Jiuquan Town is famous for its winemaking technology. The Zhao family is a local clan in Jiuquan. All the mayors of Jiuquan Town have been members of the Zhao family.

The head of the Zhao family in front of Shi Shaojian and his friends is the current mayor of Jiuquan Town.

The old man Zhao, who was killed by the red-clothed female ghost, was only a senior in the Zhao family and was not really the ancestor of Mayor Zhao and his family.

It was just that the Zhao family had to gather together to keep warm because of the involvement of old man Zhao, which led to the previous scene.

"Daddy, are you okay now?!"

"Did the priest solve the evil spirit?"

Mayor Zhao has a precious daughter, Annie, who just came back from studying abroad. Annie is also a devout Catholic and has a lot of contact with Father Wu.

Even Father Wu is the guide for Annie to believe in Catholicism.

This is also the reason why Mayor Zhao thought of Father Wu the first time after the Zhao family got into trouble.

Annie is full of confidence in Father Wu's ability.

"That evil ghost is too powerful!"

"The priest almost failed to solve the evil spirit and almost overturned the car!!"

Now when mentioning Father Wu, Mayor Zhao couldn't help but feel strongly dissatisfied.

In Mayor Zhao's opinion, Father Wu not only forcibly abducted his daughter, but also almost caused the entire Zhao family to be buried with Mr. Zhao.

If it weren't for Father Wu's special status, Mayor Zhao, the head of the Zhao family, would have wanted Father Wu to die directly.

"If Master Shi hadn't helped, I'm afraid you, Annie, would never see us again!"

Mayor Zhao looked at Shi Shaojian again with gratitude, feeling infinite emotion in his heart.

As long as he thought of the feeling of being on the verge of death not long ago, Mayor Zhao couldn't calm down until now.


Annie's figure finally appeared at this time. Before, she only heard from the servants that the crisis was resolved, and then she hurried to the front hall from the back house.

Annie thought that if Father Wu was invited under her suggestion, the red-clothed ghost would be captured without any trouble.

But from what Mayor Zhao, the father, said, the red-clothed female ghost was not solved by Father Wu? !

Following Mayor Zhao's gaze, Annie looked at the existence who really solved the crisis encountered by their family, that is, the master mentioned by Mayor Zhao.

"He is so young, he should not be the master mentioned by Daddy!"

Annie saw Shi Shaojian at first sight, but Shi Shaojian's young and handsome face did not meet Annie's definition of a so-called master.

At this time, she suddenly glanced at Uncle Jiu who was next to Shi Shaojian, and she could not help but have a sense of enlightenment.

Annie, wearing a red low-cut dress, walked straight towards Uncle Jiu. When she walked to a position one meter in front of Uncle Jiu, Annie calmed down and said very seriously.

"This should be the master my dad mentioned, right?!"

"My name is Annie, thank you for saving us!"

One is one, two is two. It is undoubtedly a fact that the "master" in front of us saved the Zhao family. Even if Annie is a Catholic, she cannot deny this.

Annie has studied abroad for many years and has learned Western learning in its entirety. Her behavior is very different from that of ordinary women in China.

Such a swift and furious move was completely beyond Mayor Zhao's expectations. It was not until Annie recognized the wrong person that Mayor Zhao realized it.

"Wrong, wrong!"

"The master my father mentioned is this person. The one in front of you, Annie, is the master's uncle, Uncle Nine!"

Mayor Zhao regretted sending Annie abroad to learn the so-called advanced culture. Otherwise, there would not be such a rebellious move now, and there would not be such a big mistake.

"My daughter has been spoiled by me. She has been spoiled since she was a child and has lost her manners!"

"Please don't blame me, Master Shi!"

Zhao Zhenzhang has come into contact with many real Taoists, and he has also learned a little bit about the Taoist rules and regulations without realizing it.

Annie's dress and behavior are all related to breaking the rules.

Zhao Zhenzhang was afraid that he would not be able to make friends with Shi Shaojian, but would offend him directly because of Annie's behavior.

"No problem!"

Shi Shaojian did not feel offended. Annie's every move was almost the same as Shi Shaojian's previous life. After being in this world for a long time, seeing this suddenly gave him a sense of familiarity as if he had returned to his previous life.

"Master Taoist, please forgive me!"

Shi Shaojian's statement also made Zhao Zhenzhang feel relieved, but the following situation made Zhao Zhenzhang's heart lift again. .

"Are you the master that Daddy mentioned?!"

"Impossible, how can a master be so young!"

Annie was reminded by her father and realized that she had recognized the wrong person, but when she saw that the so-called master was Shi Shaojian, Annie refused to believe it.

"The masters I know are generally immortal, with white hair and gray hair.Damn, no one can become a master at your age!"

"Are you a liar?!"

Influenced by foreign ideas, Annie habitually questions facts beyond her cognition, just like at this moment.

She never expected that her actions would scare the old father, Mayor Zhao, to death.

"Oh, my silly daughter, I regret sending you abroad!"

"What have you learned back then..."

When Annie just came back from studying abroad, she told Mayor Zhao about her experiences abroad.

At that time, Mayor Zhao envied the advanced civilization of foreign countries and was satisfied with Annie, and now Mayor Zhao regretted it.

"It's true!"

"If you don't believe it, this Taoist priest can't help it!"

Shi Shaojian was very familiar with Annie's spirit of questioning everything in his previous life. Now he suddenly encountered it and felt a sense of intimacy, and didn't get angry as Mayor Zhao worried.

"Master is broad-minded! "

"We, the Zhao family, must not miss this opportunity. We must maintain a good relationship with the master."

When Mayor Zhao saw this scene, he put aside his worries and stood in awe.

In this turbulent era, a kind and benevolent person with real skills is rare.

Before, Mayor Zhao may have wanted to make friends with Shi Shaojian in case of future needs, but now he is completely attracted by the character shown by Shi Shaojian.

"Ajian has already achieved enlightenment! "

Uncle Jiu, who was standing by, was also very pleased at the moment.

In Uncle Jiu's opinion, the state of mind of a cultivator is also very important, especially for disciples of Mount Mao, who need to be compassionate.

Uncle Jiu was always worried that Shi Shaojian would follow the old path of his senior brother Shi Jian.

After all, Shi Jian, who was also gifted in thunder and practiced very fast, was like thunder, strong but lacking a little flexibility.

Shi Jian was deeply respected throughout Mount Mao, but not many people were close to him.

Of course, Uncle Jiu was not much better in this regard.

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