Undead Emperor

Chapter 1008: Invincible sweep

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Chapter 108 Invincible Sweep

"Where is this?" Looking at the unfamiliar environment of the beautiful mountains and rivers, the pupils were all shrinking, Xiao Langke's face was horrified, he was still in the Mountain Demon Hall one second before coming here in the second.

What happened?

The first time the mountain demon came in, he was transferred to a distant place and handed over to the essence and blood incarnation to deal with the bone demon. Soon Su Zhen will add another powerful slave.

Su Zhen looked at them two hundred meters apart.

"Senior Law Master, Senior Xiao, what are you doing just now?" Su Zhen smiled.

Falun Dafa looks gloomy: "Where is this!"

"Taiyi Secret Realm, a gift from Qingzhou King Shizi to me when I married a mate in Nanhaizhou. Ma Chiyan, Li Yin, and many alien kings all depended on it or beheaded or surrendered. in this way."

Su Zhen made no secret.

He is well-known for his unification with Wan Fa. He never fails to live up to his expectations. When he first met, he shot abruptly. Instead, he killed Su Zhen simply: "Not much nonsense, let the two seniors go on the road."

The voice fell.

Rumbling ... The terrain is suddenly changing, and the four earth walls are drilled out of the ground like a dragon, creeping on the ground, stretching for three kilometers, connected end to end, blocking one side of the space, Su Zhen is running the "Quan Kun Shock Recipe", Jin Dan seven repairs For an exhibition, the weather is bloody, and the outburst is outrageous, turning into a torrent of blood, covering the sky and covering the sun, with supreme fierce prestige, and overwhelming the world.


Indistinctly heard a roar of the beast from heaven and earth, resembling the ancient revenge of the eight-armed evil dragon.

Su Zhen incarnates the **** of blood and blood!

"The Soul Bell is a cult treasure. After being obtained by the master of the Beidou Pavilion, it will become a real weapon. Gee, if it is not a real weapon, the destructive power of the soul will be doubled. I might be injured ... … You are ruthless and full of evil intentions, this venomous real weapon is damaging all living beings in your hands, let me take it, and your "Beidou assimilation Dafa" is also very good, it also belongs to me! "Su Zhen's blood is fierce Rolling like a violent volcano, the rolling magma sprayed out, burning the sky, and the destructive power of the heavens and the earth shocked the ancient and modern.

"Golden Seventh Realm!"

After seeing Su Zhen ’s outbreak, Wan Fa was shocked by the realm of exposure. Was n’t he only able to repair the Jindan triple, only seven or eight months, how did it become the seventh.

Is it two months to advance one level?

Push forward ...

Soon after he was promoted to Jindan, he entered the battlefield of Taihao just after the Jindan ceremony was held. It was only a year and a half before and after, and rushed to the seventh level.

Really promoted to the first two months?

"Repair of the strong, it must be rebuild of the strong!" Ten Thousand Acts released the Golden Phenomenon, and the Big Dipper appeared in the front of the defense. He was so shocked that he finally "understood" Su Zhen's identity.

In just one and a half years, Jin Dan rushed to the seventh level, and it must be rebuilt by the powerful!

It ’s been ten years since Jindan ’s peak at Jindan, and he has never comprehended the Yin-Yang Avenue. It would take at least ten years for him to give him a secret seed of the Tai-Yi, and Su Zhen ’s mastering it in an instant also proved to be a rebuild by the powerful. , Has long been proficient in Yinyang Avenue.

Only in this way can everything be 'sensible'.

All methods were shocked and thrilled: "Su Zhen, our two contradictions started from Li Yin and others. As a master, I should do my best to avenge my revenge. If you change it, you will definitely do it. I did n’t know before. You are a strong man to rebuild, and now I take the initiative to admit my mistakes, hoping to let me go, you can report the name of the previous life, maybe you are familiar with my mentor! "

The answer to him was a "Nine Strikes".


Nine regiments of qi and blood fist turned into fierce blood dragons, roaring, tumbling, and flying, with their teeth spreading in all directions.

"Star Sky!"

The seven stars are connected in a line, prompting a brilliant star curtain to block the blood dragon.


A violent collision erupted into an earth-shattering loud noise, the stars shattered, the blood collapsed, a storm mixed with two energies swept across all directions, and cut across all the walls of the earth, but the next second, the earth The wall is back to its original condition.

"Nine Strikes!"

Su Zhen punched the second punch.

After advancing to the seventh level, his strength can threaten the peak of Jindan, but just like the puppets, the degree of destruction is only strong or weak. It is unknown whether "Baidou assimilation Dafa" can be broken during the peak period of all methods, and now it is unknown whether Beidou Qixing can prevent "Nine Strikes".


The blood and blood fist turned into a fierce blood dragon.

Wan Fa normalized to mobilize the stars to resist, Yao Guangxing's volley was exploded, and the anti-bite effect into the Wan Fa one, causing him to spit a big mouthful of blood, his face pale as paper, angry as a hairspring: "Stop, I don't know the senior Reincarnation and reincarnation, if I offend, I am willing to apologize, and invite my predecessors to show mercy! "


The answer to him was a "Nine Strikes".


Kaiyangxing was hit by volley, the fragments blasted in all directions, and was shot before Su Zhen, and he was vigorously resolved. However, the magic was disturbed by the counterattack, and he watched the body shot by the fragments. Crossflow.

"Stop it, seniors please stop!"

All methods screamed.


The answer to him was "Nine Strikes".

After training to form Qi and blood, Su Zhen ’s micro-control ability is fascinating. Normally, using Qi and blood fist will waste a lot of invalid energy, but now it is almost not wasted at all. Open, Su Zhen would like to know how many punches one can withstand.

of course.

It's the one way to seriously injure the state, the latter of the peak period, Su Zhen must rely on the bone demon to kill.


After the fierce blood dragon raged, the third Jade Hengxing star was exploded, and the all-powerful breath fell to the extreme. The old wounds suppressed by the immortality relapsed.


There was a muffled noise.

The body and veins of the Ten Thousand Acts were ruptured and turned into a blood man. The remaining four stars exploded in sequence. The Golden Pill was broken, wounded and injured, almost dying, and lost the ability to resist.


With three punches, all losses are lost!

It's not that Su Zhen is so powerful as to be the sixth master of the Killer Clan, but his luck is too good. He has never recovered from the injury and broke into the Siji Dragon Cave. I don't know what suffered and was seriously injured again. There is no fighting power.

The winner is the king and the loser.

In the final analysis, Su Zhen won, which is enough!

"Previously, seniors spared their lives ..." Wan Fayi Yi said a word of blood spewed out of his mouth, his pupils began to spread, the breath of life passed by quickly, and a generation of strong men was about to fall.

"I'm sorry, I'm not your predecessor, I'm just Su Zhen."

Su Zhen stopped "Qiankun Shock Technique", put away the strength of his blood, carried his hands, and looked at him lightly: "Give you two choices, hand over" Beidou assimilation Dafa ", I will simply send you on the road, Either you have been tormented for a hundred years in the Taiyi mystery, you choose. "

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