Undead Emperor

Chapter 1260: time flies

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Chapter 12060 Time Flies

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, more than thirty years have passed, and there are only three months left before the opening of the Hualong Daochang.

Su Zhen has been closed.

In the first few years, with the fermentation of the Qianlong Holy Monastery, he became the center of the topic of the Dayong Dynasty. From Daguan to Xiangui, the strong men, to the traffickers and pawns, there was much discussion and speculation about his identity.

one year later.

When a new monk came across the East China Sea, Su Zhen's details were exposed, and this became known to the world ... According to legend, Nalan watched the jade jade after listening to the wind and shattered it on the ground.

Everyone was shocked by Su Zhen's growth history.

Born from the left side of the side door, he counterattacked Dan Chengyipin for just over ten years. He won the Yuanying Eightfold in Jindan Realm, and won the role of Dean Haoran. Then he broke the Dancheng infant and broke the endless mainland record, becoming a recognized talent. . In the Eternal Kingdom, the battle of the Peach Holy Land in the forefoot and the battle of the Sea Emperor Island in the backfoot have established the title of Invincible Yuanying. No wonder the emperor intersects with his peers because he has no confidence in defeating him.

Since then.

No one dared to disturb Su Zhen ’s palace. Even as more and more contestants gathered in Shengjing, the ‘royal descendants’ swelled to an unprecedented level, and the palace was as quiet as a paradise.

However, this Taoyuan was later quiet, at first it can be said to be "dangerous".

Into the night.

Su Zhen is alone with Dantai Xuanji.

When he revealed the true identity of Huangfu Qingqing, Dantai Xuanji's scream, even though the isolation formation was almost leaked, Su Zhen felt that the eardrum was broken.

Then the situation can be imagined-

Missy first perpetrated violence against him for half a year, followed by a half-year cold war, Su Zhen exhausted her lips, and gradually calmed down with the passage of time. As for the treatment of Huangfu Qingqing, Dantai Xuanji surprised Su Zhen. As long as Huangfu Qingqing was present, Dantai Xuanji seemed to have never happened and was very kind and kind.

have to say.

Missy's typical knife mouth tofu heart, this has been proved when facing Nan Yu in Nanhaizhou.

A little thing happened after the reconciliation.

Dantai Xuanji is also jealous to leave Su Zhen with blood. Da Su ’s officials have paid for two years in a row. The belly of the young lady has not improved, but the realm has broken through to Tiangang Jiuzhong, which attracted everyone's surprise.

Huangfu Qingqing envyed: "Master is practicing very fast."

The elder lady blushed and stepped on Su Zhen's foot fiercely. This was the idea of ​​temporarily letting go of her blood. From that day on, Su Zhen was really in closed state.


The retreat has changed significantly for more than thirty years.

Bai Shi was promoted to Yuanying ten years ago and mastered the 'Yang Tao'. He told Su Zhen privately a year ago that another body of the endless mainland has basically mastered the 'Yin Tao'.

It took the Golden Lion King thirty years to heal to restore the peak.

Under the careful guidance of Su Zhen, Huangfu Qingqing has made rapid progress, and has reached the peak of condensing. If it is not for the proper Tiangang Yangmai, it has already been refined.

Dantai Xuanji was promoted to Jindan.

It is a pity that even if Su Zhen tried her best to pave the way for her, due to various factors, Dancheng finally became a fourth grade. Next, she would find a way to make her the first ancestor. Speaking of this, Su Zhen remembered Brother Anzun, and did not know that he hadn't seen it in fifty years. Did Brother Brother reach the peak of Tiangang? As long as he reaches the peak of Tiangang, he can make his brothers bound.

Finally, Su Zhen himself.

After more than thirty years of retreat, he has basically mastered the flame path and the ice path, and may break the window paper at any time and rise to two levels.

But he didn't want to.

Su Zhen used the "Creation and Derivation Method" to divide 500 thoughts to enlighten the flame path, 500 thoughts to enlighten the ice path, and exchange them every five years, hoping to find a first-line opportunity to merge the two achievements of the original "flame ice" Tao!


There is no clue at the moment.


This day.

Su Zhen was closed in the Chamber of Secrets, and the voice of Huangfu Qingqing sounded from outside the door: "Master, Your Majesty sent someone to send you a document with the specific time, location, and information of all the descendants of the royal family."

"Put it out, I'll get it later." Su Zhendao said.

"it is good."

Huangfu Qingqing left after leaving.

Cultivating the "Derivative Law of Creation" is a thousand thoughts. From the appearance, Su Zhen meditates cross-legged, but actually experiences all kinds of life. He also knows more about the Flame Road and the Ice Road.


Open mouth exhaled a breath, turbid gas like an arrow, shot into the air, did not disperse for a long time.

Su Zhen opened his eyes, two flashes of light flashed by, and the muscles and muscles crackled, a cluster of red energy visible in the naked eye spread like a ripple, touching the wall and then retracted into Dantian.

Su Zhen's breath was slightly improved.

"Yuanying Realm is enlightenment Tao, energy accumulation has no effect." Su Zhen is very clear, he can only start from the flame road and the ice road to promote, as long as he abandons the fusion idea, only for one, and can quickly advance to Yuanying Double, not many years to advance to Yuanying triple.

But he has great ambitions.

The powerful effect of the **** thunder road makes Su Zhen like it very much. It is really impossible to give up the idea of ​​fusion. He can only take one step at a time to find the illusory first-line opportunity.

Open the chamber door.

A jade jade was placed outside, and a ray of spiritual consciousness was invaded, and tens of thousands of words of information came to mind.

The opening time of Hualong Daochang: March 13th, three o'clock in the afternoon.

Location: Palace, ask the Temple of Heaven.

The number of descendants of the royal family: fifty-nine people (except carp essence, Jinshang, Dantai Xuanji, others all belong to Shun Nalan listening to the wind)

The following is the intelligence of each royal descendant.

Jiang Yuang: Yuan Ying is the first one, majoring in Emperor-level Qigong "Ghost Book of Ghosts", a monk from Dahuangzhou, who was born in the tribe of the Tibetan people.

Character experience: ...

Qi Hai: Jindan Qizhong, majoring in imperial qigong "Zixiao Linggong", Shengzhou monk, was born in Wenyuan College.

Character experience: ...

Shan Li: Tian Gang is fourfold, majoring in King-level Qigong "Xingyue Technique", a Leizhou monk, born in Yuliuzong.

Character experience: ...

Chen Qinghe: Jin Dan has ten majors, majoring in the Imperial Qigong "Taiqing Collection", Yingzhou monk, born out of the Chen family.

Character experience: ...

Lou Linghui: Ningsha is the most important one, majoring in Spiritual Qigong "Thirteen Styles of Roujian", Nanhai Prefecture.

Character experience: ...

Lu Fan: Tiangang Sixfold, majoring in Wang-level Qigong "Vatican Fire Technique", Zhongzhou monk, born in Dahao firm.

Character experience: ...

Except for Prince Carp, Golden Lion King, and Dantai Xuanji, all the participants' information are listed, some of them are very detailed, and some are slightly simple. Su Zhen looked at them carefully and found that two students from Haoran Academy The most unexpected is that one of them is acacia washing red beans.

It says:

Acacia wash red beans, Tiangang double, majoring in imperial qigong "Tai Su Lian Xing Shou", student of Qingzhou Haoran Academy

Su Zhen was stunned: "She even received the mission of King's Land."

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