Undead Emperor

Chapter 1606: Not broken

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Chapter 1606 will not break

Su Zhen thought.

A group of ghosts condensed into the appearance of a dry old man, staring cautiously at Su Zhen's soul, and when they found out that the other party was only equivalent to Yuanying Pinnacle, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Little bastard, you were almost cheated by you, and you bluff!"

"Then take advantage of it." Su Zhen stood hand-in-hand, Yundan breezy.

"No hurries."

The old man looked around to see if there were any other hidden cards.

"You don't want to do it, I'll move first." Su Zhen was too lazy to ink with the other party, a blue lotus flame bloomed in the palm of his hand, and it was thrown at the old man. The Yin and Yang Zhenjun pulled a black net between the fingers and cut the lotus flame into pieces. .

"Fallen Heart Flame?"

The old man withered was not surprised but rejoiced: "This is your method? Haha, although the seventy-two Polo Flames are strong, they are far from hurting me. You are done!"

Demon Heart Flame is the top supernatural power of the Buddha's soul against the soul. Mastering this technique is indeed eligible for invincibility.

Old Man Ku thought that he could find out Su Zhen's cards, and the incarnation rolled into black mist and rushed towards Su Zhen. Looking at the flames of the sky, the old man withered more and more at ease, and decided that this was the secret of Su Zhen ’s invincible soul, and decided to take it all.

"Yin Yang Soul Eater!"

Black mist turned into a beast mouth, mouth full of sharp fangs, swallowed towards Su Zhen.

"Good job!"

In the face of seizing the house, Su Zhen didn't panic and rejoice, and swiftly dissipated all the flames of the magic heart. Under the shocked eyes of the old man, he kicked the ground into the mouth of the animal, leaving a sentence: "Now, prepare to pick me Let's get the real cards. "


Old Man Dry does not understand what Su Zhen does, but the prey has not given up since the nets have been thrown. Old Man Dry closes the beast and refines Su Zhen's ghost: "No matter what kind of ghost you do, all will die to the old man!"


The beast mouth is like a melting pot, and Su Zhen's soul begins to melt.

Three breaths.

Su Zhen's soul has run out of light and light, and it is about to die out, and the old man's spiritual excitement fluctuates. However, at that moment, there was a rumbling noise in the pale silver sea of ​​knowledge.

Under the gaze of the old man, a round of blazing sun took off!

"what is this?"

The old man can't figure it out.

But when the sun shone on him, the old man withered into an unprecedented fear, and the white smoke of the ghost "waw" quickly melted, like the snow hitting the sun.


The old man screamed.

Compared with the melting of the ghost, he was more afraid of the deterrence contained in the burning sun, just as the ants did not dare to look directly at the emperor. With his ten-fold cultivation practice, he dare not look at the burning sun with his right eye!






This is the feeling that the scorching sun brings to the old man, even if he has seen the true lord of the ghost, compared with the scorching sun, the same dust is not of the same magnitude as the entire universe!

He finally understood what Su really meant.

It turned out to be this kind of invincibility, an invincibility that surpassed all living beings, surpassed the fate of destiny, and defied the laws of heaven and earth. As Su Zhen said, even if the real **** came, he would dare to compare with the soul of him. There was only one way to die.

Hard to let the old man describe, he can only think of one word.

He had read the ancient books of the underworld, and knew that the gods in the ancient times were actually immortals after the ascension, and the immortals were divided into three, six, nine, etc. It is rumored that the immortals have their own kingdom, called the heaven.

This round of scorching sun is the Lord of Heaven!

King of the Immortals!

"Stop it, stop it quickly, the old man is willing to admit defeat, as long as you take my life, I will sign a master-servant contract with you, and be your slave forever!" The old man was scared and frightened, begging for mercy, he was the one who died once I do n’t want to die again, not to mention that there is no chance of reincarnation after the souls are destroyed, and that Su Zhen possesses this kind of spirits, which must be the reincarnation of supreme power, and his future is unlimited. Much loftier.


Su Zhen lightly refused.

This is not the first strong man to beg for mercy, but unfortunately the will of the undead Great Emperor Wu Dao is not under his control at all, and he can only watch a Dao Zang Shizhong being refined, otherwise it will definitely be a big top help.

The old man withered in fear.

After refining the opponent, Su Zhen looked to the outside world that the black tiger was attacking Qingxuanjian Pavilion. He made a move, and Jiange shot Qingmang to grab the black tiger.


The black tiger growled at Su Zhen.

"There is no black gas shelter, but also shouting at me?" Su Zhen gave a flick of a burst of energy, blasting the black tiger halfway, black blood spilled on the ground, and the painful black tiger roared.

"Tell me the secret of Dizang Abyss."

Su Zhen asked with a hand.

"Roar—" The black tiger roared, his front paws pushing against the ground, and wanted to get up. The scarlet eyes only had the killing intention, which was a lively beast that was irritated.

Isn't it wise?

Su Zhen's brow furrowed, it seems reasonable to cultivate to Yuanying Realm, even if a tree and a rock are very smart, how does the black tiger feel like an ordinary beast? Behind Su Zhen is a **** scale hand, forcibly blasting into the mind of the black tiger. This is the master of the Yin Devil, and has the magical function of searching the soul!

After a moment.

Su Zhen disperses Qigong, releases the blood demon to devour the road, eats the body of the black tiger, and refines it into pure nutrients.

At the same time, I also have a certain understanding of the underground abyss.

As he expected, the Black Tigers did not turn on psychic intelligence. They are indigenous monsters in the abyss. They only have the word thirst in their minds, which will attack all creatures except the same kind! Yes, in addition to the black tiger, there are other indigenous monsters in the abyss!

Here is a food chain.

"According to the analysis of the chaotic fragments in the mind of the Black Tiger, it is still far away from the bottom of the abyss. The further down the indigenous monsters and beasts are, the stronger they are.

Su Zhen frowned.

The memory of Black Tiger is very chaotic, mainly killing, devouring, multiplying, and the most important information captured by Su Zhen is a flash of a picture. There is a temple-like building in which there is a monk faintly hidden.


Su Zhen was surprised.

To what extent can you build a dojo in a thousand miles of the abyss, can it be a group of elementary sacred Buddhas? He suddenly remembered the legend, rumored that the abyss of Dizang leads to Jiu You, and the deepest part is the location of the Dizang King Bodhisattva!

Is this the inheritance of Bodhisattva King Dizang?

"Go and see!"

Su Zhen wants to save his master, but his strength is not enough at present, and he wants to greatly improve in a short time must rely on adventures. No matter whether the place is dangerous or not, he has made up his mind to make a breakthrough!

"I hope luck is not too bad."

Su Zhen took a deep breath and drove the Qingxuanjian Pavilion to continue diving.

In the memory of the Black Tiger, there are many types of abyss monsters, and there are many mountain-like giant bones. The Black Tiger does not know what the body of the skeleton is, and how huge it is when it is alive.

In short, the abyss is full of danger.

"The greater the danger, the greater the chance, and there is great potential on the edge of life and death, standing behind it, invincible in the world!" Su Zhen's eyes were firm.

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