made his sword heart fluctuate violently.


In the distance, the three corpse gods flashed a faint light under their eyes, and an idea appeared in their hearts.

"Sure enough it won't last long, but it's enough."

Su Zhen looked blank and looked at the monsters, her voice was plain: "You are too naive, why do you have to slaughter the dog for a long time?"

Admittedly, the power brought by the Thousand Eyes Bodhi began to dry up, just like the floodgates and floods disappeared quickly, but there were only sixteen left in the Galan, there were four kinds of heaven and earth visions, and one of the nine-petal white lotus platforms. The true self-strength disappeared, and the whole process was at least thirty seconds.

Thirty seconds is enough to explode the group demons.

"You think you are desperate, and I let you know the despair that fell before dawn!" Su Zhen burst into the sky with a scream, and the demon Bodhi Road returned to his body, and his strength climbed to the top.


As the devil tree was taken away, only the demon regained his freedom.

But this does not mean surviving. On the contrary, every demon feels that the law of Tao returns to Su Zhen in the body, and the power climbs to the peak, just like a wild beast in the world, and the flesh contains the power to destroy the world.

"Be careful!"

Archbishop Keo shouted.

"It's useless to be careful, take me" Thirteen Boxings of the True Sect ", the first punch is" True Wu Nu "!" Su Zhen's current state is actually not Yuanshen Realm, otherwise a thought can kill the demons.

He tried to hide the pinnacle at most.

And without mastering any laws of the Dao, even the laws of the Dao are still only six. The reason why they are invincible is because they contain the same energy as the dollar god! The simplest way to explain is that he has a Yuanshen-level physical body at this moment, but does not master the magical power of Yuanshen Realm!


His strongest move is "Qi Xue Tian Qing".

Using Qishen's flesh to display Qi and Tiantian can wipe out the entire Beast God Ridge from the Underworld, but this Qigong has a long time to gain momentum. This group of monsters has long gone and he can't use it.

So what is the second strongest?

It is undoubtedly Qigong. The magical powers and rules he masters stay in Yuanying Realm, but Qigong has some fluctuations, especially the Qigong related to the physical body, such as "Fighting Seven Injured Boxings" and "Thirteen Boxing of True Sect".

Compared with the two, the latter is undoubtedly more powerful.


Su Zhen stepped on the lotus platform and rose into the sky, followed by the 16-guard Fagaran.

"True anger!"

Su Zhen's back is like a bow, his right arm is like a string, his right fist is like an arrow, his body bends into a lobster, and then he punches out a fist. The fist is like a magnet.

One punch--

Jia Lanzhen, Bodhisattva anger.

"Damn, this is the sect of the sect of the ghosts. He really killed the corpse prince! He used the power of Galan to practice boxing. Everyone worked together to resist!"

Archbishop Keao's pupils shrank.

This group of monsters is as smart as a fox, and has rich combat experience. If Su Zhen attacked a while ago but has a wide range of attack but weak power, Su Zhen's full body strength has accumulated a little, and the single lethality has exceeded Daozang.

Scattering and fleeing will only be broken one by one, and only together can survive.

"call out!"

A totem pole descended from a high altitude, and Archbishop Keo spread his arms and hugged to the sky, reading the sacrifice aloud. The totem pole changed in response, radiating a dazzling soft light, and a heavenly light **** appeared again, and this time it was at least ten times more solid than the first scribble.

Guardian of the Light God!

Archbishop Keo's strongest means is also the second means of the Holy See.

"Body and sword are one!"

The ancient swordsman is integrated into the Baizhang Yinsha sword, which resembles a sword and resembles a human being.

"Star Vortex!"

The disappearance of the demon bodhi tree allowed Wu Mei to re-communicate with the power of the stars. She also stretched her arms to the sky with a pious expression of sacrifices, the loose wizard robe slipped down, revealing a white lotus root. many.

With her call.

Some stars run up to form a small galaxy, and there are nine spiral arms, beautiful.


Gu Daoren's moves are much simpler. He releases a snapping turtle-like beetle, first hides in the belly of the insect, and then releases a lot of insects to pounce on the fist.

The real prince of Shenluo and the real prince of the purple phoenix, one manipulating the divine dragon, one manipulating the purple phoenix, the dragon phoenix combined, traveling the sky.

The Blissful True Gentleman shines a glow.

Jin Ao Zhenjun reveals the body, the size of a male mountain, and the gold-casted Ao Jing creeps in the air. Niu Mo Zhenjun finally revealed the Dharma, he awakened his identity, and turned into a Buddhist beast. Sky Snake True Monarch turned into a thousand-meter-long python, hiding into the sky.

Other demons also fought hard to resist.

The moves at the bottom of the pressure box all appeared at this moment, and even when the Enlightenment of the True Sect of the Ghost is not as gorgeous as it is now, and there is only one group of demons aiming to resist Su Zhen's attack!

Boxing Gang collides with all supernatural powers——


In a series of explosions, Quan Gang first hit the bright gods and printed them on Archbishop Keo. He spurted a big mouthful of blood and collapsed his sternum. He screamed and fell into the distance, slamming a mountain to the top, and his life and death were unknown.

Then came the ancient sword.

Baizhang Yinsha sword volley was interrupted, the prohibition was completely destroyed, and it fell into an ordinary iron, and the ancient sword road also fell out of the flying sword, spurting blood violently, falling down like a thunder, crashing a mountain, and the same life and death.

Wu Mei again.

This one is more cunning. The starry sky vortex is not an attack but a teleportation. When the fist hit her, she was covered by the starlight and moved to a distance of thousands of kilometers to withstand the destruction.

But Gu Daoren is not so lucky.

Chong Zhiyun was first exploded, and then the beetle was hard against the fist gang, was blasted by the volley, and the blood was spilled into the sky. The Gu Dao people inside were also shattered by the fist gang, leaving only a group of ghosts wrapped in dozens of remnants Run away.


Hidden pinnacle of the fourth consecutive losing streak.

Invincible in the sky!

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