Undead Emperor

Chapter 1330: Appears in all expectations (on)

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Chapter 1330 Appears in Expectation (Part 1)

Longyuan Province.

In a restaurant, on the second floor.

A table by the window was filled with exquisite dishes, and three of them were sitting around. They did n’t even think about the dishes, but they talked about things nervously: "Sir, do you say Haoran Academy still recruits students? We are from Nanhai A thousand miles from the state, if you refused, you would be pitted. "

"Enrollment expanded five years ago."

"That was five years ago. We came across the sea on a merchant ship. We were delayed for three years on the road. I do n’t know how the Haoran Academy changed ... Alas, our news is too backward. The well-informed people entered as early as sixty years ago. Haoran Academy. "

"Slow step, slow step by step."

The six major infants of Haoran College are giving lectures day and night, and the resources are very rich. They are unique in the major colleges in Kyushu. Many monks know that they are not far from each other and study across the state. Low, attracting countless students to join, this policy also allows Haoran College to surpass the other three colleges in a short time.

This scene is constantly being staged in Longyuan Province, Huangfeng Province and Yanyun Province.


City of loose repair.

Recognized as the most chaotic place in the Southern Region, a large number of stateless individuals have gathered together, and frictions of fighting have occurred every moment, but in recent times, the topic has been surprisingly unified.

Everyone is discussing the same person-

Su Zhen!

"Have you heard that Dean Su can become a Bodhisattva, and can't be broken by any attack, and then summon the Buddha to fight, and destroy the fifty-five yuan infant half ancestor!"

"Of course I heard!"

"I think President Su was still in the city of loose repairs, helping the Wu family to fight, and using Lingquan repair as a turnaround. It was very powerful. At that time, some people said that this child is not a thing in the pool. Grow into one of Qingzhou giants! "


Haoran Academy, outside the magnificent main entrance.

The monks who could n’t see the edge, and the sharpened head wanted to join the academy. A group of handy disciples were in charge of recruiting students, and several associates were familiar with them. Wait for someone.

"Hua Tutor, this is one hundred registration materials for No. 9 in District A."

"Teacher, this is 100 registration materials for No. 3 District B."

"Mr. Jiao, this is one hundred registration materials for No. 10 District C."

The handyman students hurriedly held thick materials and handed them to them. There were also a series of familiar faces beside them, such as Chang Sun Wuji, Xuan Cai'e, Jian Wu, and Rong Zhi. Their current identity is 'Associate Mentor' , Specializing in enrollment, there are a few Haoran College tutors with them, one of the highest responsible is the Mumu tutor.

"This is good, with nine blood lines."

"Five-year-old born at the age of fifteen? Cultivation speed is very fast, let this test the root bone!"

"This will do ..."

"Oh, it turns out to be twins, and the talents are pretty good ..."

The palace tables were filled with information. Several of them dealt with one table at a time. From time to time, they brought out a document to exchange opinions. Although they were busy, everyone's face was filled with happiness. Once upon a time, they were still a group of suzerains, and even the gate of Haoran Academy was not qualified to enter, but now they have become a member of the dominance of the Southern Region. They also have the right to recruit students.

The most intuitive point is ‘face’.

When they were the suzerains in the past, some hidden families in Nanyu didn't even take them into consideration, but now they keep on staggering, and send gifts to each other three to five times, just to let a few family disciples join the college. Even the great forces in other states are like this. Their group of condensed environment is often invited by Jin Dan to talk.

And it ’s all because of one person—

Su Zhen!

After processing a few pieces of data, Hua Jiandao looked up at the window and looked at the dense scholars. He said with emotion: "I can't think of it in a dream. One day I can master the enrollment power of some Haoran Academy."

"Brother Hua is not used yet?"

The table next to him was Hua Han, and the original Tianyin teacher looked at him with a smile: "This is how many years, you have to feel emotion once a day, although dreams can't be so frequent! Moreover, at most six months later, Dean Su Will return, and it will be really shocked at that time. "

"I can't wait to see him."


"I want, too……"


Elite house.

On the vast expanse of the sea, several figures were fighting, **** and whistling, sword qi and zodiac, the agitated sea continued to roll, and the turbulent waves rolled up, as if it was a 12th-level hurricane.

Bang Bang Bang ...

After a fierce battle, several figures fell.

Discipline the first female student with ten gangs: "Xiang Fantian, your refined 'Nuo Luo tiangang' is too stiff in itself, and you should pay attention to 'softness' at this time. The solitary yang is not born, the solitary yin is unusual, the yin and yang Combining strength and softness together is the right path. At this point, you should consult with Brother Li Batian more. He is also a refining 'Ang Luo Tian Gang', but his power control is much better than yours. "

"Thank you Xuejie for pointing."

A bald young man listened carefully, if Su Zhen could be seen at the first sight, this guy was awe-inspiring Xiang Tiantian, which is now Tiangang's fivefold realm.

The female student looked at a capable woman again: "Xu Luyang, your fighting style has always imitated the dean of the dean, and the effect is also very good. Although the cultivation is weaker than Xiang Brahma, it can even tie. But one thing you have to understand, The dean ’s physique is by no means comparable to us. The news from the Kyushu Fengyun Ranking qualifiers is that he is already equivalent to a real weapon, plus the ability to regenerate blood, can completely put aside the defense and focus on attacks. But you ca n’t, your fighting style We need to weaken a little bit and add some maneuvers, otherwise you will be hit hard when you meet the strong. "

"Yes, school sister."

Decades of years can not be seen on Xu Luyang's face, but the temperament of the whole person has changed dramatically, and it is indeed like a female version of Su Zhen.

Female students continue to point out the problems of several others.

If Su Zhen can be recognized instantly when he is present, this group of people are all from the Nanzheng League, from Li Batian, Xiang Fantian, Xu Luyuan, Ming Wuji, and all the way to the Tianjian School, the true disciples of Tianyinjiao are there.

of course.

There are also some students who normally join the college.

Among them, Li Batian is not the highest, but Shisha I. As an apprentice of Xuan Cai'e, he is already blue and better than blue. Xiu is as high as Tiangang Qizhong, and Haoran Academy is regarded as the best.

At that time, Su Zhentian's colleagues were all elite students!

On the one hand, thanks to their good talent. On the other hand, it is the college that is inclined to their resources, and this benefited from Su Zhen.

"Okay, I ’ll practice here today. If you still have questions, you can call me or ask the six Yuanying ... Of course, the Dean and Master will come back soon. With your familiarity with the Dean and Master, you can call out and teach separately. I must inform me at that time that such a glorious school sister would not want to miss it. "

Tiangang tenth female student laughed.

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