Undead Emperor

Chapter 1071: It ’s not that the enemy does n’t get together

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Chapter 171 is not the enemy does not meet

"Zixuan, what are you doing?" Mrs. Mu was shocked.

More than her.

The four remaining people in the team were as if they were killed by thunder. They could not believe the death of the one-eyed male repairer. He died not in the hands of the evil demons, but in the hands of his own people.

Zi Xuan is sixteen or seventeen years old, with an exquisite face, a good figure, and a delicate black background.

But at the moment her bright eyes and the corners of her ever-smiling mouth changed, her eyes became very cold, and there was no expression on her face, as if it was a piece of ice.

The most terrifying thing is her breath.

The 'Lu Yaping' who was born in Zi Xuan's real life is a hidden ancestor, advocating the principle of realizing the world, the force of all living beings in Huairou, and majoring in medical skills.

But now--

There is still a little bit of ‘Benevolence and Charity’ in her body, which is clearly a ruthless female demon head, even if compared with the group of fellows who sever love Jianzong.

After beheading the one-eyed man, Zi Xuan's feet moved into a purple light, leaving Madam Mu's team and standing beside the eight evil demons.

Eight evil repairs quickly opened the distance.

Zi Xuan looked at the initial shot, grasping Jin Dan with one hand to draw energy, with red hair, a wicked youth like a woman, her lips lightly opened, and the voice said: "I am the No. 3 Yanluodian. If you are opened, you must be one of the escapers, and I will be destined to come to you. "

Yan Luodian?

The strongest killer organization in Qingzhou?

Zi Xuan turned out to be Yan Luodian, the organization that once sent No. 8, No. 9, and No. 10 to rob Su Zhen together, but the whole army was destroyed because of the self-destruction of No. 10. I didn't expect their tentacles to reach Yingzhou, and they came to find the red-haired demon youth, is he also a Yan Luodian person?

The answer is soon known.

After the stunned youth froze for a while, he was immediately overjoyed: "Sir Lord King still remembers me and sent you to help me leave?"

Zi Xuan continued to hear: "Ying Wang needs to know what happened to you that year? If you do it well, you can take you away ... But now, first, Mrs. Mu will be wiped out, the seven guys around you can be reliable?

Fascinating young man: "It's my brother I worship, and use them to wipe out dissidents, and find time to destroy them."

Zi Xuan: "Okay."

There were seven people in Mrs. Mu and his party. First, one sneaked down and one fell, and Zi Xuan betrayed and killed one. In addition, there were only four people left in the betrayal of Zi Xuan. . After fighting for a few photos, the golden face of a young man in white was broken by Zi Xuan and the demon youth, and then a sword came to life.

Libra is more inclined.


Mrs. Mu screamed and turned her head and ran: "This group of people are all in Yingzhou Heavenly Prison, evil people, devil heads, Jiang Yang robbers, etc., each of them commits heinous sins! Zi Xuan, you dare to collude with them, stay After I leave, I will definitely report to Yingzhou King's Mansion and kill you as a maid! "

The answer to her was a sword spirit.


Mrs. Mu's scapula was penetrated, and the pain screamed sharply. She quickly swallowed pill medicine to stop the bleeding and healed her wounds. If she escaped like crazy, there was still a little bit of enthusiasm in the inn.

The two sides chased and fled, approaching a dead end.

Just as Mrs. Mu was desperate on all three faces, she suddenly found that there was a golden teleportation array in front of her, and Mrs. Mu's eyes lit up, revealing the joy of desperate life: "Ha ha, random teleportation array, the sky will never die! Zi Xuan Little maid, when Mrs. Ben leaves the Penglai Dragon Vessel, you will never let you live to see tomorrow's sun. If you dare to offend me, you will be ready to go to Huangquan! "

Say it.

One foot stepped into the teleportation circle, and a golden light flickered and disappeared in place.

The other two followed.

As the name implies, the random teleportation array, as long as it is not entered together, even if it is only half a second apart, it is not necessarily teleported to the same location, and the crowd of evil repairs will stop here after chasing here.

Fascinating youth: "Unfortunately, let them escape."

Zi Xuan stared at the teleportation array for a moment, his eyes flashed coldly, and he walked forward, and said at the same time: "You used to be a man of Yan Luodian, understand our rules, Lord Yan ’s business should not be lost, keep up. , We must cut grass and roots, and meet at the relief square after the end. "

Step into formation while speaking.


Zi Xuan disappeared in place.

"The little ladies really dare to chase, this ghost thing is too random, and it is useless to keep up. If it is sent to the magma pool, it will be burned directly to ash. Brother Chen, let's go."

A cultivator with a unicorn greeted.

"You continue to hunt and kill one when you see one. When you meet the fugitives, you will do your best to restore your vitality. I have a way to take you away." On the teleportation array.

next moment--


The red-haired fairy youth also disappeared.


After three hours before Su Zhen came to the underground cliff, as soon as he entered this area, he felt that a layer of forbidden wrapped his Jindan, and no trace of true energy could be mobilized.

"This is the means of Yuanshen Taoist ancestor?"

Cultivating to Yuanshen Realm, mastering the rules of Heavenly Dao, it is easy for a thought curse to kill a strong man thousands of miles away, not to mention the cultivation of a group of Jindan? With a slight adjustment, Su Zhen adapted to the new environment. He was originally a bodybuilder, and his impact was limited.

Continue to move forward.

In front of him, Pingchuan is a huge platform. The poisonous malaria has disappeared here, revealing a bottomless abyss, and several chains are connected to the cliff wall, I don't know where to go.

Just when Su Zhen was about to step on the chain--

A messy voice came from not far away: "It's really unlucky enough that a random teleportation burst suddenly appeared, bringing us all to this ghost place. Fortunately, we didn't separate."

"Is this the cliff of the dragon veins?"

"It must be here, from the Yin Yang Pavilion to the Dragon Vessel, this **** random transmission array, the span is really big enough." With a low voice, a team of people appeared in the field of vision. Ride the boat, followed by four shameless Jindan ten heavy monks.


Su Zhen's brow furrowed, and he rushed through the barriers to beat the other side, but even met outsiders.

The thought just rose.

A circle of dazzling golden lights lit up, and an embarrassed Chinese lady fell out, staggering a few steps, coughing up blood on one knee, Mrs. Mu.

"Mrs. Mu?"

Gu Chengzhou and others found her, surprised.

Another one?

Su Zhen, who had not been noticed in the distance, frowned again, and had not waited for him to unfold, and another round of dazzling golden light lit up. This time it was a cold black girl in black, and it was Zi Xuan.

She was even teleported to the cliff!

This time-

A group of people gathered here.

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