Undead Emperor

Chapter 1013: Big bet!

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Chapter 103 The Big Bet!

The fighting power of the devastating python has been equal to that of the golden silkworm king. Purdue Cihang ’s life-spelling Sanskrit can be affected, but the effect is not obvious. It must be transformed into the golden body of the Buddha to defeat.

But he obviously did not intend to do so.

"Rush through!"

Purdue Cihang released the Buddha's light to form a shield to resist the attack of the sky-eating python, and the golden silkworm king crawled over the fat body quickly. There is no fixed bas-relief to pass the Ten Thousand Demon Corridor. For example, King Aquaman relies on talent and magical power, and rushed to the second stage all the way.

As for the consequences-

Because the reliefs in front were not defeated, they will continue to exist. The more explosive the fighting power will be, the more powerful Purdue Cihang will be. Flesh shell, take away the soul and become the main soul of a Xuanyin gathering beast streamer.

The drawbacks of forcibly breaking through are obvious.

Purdue Cihang still did this, and apparently had plans. After two swallowing giant pythons, a group of Jindan peak soldiers were resurrected. The two continued to stab, skeletons, zombies, evil spirits and so on ...

Finally a skull dragon is resurrected!

Bone dragons are not bones such as blue dragons, dragons, and dragons, but a sub-dragon. They are more like lizards. They have a pair of giant winged wings. Their hind limbs are thick and powerful, their forelimbs are relatively short, and their tails are very thick. .

This dragon is close relative to the earth dragon.

However, in addition to the immense power and invulnerability of the ground dragon, it does not have any magical powers, even the most basic flight. Before the great dynasty ruled the world, there were a lot of earth dragons, and all major sects, denominations, and forces supported the earth dragon to carry the weight. As the Daqian dynasty ruled the world, all the earth dragons were taken away for exclusive use by the royal family and became a status symbol.

This skull dragon is much stronger.

At its peak, not to mention Purdue Cihang, even Yuanying Banzu was difficult to contend with, only the flesh was lost, a bone had limited magical power, and the channel was blocked by its physical advantage, and the ghosts and ghosts were spitting and burning both.




The ghost ghost fire is like green horses, and the burning golden silkworm dare not go forward half a step.



Shi Shenxiu watched the movement in the hall of the demon, and said with a deep voice: "This skull dragon has doubled its combat power, and Purdue Cihang is difficult to contend. Both of them will retreat or break through again. Once they break through forcefully, they want to Withdrawing is not that simple, we will start immediately. "


"I'm ready."

Several masters of the human race nodded their heads, all staring at the Wan Yao Gallery.


The edge of a cave on the cliff.

Su Zhen also locked the Ten Thousand Demon Corridor. When he saw the resurrection of the bone dragon, his expression slightly solidified. He clearly felt that the physical strength of the bone dragon had reached the Yuanying level, plus it had no flesh and blood, and the magical power was lost a lot. The baby bone demon he made is exactly the same.

Putting the two together to fight, the outcome is unpredictable.

"This is the front stage of the Ten Thousand Demon Corridor, which has reached this level?" Su Zhen was wary in his heart. Originally, he thought that the visitors who opened up the Taiyi Secret Realm would not refuse, and they all took it in to suppress it.

He is not afraid of bone dragon.

Although he has the same fighting strength as the bone demon, Tai Yi's secret realm is his home field, and he will do whatever he wants, so he cares about the middle section, the latter section ... the middle section must be stronger than the bone dragon, and the latter section must be stronger than the middle section. Pseudo Yuanying level, then next ...

Real Yuanying?

"The Siji Dragon Cave was built by a group of Yuanying. The set resistance target is Yuanying, and it is not surprising that the level is even higher. However, the barriers in Taihao's battlefield are weak, and they cannot tolerate the energy of Yuanying. It will inevitably collapse, even if Yuanying's combat power exists in the middle and late stages, it will suppress the state, or not even appear? "

Su Zhen suddenly understood the idea of ​​Purdue Cihang.

Purdue Cihang is betting!

In the middle and late stages of gambling, it is impossible for Yuan Ying Realm to appear, and even there will be no obstruction!


Inside the Demon Gallery.

"I stop the bone dragon, you go on the bridge." Purdue Cihang floated in the sky, surrounded by a golden masterpiece, and turned into a solemn golden Buddha, the original force of the supreme Buddha came out of his mouth: "Sin animal, you Being in the Nine Nethers is a disaster between Yang and Yang. This move disturbs the Yin-Yang Avenue and does not return to the Hades quickly. The Buddha recites a mantra for you and reincarnates as soon as possible. "

The answer to him was a green piece.


Bone Dragon breathes out the ghost ghost fire.

"Don't dare to see Buddha, I want you to go to Western Bliss!" Purdue Cihang folded his hands in a palm, and a gleam of golden light appeared in the palm of his hand, blasting on the bone dragon.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the bone dragon's body shook a bit. In the past, it was possible to destroy the spread of the mountains. Even the slightest dust was not splashed on the Wan Yao Gallery. This place is far from being destroyed by the Jindan Realm.

The golden silkworm king took advantage of the shaking of the bone demon, revealing the gap, and immediately climbed to a stone bridge in the second stage.


Bone Dragon continued to breathe out the ghost ghost fire attack.

"Bold beast, seeing my Buddha's true body, I don't bow down quickly!" Purdue Cihang's mouth is full of forced language. The golden light he released was called "God's Blessing". There is the power of crossing the devil's head, but in his hand it becomes the energy of forcibly crossing into the devil. Fortunately, the bone dragon is not weaker than him, and it is hard to resist the golden light and has no effect at all.

The reliefs accumulated behind came up.

Purdue Cihang continued to ride the bone dragon with the tone of giving orders. God's gift of grace continued to attack. An endless posture. When the bone dragon exposed the defense gap, it immediately became the appearance of an old lama. The golden silkworm confluence.

"On Bridge!"

Purdue Cihang rushed to the bridge with the golden silkworm king, and the two advanced rapidly, and each time they passed a guardrail, the engraved statue of the demon monkey appeared a resurrection.

In an instant—

More than forty monster monkeys were resurrected, and each side's fighting power was equal to that of the golden silkworm king. Under the joint force, Purdue Cihang was no opponent.

The monster monkeys are here!

"Golden Silkworm King, it's time to pay for the Insect Continent!" Purdue Cihang snorted and continued to rush ahead, while the Golden Silkworm King slowed down, showing endless madness in his eyes and screamed a lot of silk.

Natural talents, inextricably linked!

call out!

call out!

call out!

A piece of silk entangles all the demon monkeys, including the bone dragons, soldiers, skeletons, zombies, swallowing giant pythons, etc., standing in the second stage with a single posture. Bridgehead, stopped all the statues!

In one block?

Shi Shenxiu and others understood the strategy of Purdue Cihang, which obviously made the King of the Silkworms pay the price of his life, blocked all the statues in the front and middle sections, and gave him the opportunity to enter the last section.

Purdue Cihang is betting.

There is no statue blocking behind the bet, because even if it is suppressed under Yuanying, it will certainly not be able to break through. He obviously bet because of the battlefield barriers and does not appear directly. In order to win this very small possibility, he dare to pay the golden silkworm s life!

Is there a final paragraph?

Once there is no, then the innate array of beads must fall into the hands of aliens!

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