Undead Emperor

Chapter 1530: Underworld Gate

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Chapter 530 The Gate to the Underworld

The cave is made of demon bones, which are a hundred times harder than the holy weapon. The Niubi King ca n’t hit the depression, and only the stones are shaken down. Even such a kind of rocking movement in the mountains makes Zhang Yulong deeply shocked. .

This needs to be outside, one punch can level the mountains.


The Bull Demon King spouted blood violently, the black armor broke, and a fist print appeared on his chest.

"Are you in the Tibetan realm?"

The bull demon king was horrified, and all his words stuttered. He was the leader of the bull demon clan. Although it was only a small branch of the **** cow demon clan, the sphere of influence was only the yin fire city, but he also had a half-track hidden practice, one side overlord.

Unless faced with Daozang demon, it will not lose so badly.

"Yuanying is fourfold."

Su Zhen had his hands on his back, Gujing was waveless, and the clouds were light and windy.


The Niubi Wang didn't believe it and snarled: "Don't try to kill me even if you are in the realm of Tibet, see my real demon!" The voice fell, and its surface burned with black flames, the flame was beating like there was a soul, Niu Demon's body surface It started to melt and became a black liquid, and then condensed into a ten-foot-long, black body, like a black iron mountain.

Its eyes are scarlet, the black flames rise, and the middle of the two curved horns is crackling and thundering.


Niu Mojing sprayed sound waves.

The sonic column visible to the naked eye blew towards Su Zhen, the air was torn, like the sea surface was plowed, and the sea water was brushed towards both sides, forming a giant tsunami that rolled up, shocking the scene.

"Trick and worm skills."

Su Zhen integrated the Qi and Blood Thunder Road into the "Three Kills Boxing Classic", and punched it out, circling Thunder's Qi and Blood Fist, smashing the destructive sonic column, and printed it on the Bull Demon Spirit, and hit it again. On the wall of the cave.

Rumble and shake the ground.


Niu Mojing's skin was thick and thick, and he was fine with two punches. The thunder in the middle of the horns shot out, turning into a black dragon-like lightning and striking Su Zhen. This is the strongest talent of Hell Cow Demon, ‘Yinsha evil thunder’, which is said to be inherited from the blood of some ancient ancestral ancestors.

The gods stop killing the gods, and the buddhas block the buddhas.

"Too weak."

Su Zhen grabbed it with his palm.

In the process, the net Liuli Bodhisattva body was turned into the second battle form, and the Yinsha evil thunder was grasped, and the latter continued to twist, not hurting the palm of the Liuli Bodhisattva.

Liuli Bodhisattva yanked.

It was like a venomous snake was dragged around his neck and pulled out from the middle of the horns. The Yinsha evil thunder twisted and screamed as if there was life. Su Zhen didn't look at it, threw it under his feet and stepped on it.


Yinsha evil thunder was stepped on and exploded.


Niu Mojing made a painful howl, the black flame around him instantly extinguished, his facial features were twisted, he stumbled for several steps, and he was severely repulsed.

"What other means do you want to come out with?" Su Zhen carried his hands on his shoulders and looked blankly.

He is like a vast mountain, standing in the world, suppressing the world, invincible, and the Niu Mojing is only a ant at the foot of the mountain. It cannot shake the male mountain, even the qualification of the high mountain to stop.

The spirit of the bull and the devil is broken, and the skills of the donkey are already poor. Even the **** is unable to maintain the real body of the demon. The fall will be the state of the bull demon king.

too strong.

Strongly unable to parry him, the Bull Demon King no longer wants to fight.

"Human powerhouse, what do you do to destroy my palace for no reason? I am a creature in the shadow world, and I have a life with you, why do you want to kill it!" The demon king wanted to be kidnapped morally.

"Hand over the person in your hand."

Su Zhendao.

"He?" The bull demon king looked at the white stone beside him, and suddenly realized that Su Zhen came to save him. There was no more moral abduction in his mind in the blink of an eye. From Su Zhen.

"Stay away from me, otherwise I will kill him!"

Cattle Demon King grabbed the void, photographed Bai Shi next to him, grabbed Bai Shi's neck with his big hand, and smirked with a grin.


Su Zhen stopped talking and punched.

Baishenquandao merged into the "Sanshouquanjing", and the fists and swords came out in a roar, splitting into a hundred winds in the wind, and the storm and rain like an arrow array, submerging the Niu Demon King and Baishi. Seeing Su Zhen's two words without saying anything, he punched directly, and the Niu Demon King suddenly awakened. Bai Shi could be reborn indefinitely. The other party must be clear, so it is the most stupid way to threaten Bai Shi regardless of the so-called hostages.

"Stop, have something to say ..."

Not finished.

Bang Bang Bang ... Fist Jian Gang exploded in front of him, Niu Yaowang waved a steel fork to block thirty-six times, and then was submerged, his arms, sternum, and abdomen exploded successively, and finally his head was beaten in a scream. burst.

A ghost baby shot out of his abdomen and managed to escape with a cloud.

A fist sword gang shot.

"Do not!"

In the sharp screaming of the ghost baby, the fist sword Gang made it into fly ash, and the spirits and spirits were all destroyed, and Bai Shi was also submerged under the fist sword Gang, and turned into a cloud of blood mist, and the Fuzhuan around him also shattered.

One punch, all destroyed.

Su Zhen looked into the void and found a white light illuminating, gradually condensing into a human form, which was white stone!

"Brother Su?"

Bai Shi froze.

"Senior Bai Taixuan and the head of the Baixu entrust me to rescue you. I have killed the Niubi King."

Su Zhen explained the cause and effect in one sentence.

Bai Shi cleverly understood the process instantly, clenched his hands and thanked him: "Thank you Brother Su for the rescue." Looking up, Zhang Yulong and his face changed slightly: "A few of them ..."

"They didn't have the idea of ​​being enemies with you, the Son of God was alone, and the Son of God was also beheaded by me." Su Zhen pointed to Zhang Yulong and introduced separately: "Tian Daozong Zhang Yulong, Brother Li Moxuan. Chief of Tianlei Temple The big disciple Lei Poru. The big disciple of Fengxuezong Chu Aoshan is also Xiao Xuan's confidante. Lin Langxie's younger brother Lin Langfeng. "

"Mr. Bai, there are many misunderstandings, please forgive me."

Zhang Yulong Road.

"Please forgive me." Lei Poru, Chu Aoshan, Lin Langfeng apologized with clenched fists.

"When the Divine Son attacked me, I remember the four discouragements very well. Since they are friends of friends, let alone these words, we should consider what to do now."

Baishi is extremely adaptable.

"I propose to leave the Valley of Funeral Immediately and sue the matter to the elders to let the elders decide! The two of them have contributed a lot, and I will also explain it together, there must be a big thank you! As for the Son of God ... He explored the cave, unfortunately, died Zong is willing to open an altar to supernate him. "

Zhang Yulong said fast.

"I also want to sue Tianlei Hall."

"me too."

"I want to tell the Lin family and the elder brother." Lei Poru, Chu Aoshan, Lin Langfeng expressed their opinions one after another, but the most important thing was Su Zhen, and all four eyes fell on him.

Su Zhen was lost in thought.

The passage to the underworld is a huge secret. He has self-knowledge. With the power of Haoran Academy, he is not qualified to swallow this passage alone, and can only be handed over to the top forces such as Tian Dao Sect, so as to share a slice of the soup.

There is no need to struggle.

What Su Zhen struggles with is that the underworld is in front, do you want to take a look?

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