Undead Emperor

Chapter 1488: Adventure! Promotion, Yuanying fourth

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Chapter 1488 Adventures! Promotion, Yuanying fourth

Sanctify the flesh and enter the sea to fight the dragon. The human soul becomes an immortal and can roam nine skies. The swordsmanship can be used to kill fierce beasts with one sword. The spells can pass the sky to pick the stars and take the sun and the moon.

At this moment, Su Zhen killed the Titan Python with a sword!

The Python Titan twisted his body frantically, but the cast iron Epee contained ten kinds of Kendo laws. Even if it was broken and merged into one piece, the power was terrifying. The Python Titan lifted the sea to a tremendous tsunami, and could not break the suppression of the Epee.

"Supernatural power, it's me." Su Zhen performed "Tiangou Dafa".

This Qigong is extremely evil, and it will be hunted down by thousands of people as soon as you practice. Su Zhen only used it once after mastering this Qigong, and got a momentary eternity from the monkey spirit.

Now, for the second time!

Skyhook invaded the body of Python Titan and caught a ray of light, such as fishing in the abyss, the big fish hooked, and Su Zhen slowly pulled it out.

"Do not!"

Python Titan roared in horror.

It is terrifying to be deprived of supernatural powers. It relies on the existence of blood vessels. Pulling away is like cramping and pulling bones. Python Titan trembles with pain and muscles trembling: "Stop, stop, I have no guilt with you, why do you want to kill me! "

Su Zhen was expressionless, drawing out the first group of magical skills.

Divine into the body.

Su Zhen felt the new ability 'Titanium Aura' and then extracted the second regiment.

"Let me go, please, please let me go!" Python Titan disregarded his dignity and begged for mercy. As one of the three masters recognized by the Haizu Daozang, he looked down on the Dragon King, Whale King, Lian Koi King, and Bat Chongsha. Toad Lianyun didn't pay attention to it, his heart was arrogant and arrogant, and he despised the demons.

No Kraken has ever seen the appearance of Python Titan, is this the tough guy patriarch?

"Second regiment."

Su Zhen was expressionless and integrated into the new supernatural power ‘Titanic Fury’.

Not the most wanted Titan grip?

Then continue!

Skyhook invaded Python Titan for the third time.

The latter was utterly disappointed and screamed tragically: "The South China Sea is originally from the Hai tribe. Since ancient times, it has been safe. It is your human emperor who sent us the nine major legions to defeat us and forced them to sign an unequal treaty! Zhongyao, you are more alone in the South China Sea to open the killing ring, this is your human style? Despicable, shameless, selfish, cruel, one by one self-proclaimed all spirits, actually inferior to the monsters! Many acts of unrighteousness will kill you , Su Zhen, the human race will be attacked in groups sooner or later, and you will die the worst! "

"I am waiting."

Su Zhen integrated into the third magical power ‘Titanium Grip’.

"The sea clan is never a slave!" The supernatural power is lost, the bloodline is exhausted, the python titan is in the tragic roar, the anger light in the eyes gradually extinguishes, and the body sinks deep into the sea.

Half Trail Hidden——


"The human race is not the longest of all souls, nor the sea monster is the slave. In the ancient times, the fierce beasts were vertical and horizontal, and the human race was weak. Nowadays, the prosperity of the human race and the decline of the orc are completely determined by strength. Weak meat is strong, and the truth is in the hands of the strong." Through the experience of the immortal emperor, I have understood the vastness of the universe. On some planets, human races are slaves of monsters and beasts. On some planets, monsters and beasts are ingredients. What determines everything is not birth but strength.

After the fusion of the three magical powers, Su's real power once again improved, especially the Titan's grip, which can be called a control of magic.

"Even if it's Mo Cangqiang, Han Yanchen, Li Moxuan's level is locked by the Titan's grip, I'm hit by a wave of attacks, and I have to drink and hate on the spot." Su Zhen was confident to meet Guixian again and bombard him within ten strokes.

Then go to King Kong.

King Koi, sea anemones, snow clams, marine iguanas, and several escaped Titan pythons are all there. After this wave is destroyed, they return to the mainland.

Su Zhen drew his sword and got up.

But just the moment he touched the cast iron epee, the Titan aura ran uncontrollably into the body of the sword and intersected with the ten epee swords inside.




The cast iron epee trembles violently, and the colorful light is masterpiece.

"What's the matter?" Su Zhen's face changed, and the power of the cast iron epee he liked very much. He didn't want to lose this weapon. He quickly divided a ray of spiritual intrusion, and then saw a yellow circle chasing the colorful dragon.

Yellow circle, Titan aura.

The colorful dragons are ten kinds of broken heavy swords. They are incompletely broken, or the dragon scales fall, or the minions are broken, or the dragon horns are broken, or the tail is lost very badly.

Even worse, they chased by the yellow circle have no way to escape!

"Oh!" A black dragon screamed and was swallowed by the yellow circle. The color of the yellow circle became much darker.

Su Zhen's eyes widened.

The swallowed black dragon represents the black marsh kendo, a law of Tao in a sticky space, even swallowed by the Titan aura?

what's the situation?

He was in a hurry to stop it.

But the Titan aura was not controlled to devour another dragon. With the screaming, the brown dragon representing the mountain swordsmanship was swallowed, the yellow circle became darker in color again, and the breath deepened.




The Titan aura is like a wild beast, feeding on evil dragons, devouring it greedily, and soon the laws in the cast iron epee are exhausted, and it becomes an ordinary big iron sword.

"What the hell?" Su Zhen smirked.

Titan's three supernatural powers, his favorite is the "Titanium Grip". As for the Titan Aura, the Titan's anger is not too much, but now the Titan Aura has abandoned the cast iron sword, which is simply not worth the loss.

"It's better to evolve into something good, otherwise—"

Su Zhen gritted his teeth.

After the Titan Aura swallowed the heavy sword, the color has become deep purple, and the scent of the air ca n’t even see Su Zhen. He is thinking about how to check. As soon as the hand touches the hilt, the Titan Aura goes down the palm, arm, and into Inside him.

But unlike other supernatural powers, he slept into Fuzhong's acupuncture point, but drilled into his mind.

next moment--

The aura exploded, and the method of turning into Tao spread out.

Su Zhen didn't expect this step at all, and he used the "Science and Technology Derivation Method" to receive it in a hurry. Fortunately, this qigong idea had thousands of ideas, so that he would not be blown up by the mammoth information.

When the reception was completed, his eyes stared into a bronze bell.

Because this complete law of Dao is more precisely a new law of Dao that is a fusion of ten broken swords and Titan aura!

Su really stupid.

It wasn't until the law entered Yuanying that the realm began to ascend. He suddenly realized that he quickly checked the law!

Others are ecstatic when they get the law of Tao, but he must first see that the character does not meet the conditions, or else the best law ca n’t be used ... The analysis is completed in a short time using the "Chemical Derivation Law", and he is delighted. Ruoman's answer.

The new law of Tao is fully in line.

What's more joyful is that this is the way he wants gravity most! Su Zhen let go of repression and allowed Yuanying to follow the rules. The realm climbed to the fourfold of Yuanying. The new Taiyi secret realm was opened up behind him, a turquoise planet with ten evil dragons on it!

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