Undead Emperor

Chapter 1294: Truly strong

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Chapter 1294 The Real Strong

"Ordered by the sky, both Shou Yongchang--"


Emperor Dayong didn't answer the question of Prince Le, pinched the method to sacrifice the jade seal, and the five carved dragons came to life and flew around the seal body. When Emperor Dayong said the word "Ordered to Heaven, both Shouyongchang", a layer of rolling Jinxia appeared above the Dayong Dynasty.

This is the 'National Games'.

Everyone has a lot of people, there is family luck, there is ancestral luck, there is luck in provinces, there is luck in one domain, there is luck in one state, and there is luck in one country.

Luck, the most amazing thing!

Under normal circumstances, it can't appear, and it can be achieved with the help of some things, such as Hualong Daochang! In addition, there is a more common thing ‘seal’!

The seal is divided into three grades.

The emperor is the seal, the official is the seal, and the people are called the stamps.

Since ‘poke’ is a personal thing, it ’s rare to show luck if the grade is not improved. The seal can, for example, the Haoran big seal mastered by Su Zhen, can make Haoran Academy's luck increase, thus enhancing the combat effectiveness. The emperor's jade seal is even more terrifying, and it can mobilize the national sports battle, which is why Emperor Dayong was hailed as the first person in the eternal kingdom before Su Zhen appeared.

The Dayong Dynasty's national games are somewhat weak, which means that the Dayong Dynasty has signs of decline.


This is because Emperor Dayong took out a lot of national games to open the way for Prince Lei to open up the way.

And the magic is-

Taking Prince Li as the outbreak point, what happened one after another, and what the Emperor Dayong will do next, will indeed cause the Dayong Dynasty vitality to be seriously injured, or even directly destroyed.

There is nothing more magical about fate.

Jin Xia, representing the national games, gathered under the jade seal, and the eight characters of 'Ordered by the Heaven, Jishou Yongchang' burst into dazzling golden awns. As Emperor Dayong slammed down, the eight characters tyrannically burst into the chest of Prince Le in.


Prince Le spouted a big sip of blood and passed out.

When he woke up, the sky was dim, and Emperor Dayong was asking the Temple of Heaven to be busy. The original teleportation array had completely changed ... When he woke up, Emperor Dayong smiled grimly: "Wait a second, and the layout is finished immediately."


Prince Le intended to mobilize true energy. As a result, as soon as it turned around, his lower abdomen was painful. Under internal inspection, he found that Yuanying was imprisoned by the eight characters of ‘Teached to Heaven, Shouyongchang’, and he could not mobilize any energy.

This is the overbearing place of the National Games, and the same happy prince as Emperor Dayong, who has no resistance at all.


With a crisp sound, a group of ghosts lighted up from the Temple of Heaven. Emperor Dayong clapped his hands and stood up, with a gruesome grin on his face: "I reversed the arrangement and it was beautiful? Use it to enter Hualong Dojo! "

"You evolved Dragon Dojo?" Prince Le was stunned.

"It seems that you haven't thought of it yet. For the sake of your role as a bridge, I will tell you about it." Emperor Dayong has a quarter of an hour left to explain, and explained: "The demon girl in the ice plain was spread Doctrine, wide acceptance of believers, as a domain prince, risking my life to negotiate in Daxueshan, and finally let them converge a bit. "

"As a result, what did I get?"

"The prime minister, the dog thief, actually bypassed the king of Bingzhou and took me as a model directly to the imperial capital. He asked me to blame me in the face of the civil and military officials! Hahaha, it's ridiculous. Bingzhou is freezing cold and unsuitable. Survival, several imperial emigrations of the court ended in failure. That place is the group of demon girls in the ice plains. Even the ice king did not dare to resist hard! The court sent three legions to attack. Which one did not end in failure? Hou Ye, who is an ice plain, bluntly said that a dog in Daxueshan is not as valuable! "

"What can I do if Daxueshan wants to spread faith?"

"I dare to negotiate enough to be brave enough. Not many former Hou Ye were so scared that they were so frightened. Please resign!"

"I succeeded in asking Daxueshan to converge without rewards. I caught the imperial capital directly and said that I used the appeasement policy and threw it directly into the eternal kingdom to suffer! The old man should ask the old dog of the prime minister, what am I doing wrong, If you do n’t reward yourself, you will be fined! "

Emperor Dayong said more and more angry, his eyes were red.

Prince Le did not answer.

He has listened to this story countless times, and at the bottom of his heart he feels injustice for Emperor Dayong. The situation of Bingzhou is well known. Like Dahuang State and Manzhou, they belong to the weakest place of the court control.

Daxue Mountain is a super sect that sits on an ice plain. Its power is so frightening that it is even more terrifying than the Nanhai ethnic group.

The King of Bingzhou could not deal with it.

Can Emperor Dayong Su Xiaotian deal with it? Really, he dared to go to Daxueshan to negotiate. It was already a great courage. Before him, the Snow Plain had a 300-year Houfu vacuum period, and no one dared to be Houye.

Emperor Dayong continued: "On the day of being thrown into the eternal kingdom, I secretly vowed that I must leave this ghost place alive."

"Hard work pays off."

"After hundreds of years of continuous development, I finally found the only opportunity to leave, that is, when the imperial power was replaced, that is to say, the moment when I died was the only time I could leave!"

"Can I leave when I die?"

"Well, I will die once and create a puppet emperor to die for me! With the activation of the King's Land mission, I know that the time is up. You think the carp essence is the first to complete the mission, and I will use the national transport to her. The law of opening up the Tao? Jie, the consumption of national games is entirely my own claim, the purpose is to let her have some of my characteristics first! "

As he continued to narrate, the look of Prince Le became more and more horrified, and he did not expect that all this was an illusion.

At this time he suddenly realized.

As a contestant, after completing the mission of King's Land, theoretically, we should carry rewards to return to the Endless Continent, but the current trend looks like, who completed it seems that who will stay and become the emperor?

This is unreasonable.

Prince Le thought that it was the same as the term "Royal Descendants Background", which was also a term on the mission. After completion, he might temporarily become the emperor, wait for the court to send a new garrison, pass the position to the other side and then return.

Now it seems completely wrong.

This is because the Emperor Dayong changed the direction of the task without authorization and created unpredictable new things. When the road was transported from the country to the carp essence, the mission of the King of the World has completely changed its nature.

"I left a mark on the carp essence, as long as she completed the sacrifice ceremony, she would replace me as the new queen, and when I killed her again, I could create the only opportunity. But I just received the induction and stayed in the carp. The life-saving things on Jing's body were broken. It must be that the carp's essence level is not enough and it is in danger. It is really a waste. There is no way. I can go in and help her complete the sacrifice ceremony. "

Emperor Dayong told the whole truth.

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