Undead Emperor

Chapter 1064: Bad news

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Chapter Sixteenth Bad News

In the bustling and prosperous ancestral city of the past, at the moment, there was a lot of wind and panic, and the pedestrians passing by were frowning and gloomy. Su Zhen felt the atmosphere was wrong when he returned.

"what happened?"

After the Battle of the Southern Territory, the holy ancestral city was a waste of life and recuperating under the leadership of Haoran College. It was a thriving prosperity. The atmosphere was very good when he left three years ago. How did it become like this in an instant?

A picture of the sky falling down.

Su Zhen vaguely guessed something and sent a message to Lu Qianqiu with a milestone. As a result, Shi Shenhai and the vice president sent the same message. Qiu Taiji, Qu Huashang, Rong Tanya ... No one responded in a series. , A bad hunch climbed to the top.

"Sister Xue is here?"

Su Zhen thought about it and sent a message to Jiang Xue.

After a moment.

A voice of surprise came: "Su Zhen, are you back?"

Finally someone answered.

Su Zhen quickly asked what happened. There was a riot in the phonetic notes, as if a group of people were arguing, and the sounds were all acquaintances, only to hear a few words ‘all suppressed,’ ‘Yuanlu Academy ’s Yuanying Banzu’. ‘Longtan Tiger Cave’, ‘Su Zhen ca n’t appear’, etc.

The riot lasted for more than thirty seconds, and Jiang Xue's voice came out: "Three words and two are unclear, meet and talk, but the Haoran Academy is already the Longtan Tiger Cave. You must not show up. Let's go to see the Fulong River on the Shengzu Plain. "

Communication is interrupted.

Su Zhen frowned, it seemed that the fall of the old dean had been exposed, and he couldn't even return to Haoran Academy. The situation deteriorated worse than expected.

The three girls asked, "What's the situation?"

Su Zhen shook his head: "It's not clear, go to the upper reaches of the Fulong River first. Under your simple disguise, don't expose your identity." During his speech, his muscles squirmed into a middle-aged man with a common face, and his breath fell back to condensate. At the same time, the three girls also converged, and became quietly away from the Fulong River, just like ordinary casual repairs.


At the same moment.

There was also intense discussion on the broken military summit, divided into two sides with obvious flags.

One party thinks.

Now that the general situation has been determined, the Jindan border in the Suzhen District is unable to return to the sky, and the Yuanying Banzu of Yuelu Academy is working hard and hard-working, and it can be seen from the suppression of Lu Qianqiu and others. Su Zhen, as the most promising seed, must be treated specially. In order to cut off dissidents and prevent future troubles, it is normal to put a charge to kill Su Zhen, so he firmly opposes Su Zhen's appearance and hopes that he will fly high and dormant early It's not too late to practice and wait for the cloud to change, and then take back the position of dean.

The other party thinks.

Lu Qianqiu, Qiu Taiji, Qu Huashang, etc. were all suppressed, and the deputy dean was also wanted. If no one could save them, it would be a dead end. Su Zhen, as a once-in-a-lifetime seed, will definitely treat it as special, but it is not necessarily jealous. No matter who takes over the Haoran Academy, he hopes to make some achievements. Su Zhen should be focused on training, which can never be seen without him. If so, maybe the new dean would sell Su Zhen's face and put Lu Qianqiu and so on.

"Su Zhen is not wanted because he thought he was dead."

"The true talent of Su Zhen's younger brother is recognized as strong. The battle in the Southern Territory, the battlefield of Taihao, which one is not relying on him to turn the tide? Even the group of Yuan infants and ancestors, dare not brave the world to kill him. , May be able to rescue Director Lu and so on. "

"What if Yuelu Academy is going to end forever?"

The two sides were arguing fiercely. Everyone started from an objective point of view. No one wanted Su Zhen to be in danger, but no one hoped that Lu Qianqiu and others would fall innocently, and everyone was in a dilemma.

After a short discussion, make a final decision.

Since Su Zhen is the protagonist, he has the final say on how to choose. He first meets at the upper reaches of the Fulong River to explain the situation and let Su Zhen take the idea.

But who will meet?

It is certainly not possible to go all, which will attract attention. After discussion, Jiang Xue went alone, but Gongtai proposed to ask for Zhennanhou. After all, many things at that level are not clear to them.

The matter was settled, a group of people contacted Zhennanhou.

Since the upheaval of the Haoran Academy and the busyness of Zhennan Hou, especially after the suppression of Lu Qianqiu and others, he blacked out the eyes of the academy. In order not to become blind, he took the initiative to contact Jiang Xue and others to leave a milestone. To convey the movement of the group of Yuan infants and ancestors in Yuelu Academy.

Soon the two will get in touch.

Jiang Xue explained the cause and effect, Zhennan Hou immediately told him not to let the wind leak, let Jiang Xue wait outside the city, and he passed immediately.


Zhennanhou House.

Thousands of courtyards, pavilions, zigzag corridors like labyrinths, bamboo gardens, pool rockery, exotic animals rearing the backyard, a magnificent and luxurious style.


In the main hall of Zhennan Hou Mansion, Zhennan Hou Zheng told Zhao Xing: "I have something important to go to Fulong River. If you are in charge of Hou Mansion for a while, if the group of Yuan infant half ancestors from Yuelu Academy finds them, try to hold back as much as possible. They, I will be back soon. "

Say it.

Changed his official uniform, dressed in ordinary clothes, and hurriedly walked away from the wicket to escape towards the suburbs.

He had just left.

A middle-aged man with a sturdy face appeared next to the wicket, looking at the back of his makeup, his brow furrowed slightly, as if thinking about something. After the two passing slaves met, they quickly bowed their greetings "Jin Real people. "

This person is Jin Le.

Since the end of Taihao's battlefield, he has been waiting for the rabbit in Zhennan Houfu. As a result, Su Zhen detoured to the Bai family first, and then closed for three years because of the Beidou Pavilion.

After more than three years, the house slaves in Zhennanhou were used to his existence.

Everyone knows that this person has an extraordinary history, and even Hou Ye respects three points, and is an invincible master of Jindan Peak. Originally, I felt very mysterious. As I retired over time, I gradually got used to Jinle. Especially, this person likes to walk in Houfu. Almost everyone has seen him several times.

This time I did not feel relieved to meet.

"The Haoran Academy changed drastically, the old dean fell, Lu Qianqiu and others were suppressed, and few of them could make Zhennan Hou pretend to meet, either Vice President Chen in Nanhai or Missing Su Zhen." A flash of luster flashed over and I decided to follow up.


According to legend, an evil dragon fell into the plain of the Holy Ancestor, and the red blood flowed thousands of miles into a large river. The water was surging and rolling, which is now the Fulong River.

The river is red, and at first glance, it looks like blood!


In a dense forest near the river bank, Su Zhen waited quietly with her three daughters, and soon felt a strong breath struck. After landing, she turned into a middle-aged man in ordinary clothes and a beautiful woman.

"Zhennanhou, Sister Jiang."

Su Zhengong clenched his fists. When he said the specific location, he knew that Zhennan Hou had also come. He was not surprised at the moment. He went straight and asked: "What happened to Haoran Academy, has a new dean been elected?"

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