But at this time,

Jiang Li, who was burning with life, did not show any sign of weakness or approaching death.

On the contrary, he could feel that his strength was surging wildly!

The state of his body and saga armor was better than ever!

Even the saga snake in his belt was constantly jumping for joy, sending him waves of pleasure!

“turn out to be”

“This is the real effect of infinite life energy!”

Jiang Li was extremely excited!

It was not until this moment that he completely understood the specific effect and usage of the talent!

Saga Armor is centered on the Demon King Stone.

The Demon King Stone is a magical treasure that can increase power by absorbing life energy. The more life energy is infused, the stronger the power is.

The [Infinite Life Energy] talent that Jiang Li had extracted before just gave him endless life energy…….This means that Jiang Li can release the power of Saga and the Demon King Stone without any scruples!


Realizing this,

Jiang Li became even more unscrupulous!

The blood-red flames around him surged again!

The almost tangible life energy even formed a blood-red battle suit on his body!

As Jiang Li burned his life energy endlessly, he naturally realized an ability….

“”Demon Emperor Seal!!!”

Jiang Li raised his head suddenly and stretched out one hand.

The terrifying life energy like a vast ocean rushed forward frantically and formed a huge red bat seal!


The blood-colored bat seal moved quickly on the ground and instantly came to the bottom of the Minotaur. Then it stood up like a wall behind the Minotaur.

Almost instantly, the Minotaur noticed something was wrong…….

Countless blood-red arcs jumped out from the Demon King Seal, attached to his whole body, and like dense chains, bound every part of his Minotaur tightly!

And he was like being firmly tied to the seal, and it became extremely difficult to move!

“How……what happened?”

“I can’t move!”

The immobile Minotaur Legendary Puppet Beast looked extremely panicked. He used all his strength to struggle. His muscles squirmed and bulged, and his blood vessels beat like dragons, but he couldn’t shake the Blood Demon Emperor Seal at all. On the contrary, he was entangled tighter and tighter!

“That is……”The Demon Emperor Seal?!!”

Looking at this scene, the most shocked person in the audience was Maya!

As one of the people who knew Saga Armor best, she naturally knew the power of Saga!

In addition to the most powerful ultimate move, Saga Armor also has another ability with a fixed effect.

But compared to the ultimate move that any transformer can use, the conditions for using and performing the fixed ability are very strict, and it can even be said that it only exists in the forger’s expectations!

Maya once heard the craftsman who forged the Sagarc belt clearly say that even if an ordinary vampire exhausted all his life energy, he would never be able to comprehend this fixed ability. Only super vampires whose life energy far exceeded that of ordinary vampires, or even reached another extremely high level, were qualified to comprehend it!

This ability was named……The Demon King Seal!

The so-called Demon King is equivalent to the legendary king of puppet beasts!

But the existence of such a king still only belongs to the imagination of Maya and the craftsmen.

But now……

Jiang Li successfully performed the Demon Emperor Seal!

“Could it be that, brother……”

Thinking of this,

Mayu’s eyes suddenly flashed with surprise………….


At this moment, looking at the Minotaur that was completely immobilized by the Demon King Seal, Jiang Li slowly lowered his right hand, then took out the snake flute and inserted it just above Sagarc’s belt. The sound effect suddenly sounded.

“Wake, Up!”


Immediately afterwards,

Jiang Li took back the snake recorder sword and inserted the hilt into the side of the belt!

When the snake recorder was pulled out, blood-red lightning connected the tail of the sword to the belt like a chain.

The surging energy fluctuations began to vibrate instantly!


Feeling the terrifying fluctuations on the blade of the snake recorder, the Minotaur screamed.

He felt the threat of death very clearly!

“Snaking, Death, Break!!”

“Snake……”Death Explosion!!!”

But in the next second, the sound effect full of the king’s majesty overwhelmed it.

Endless life energy gathered and formed lightning that wrapped around the blood-red sword blade.

As Jiang Li swung out the snake recorder with force, the blood-red sword blade immediately turned into a blood-red lightning and instantly pierced through the Minotaur’s chest.


The Minotaur looked at the blood-red blade that pierced through its chest, stretched out its hand and wanted to say something, but at this time Jiang Li had already tightly grasped the Snake Flute Sword and pulled it hard… As the blood-red blade was pulled out, the surging life energy stirred and collided in the Minotaur’s body, and finally exploded completely!


With a loud roar, the Minotaur’s huge body collapsed.

Countless pieces of flesh and limbs flew around, and the ground was dyed blood red!


This scene was witnessed by several legendary puppet beasts guarding the cave entrance.

Looking at the countless pieces of the Minotaur’s body on the ground, the beasts who were originally watching the show leisurely were horrified.

The Minotaur, who was considered powerful among them, was actually killed by the fang vampire wearing saga…….Moreover, the speed was so fast and the time was so short that they didn’t even have time to support and react!

“Damn it!”

“”Hurry, let’s kill him!”

A legendary crocodile-like puppet shouted angrily, but he realized something was wrong after taking a few steps. He turned around and found……The other puppets didn’t move at all!

Seeing this, the crocodile legend puppet was shocked and retreated quietly.

Then, looking at Saga, who was emitting a bloody aura and reaching the peak of his momentum, several legendary puppets couldn’t help but shudder…….The survival instinct in their bodies tells them that if they face the current saga head-on, the outcome will be……Only death!

“”Damn it!”

A legendary puppet beast with countless water snakes dancing on its head, like Medusa in mythology, cursed fiercely, but after hesitating for a moment, the fear in his heart still made him make a faithful choice.

“There’s something wrong with this guy, let’s retreat first!”

“”Swish, swish!”

Following the command of Medusa, the other legendary puppets were busy trying their best to escape.

Some merged with the shadows, some turned into white foam, and some split into countless water snakes. In the blink of an eye, all the legendary puppets disappeared in the cave.


“All the legendary puppet beasts fled!”

“Those legendary puppet beasts were repelled by the king!”


At this moment, the surviving vampires all focused their attention on the center…….Looking at the white king, apart from the feeling of surviving a disaster, there was only fanaticism and admiration in his eyes!…………………………………………

Ps: Please give me flowers and monthly votes! Thanks!

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