Undead Emperor

Chapter 1099: What the people want, all come home!

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Chapter 199: What the people want, all the people will return!

Mu Xuanding frowned: "An old antique from Yuanying Peak is the new dean?"

Zhennan Hou reluctantly smiled: "If you insist that a peerless genius who has been practicing for less than a hundred years is an old antique, I have nothing to say."

Mu Xuanding: "What are you talking about?"

Zhennanhou: "It's an exaggeration to say that one hundred years is right. If you remember correctly, it should be less than sixty years? Lord Dantai, this is your grandson-in-law, you should know best."

As soon as this remark came out, half of the ancestors in other states, including Zhang Zhenghe, were stunned.

"Who are you talking about?"

"We are asking about the guy in Lei Chi. What does Peerless Genius have to do with him? He has been practicing for less than sixty years. The grandson-in-law of Zhendonghou ... You want to discuss these topics in private. Let me talk about who the guy in the air is. , Stop appetizing! "

His ancestors were dissatisfied.

Zhennanhou: "I am talking about the young man in Leichi."

Mu Xuanding snorts: "Nonsense!"

Zhang Zhenghe snapped the table and was somewhat dissatisfied: "Zhennanhou, the dean's selection is court affairs. The officer now asks you as a courtesy of the Libe, who is the young man who broke into the court competition but is a crime of great disrespect. "

Zhennanhou: "I am really talking about him, he is just ..."

Not finished.

A cold voice came out of Xuan Fei's mouth: "Su Zhen, that guy is called Su Zhen, an orphan in the southern region of Qingzhou. In the early years, he entered a Sanliu Zongmen Vientiane Sect, and was later suppressed by Zongmen's first true biography In the end, the Sect Master was cleaned up and the internal affairs were finally cleaned. Ten years ago, the other three religions in Jiuyu, Nanliu, left the door and formed a coalition headed by Vientiane Sect called the 'Southern League'. The leader was him. Haoran Academy, after defeating several students against him one after another, performed prominently in the chaos in the Southern Territory. The battle of Taihao some time ago ended, and he made a great contribution. "

"You know this kind of little guy well?"

Zhang Zheng and looked at each other.

As a courtesy of Libe, he must have excellent talents in dealing with contacts. Even if there are some short-lived characters, as long as there is a flash point, he can remember it. However, it is much worse than Xuan Fei. A guy from the left side of the door is still from the Southern Region. Just now Taihao came out of the battlefield, which is Jin Dan Realm. It is good to know the main experience. How can you know even the small details.

But he was surprised behind—

"When he was outside the door of Vientiane Sect, he was hailed as" outside door first ". As a result, he was framed by a guy named Han Yunfeng, and Dan Tian was broken. Later, he was met with adventures and awakened a healing bloodline, which stepped back step by step. The black disciple's true disciple called "Hong Longhe" was bombed by Su Zhen in public at the martial arts conference, and the chaos in the southern region reappeared. It should be backdoored by someone. "

Xuan Qing is like a family treasure.

Zhang Zhenghe's eyes widened: "You also know?"

"The first one to deal with him in Haoran Academy was Yin Liujia. He was once a disciple of Yinsha Religion. Su Zhen reinvented Yinsha Religion, and the guy stood up to suppress it. As a result, he was counter-killed by Su Zhen in Qianlong Secret Realm. The teaching is also leveled. "

Yuki said.

"Jiang Tianyuan, Qingniu Ancestor, etc. were all his opponents, and they were all beheaded without exception. By the way, when he was in the outer courtyard of Haoran Academy, he was forced to run away and practice in the South China Sea. The riots ... Dantai Xuanji, granddaughter of Dantai Houtai, did you know Su Zhen at that time? "

Tao Ran added.

"Speaking of the turning point, returning from the South China Sea to the Qianlong Dragon's Secret Realm is definitely one of them, refining a Yinpin Vein, and then I don't know where to get the Tiangang Yang Vein. ,Envy."

The spider whispered.

"In the chaos in the Southern Territory, he managed to turn the tide and Taihao's battlefield also stood out. At the beginning of two things, he was the initial stage of that stage. As a result, at the end of each thing, either the peak of the realm or the late stage of the realm, the speed of cultivation Shock."

Guan Tong sighed.

People are more dead than others, and they have to be thrown away. She has her own talents, and she is a pretty girl, but she ca n’t compare with Su Zhen. When they are married, they are the four elders and the two elders. As a representative, even Qingzhou Wang Shizi sent a congratulatory gift.

Everyone in Yuelu Academy described Su Zhen's message in a word.

"You all know?"

Zhang Zhenghe was cautious: "You know everything about the background of a real Jindan from South China. It seems that this guy is very powerful. You must know me when you take the time." The voice changed again: "But first, Who is the uninvited guest in the air? "

Xuan Fei: "He is Su Zhen."

Zhang Zhenghe: "Huh?"

Xuan Fei: "That's the peerless genius we just said."

Zhang Zhenghe nodded: "The official knows that it can be remembered by all of you, and it is definitely a rare peerless genius in such detail. If there is a chance, the official will definitely meet. But what I'm asking now is who the guy is . "

Xuan Qing: "It's Su Zhen."

Zhang Zhenghe's dissatisfaction: "Are you saying that Su Zhen is not a Jindan real person?"

Xuan Qing: "Yes."

Zhang Zhenghe was even more dissatisfied: "Then you still say this guy is Su Zhen!"

Xuan Qing: "But he is Su Zhen."

Zhang Zhenghe slightly angered: "This officer is confused by you, Su Zhen is a real Jindan, this guy is Yuanying Banzu, how could it still be Su Zhen, it is impossible for him to break into Dan ...

Not finished.


A thunder burst in Zhang Zhenghe's mind, and he finally understood what everyone meant. Obviously very straightforward words, because of "common sense", he never understood. Everyone has been talking about the guy in the air, all the stories are around him, he is Su Zhen, everyone has repeatedly explained this, but Zhang Zhenghe has not listened to it.

Why is everyone shocked?

He also understood.

Not because it was Yuanying Pinnacle's old antiques, on the contrary, because that guy is young and dying, it has been less than sixty years of practice! A half-ancestor who has broken a pill into a baby in less than 60 years is ten times more exaggerated than a Taoist ancestor. It is strange to be shocked!

Mu Xuanding and others also figured out the situation.

Then there is-

Even more shocked, stunned, unbelievable, an expression of hell, suspected that the ears were wrong, opened his eyes to see Su Zhen, wanted to see if it was dazzling!

At this moment.

Among the 300,000 onlookers, more than 250,000 in a brief death, a shocking shock erupted, and even the Thunder was instantly covered up, and all the squares were filled with Su Zhen's name.

"Su Zhen appeared!"

"Don't he run away, dare to return to Haoran Academy and break into the aura of Senior Lei Changxiao, has he taken a crucial step?"

"He has advanced to Yuanying?"

"Su Zhen is back, ha ha ha ... this is the new dean of Haoran Academy. The name of Yuelu Academy is reversed, and the dove occupies the magpie's nest. Quickly return Haoran Academy to others! "

"Support Su Zhen!"

"Support Su Zhen!"

"President Su Zhen!"

"President Su Zhen!"

Twenty-five thousand shouts shook the earth and thundered Lei Changxiao's thunder, and the robbing in the air was dispersed.

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