Undead Emperor

Chapter 1066: Courtesy

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Chapter 166 Department of Rites

Qingzhou Royal Palace, East Palace.

The emperor Dagan divided the world, and the nine great surnames Wang Nai, the official of Fengjiang, wore four-clawed dragon robes, lived in the royal palace, and ruled the state on behalf of the imperial court.

Qingzhou King's main palace is called the inner court main hall.

The place where Shizi lives is called Donggong.

According to the separatist rulers, when the hundreds of dynasties were standing, this was a crime against injustice, but the emperor Daqian was a generation of bright masters, and he did not care about it at all. Entry, and even the descendants of the court ministers, both men and women can enter, regardless of treatment.

In terms of enlightenment.

Emperor Dagan is definitely the first person in the ages!

The East Palace of the Qingzhou Royal Palace is very luxurious. A pool of water surrounds the pavilion. The duckweed is covered with green and clear. In the nine-meter-long pavilion, golden glazed tiles shone brightly in the sun, red walls glazed with blood, squats were sitting on the cornices, stone columns carved golden dragons, golden scales and gold armor, as if flying in the sky.

Take a closer look.

It was found that a Qianlong was also carved in the water of the pond, hidden under the lotus flower, and contrasted with the stone pillar carving.

Once vacated, one dived.

One show, one hide.

To convey a certain mentality of Qingzhou Wang Shizi.

Entering the attic, it is even more magnificent, surrounded by inverted bell-like flowers, white calyx, translucent luster of bone china, and a circle of lilac in different shades at the top of the petals.

Some curtains hang down.

A breeze came, the curtain slowly floated, and it was like a fairyland, and a woman behind the flower screen stroking the piano, the green finger plucked, the crisp fairy sound spread, or virtual or real, changeable, first like the quiet Jiandi spring clearing emptiness Then, the water converged into a gurgling gurgling current and merged into the tumbling rivers and seas. Eventually, it became calmer, and there was only a long overtone, like the accidental splash of the water surface.

Close your eyes and listen carefully.

You can see the scene where the brook merges into a big river, rushing into the ocean, and you can feel the soft and tenacious attitude of the water.


The door of the attic was pushed open, and a young man in Tsing Yi walked in and bowed down, saying: "Yeah, Yuelu Academy sent a copy, saying that it is related to the dean of Haoran Academy. Please look around."

"Take it up."

An indifferent voice sounded.

Tsing Yi Xiaogu quickly held the ensemble, walked along the middle corridor, after nine steps, came to a book case, put the ensemble on the case, looked at the almost burnt incense, and opened the incense burner with some spices. , And then stood silently.

Behind the desk is a young man.

The youth is ordinary in appearance, not handsome, but has a strong upper-class momentum, as if the world is under control, the edge is exposed, it is dare not to look squarely, and then look at the three-claw green dragon robe on his body, you can know that this is Qingzhou The Prince of the Palace——

Your Royal Highness!

The imperial court said that the "prince supervised the country". The emperor sent other countries, and the prince was sitting in the back of the town. Like today ’s next rule, singing and dancing will rise, and naturally there will be no ‘prince supervising the country’. But in order to cultivate the prince's ability, the emperor Dagan gave a lot of rights to His Royal Highness, and now the prince is still one of the cabinets.

The same is true of King Kyushu.

Governance is complicated in a state, and it is common to practice at a critical moment for hundreds of years. It is impossible to give up government affairs. Therefore, every prince will let the offspring manage some government affairs.

Qingzhou Wang Shizi has taken over government affairs for thousands of years.

During this time, everything in Nanyu was handled by him, so the news of Haoran Academy was still sent to him. It took half an hour to review the handful of the chapters in detail, and picked up the copy sent by Xiaoyu.

Open it and watch it again.

Qingshi Wang Shizi took the pen expressionlessly and wrote while saying: "Dr. Haoran fell unexpectedly. I didn't expect it to be a few decades in advance. This matter will be different. You send someone to check it. If you do n’t have a day, please report to the Licensing Department first and choose the new dean. "


Xiao Xiao glanced at the comments, they were all normal on the official face, and hesitantly said: "Yeah, Haoran Academy is in the final analysis our Qingzhou forces, do not need to recommend a few people?"


Appointment of the dean, appointment of Hou Ye, etc., should be submitted by the Li and Li officials. After the emperor's approval, the Daqian emperor did not care about these matters, and the arrival of the Li and Li officials ended.

But can the second department be appointed directly?

Nor is it.

The real decision-maker is the king of each state, such as the dean of Haoran Academy. Qingzhou Wang Shizi only needs to fill in a few recommenders, and the courtesy department must choose from them. This is a well-known rule.

But Qingzhou Wang Shizi didn't write a single name.

"The hidden circumstances have not yet been determined, and there is no need to hurry to determine the candidate. Let the bureau send someone to come and choose according to the situation ... Let the news go ahead and see if other states are fighting for the infant. Beautiful person. "


Xiao Zuo ordered to leave.


A month later.

The core of the endless mainland


This state is also known as "Huangzhou", "Tianzhou", "Holy State", "Emperor State", etc. It is the most prosperous section of the endless mainland, gathering the strongest monks, the most wicked genius, the most powerful Everyone in poetry, everybody in calligraphy, everybody in painting, everybody in music, etc., people with lofty ideals all gather here, and they call it 'flowers and flowers, cooking oil'!

In the heart of Zhongzhou, there is a region that is regarded as the most glorious, that is, the capital of the Dagan dynasty, the place known as the imperial capital!

Dagan Palace is located here!

Endless luxury, magnificent, magnificent palaces, towering pavilions, swallowing mountains and rivers, magnificent palace, there is a Wenhua Hall, it and Wuying Hall into six daily office locations.

at this time.

In the Mandarin Palace.

A group of high-ranking officials are dealing with the politics of the DPRK, and the chapters are piled up like mountains. If you read a book, you can't finish it in the Year of the Monkey. Fortunately, each of the six officials is deeply trained and has countless spiritual knowledge. He also processed ten books at the same time, and an old man with orange peels also reviewed one hundred book chapters at the same time.


This person is the courtier of the rite department, the second person of the rite department.


While he was reviewing, he was attracted by a chant, ingested it with his heart, and looked at the official seal above: "What is the news of the Yuelu Academy and the Qingzhou Royal Mansion?" The chant with the seal of the King of Kyushu, Every copy is worth paying attention to. If there is an emergency, you will have to listen to it and pass on your majesty. However, when the servants of the ritual department read it, they understood that they did not need to disturb the Holy Spirit, and directly transferred it to a handsome young man who looked like a white-faced scholar. He said: "Huang Shangshu, the news from Qingzhou, claimed that the dean of Haoran Academy fell, let us send someone The appointment of the new dean is followed by a comment from Qingzhou Wang Shizi. "

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