Undead Emperor

Chapter 1516: Patriarch Bai!

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Chapter 1516: Patriarch Bai!

"Su Zhen'er, come out and die!" The roaring voice of the fierce beast resounded over Haoran Academy. Everyone's mind appeared a terrible, black scales, sharp four-claw, iron tail bone hook.

In the quiet room.

Bai Xu's face changed suddenly and lost his voice: "The fierce beast really roars? Oops, it's him!"

Small building in the forest.

The fierce power covered the Haoran Academy with dark clouds, and sentient beings surrendered, trembling tremblingly, but there was a mass of fists rushing into the sky in this place, blasting the clouds into a hole. The presence over the Haoran Academy, the face hidden in the black cloak, shot two cold awns, and suddenly manipulated more fierce black clouds, pressing against the forest.


The black cloud rolled, and it turned into a wild and strange appearance.

"You go to the Supreme Pavilion, I will meet him later." Su Zhen swelled his blood, and the blood rose into the sky, turning into a majestic sea of ​​blood, an eight-armed dragon in the blood sea, and the same fierce and arrogant world. Alien wars come together.

The two beasts fought in the air.

One side controls the black cloud, the other controls the sea of ​​blood, the sky and the sky are cracked, the sun and moon are dark, the mainland is ups and downs, and some of the newly reconstructed college buildings are instantly turned into powder, and many students are injured by rubble.

This is an imposing confrontation.

The black cloak male is obviously more powerful, but the eight-armed dragon is a real ancient fierce beast, and it is more blessed with real blood and blood. The wild and alien species are gradually out of support, and the head of the eight-armed dragon is bitten off.


The eight-armed dragon roared upward.

The sea of ​​blood rolled, rage smashed into the air, the black cloud was scattered, and a grand and aristocratic world of Haoran Academy.

Su Zhen rose from the sky and appeared at the top of the Supreme Pavilion of the Avenue. At a glance, he saw the distant man wrapped in a black cloak, with no trace of skin. In the moment he saw, Su Zhen's eyes narrowed, and his heart was slightly horrified.

"What an evil breath!"

The black cloak stood there, like a mass of bitter yin, evil, eerie, malicious, vicious, dark, greedy, bloodthirsty, cruel, etc., very similar to the ancestor of evil.

Even when the ancestor of all evils was repressed for the second time, he was still in the state of Yuan infantry. The black cloak gave Su Zhen a feeling that it was more evil than the ancestor of all evils.

This is a big devil.

"Su Zhen, how daring you are, even slashing the eleven infant babies of my Yuelu Academy, bravely acting, lawlessness!" Every word of the black cloak will resonate in the void, Su Hong's head came out of the wild and exotic species Ordinary Yuanying would be terrified and trembling, and he did n’t even use the will of the immortal Emperor Wu Dao, and he resolved it only with his own will in conjunction with the refining of Demon Heart Flame.

"Who are you?" Su Zhen asked.

"You even cut the eleven elementary infants of Yuelu Academy, even asked who I am? Listen clearly, I am killing you, and die!" The mysterious male voice fell, and the cloak burst into a thick black mist, and the black mist condensed into a root Iron lock, blasted towards Su Zhen.


Su Zhen punched out.

The Ten Paths of Titans are integrated into the "Three Kills Boxing Classics", and the fists turn into a planet, ten dragons vacate, and they are easily trapped by ten iron locks. The Titan star is also pierced by the thickest chain.

There was a bang.

The fist gang that could sink an island was instantly destroyed. Su Zhen dodged quickly, rubbing the iron chain shot through his body, and suddenly twitched, like an iron whip, pumped on Su Zhen's chest.

Su Zhen was blown away.

Pedal Pedal Pedal ...... Su Zhen staggered a few steps in the void. After he stood firm, he looked down and found that the coat was corroded, there was a black mark on his chest, and a black gas was corroding his body. , There are signs of erosion.

"Good corrosion ability."

Su Zhen was shocked and quickly dissipated the black qi with real qi. He looked at the man in the black cloak and said: "There are two Dao Tibetan ancestors in Yuelu Academy. You have a breath of evil, and you must be a disciple of the evil doctor!"

The southern disciple, the deputy dean of Yuelu Academy, first appeared in public in the first time when he first entered Dao Zang. Because of his proficiency in Dan Dao and Chang Xuan Hu Ji, he was hailed as the `` holy hand benevolent doctor '' and had an excellent reputation.

Of course, this is clear.

Su Zhen formed a beam with Yuelu Academy, and he must surely inquire about the enemy and know the true identity of the South Disciple. This Zhang is definitely the most sinister and evil existence of Yuelu Academy, a veritable devil!

According to legend.

The southern disciples got a monstrous evil power, often experimented with living people, transplanted monster genes, and created a large number of monsters. His dojo ‘Danxian Spiritual Domain’ is actually an asura purgatory, where there is no sun, blood flows into rivers, and life transforms monsters countless times.

Su Zhen suspected that the immense evolutionary alien was a monster transformed by the Southern disciples.

"Recognize the dean and catch without a hand."

The disciple of the south discouraged.

"You appeared in public last time, and you talked to the guests, and you attended the ceremony gracefully, but now you are wrapped in a black robe, and you dare not show a finger, can you even transform yourself?" Su Zhen narrowed his eyes. : "However, the realm has improved significantly, and it has reached Dao Zang triple."

Just after defeating the champion, there is another stronger one, which is really a wave of waves.

How to fight this?

As he was thinking, the two figures supported each other to escape into the air, one was Zhennanhou, the other was Baixu, and Zhennanhou bowed down to salute, saying: "Student Zhao Kui visited the Dean of South Gate, I don't know the Dean is coming , Why? "

"Two days ago, the Dean heard that the lights of the Hall of All Living Beings went out one after another, and only after the investigation did they know that Xue Jun, Yu Ji, Gu Zu, Hu Invincible, Tong Jiu fell one after another. Tao Ran, Guan Tong, Qi Niang, and Bai Jingjing also fell, and the place of the accident was Haoran Academy! Zhao Kui, you as Zhennanhou, deserves to be a fair man. He should be the same as Haoran Academy. ! "

The South Disciple shot abruptly.

Black Mist condenses into a chain, attacking three people at the same time.

"The dean of the South Gate is merciful, I am Baixu, the master of the Bai family. There are misunderstandings here, please listen to our explanation." Baixu hurriedly said.

"Moving out of the Bai family threatens me?"

In the black cloak, there was a grinning smile, mockingly said: "Don't say you, even if Bai Taixuan is close, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe in front of the dean, and doing right with Yuelu Academy will all die!"

The chain is lasing.

With the current state of Zhennanhou and Baixu, they can't stop it at all. Su Zhen has enough self-preservation to protect the second manpower. When he sees it is going to be a tragedy, an indifferent voice floats down from the sky.

"Is it?"

First two words, followed by an indifferent sentence: "I want to see Dean Nanmen, what qualifications make me dare not breathe."

Then came the violent collapse of the void.


Su Zhen, Baixu, and a huge black gap appeared in front of Zhennanhou. This is Baijia's Void Shock. The same move, this time is more than a hundred times stronger than Baixu's display?

The chains were all swallowed, and the crack spread all the way to the South Disciple, who was forced to explode thousands of kilometers.

Patriarch Bai


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