Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 96: New Support

"Their target is the gems!"

Tony was still wearing the broken Veronica armor. He was returning to Stark Tower under the siege of a large group of Chitauri single-soldier aircraft.

Ultron stood on the balcony of the building to prevent the Chitauri from entering the laboratory and seizing the four Infinity Gems inside.

But there were too many Chitauri, and there were elite units. Those elite units wore golden armor and held spears. Instead of using long-range attacks, they played close combat with the Iron Soldiers. Now they have dismantled several robots.

"This is obvious. I suggest sending them to other worlds." Ultron was besieged by four elite Chitauri soldiers. He relied on the special structure of his mechanical body to resist. The other seven elite Chitauri were destroying the metal barrier of the laboratory. They were about to succeed.

"Good idea!" Tony praised Ultron's idea, but he was hit by a high-speed Chitauri single-soldier aircraft the next second, and the broken Veronica was declared completely scrapped.

But it doesn't matter. The Mark 43 was ejected, and the mecha was still in a brand new factory state.

After ejecting from the Veronica armor, Tony continued to fly towards the Stark Building.

Duncan, who was still guarding the entrance of the portal, also heard the result of the two people's discussion. He glanced at Dr. Banner who had just come out of the portal and agreed: "Okay, but I'm going to transfer all the people in the subway first."

"It doesn't matter, Ultron will hold on!"

Just after arriving at the top of the Stark Building, Tony saw that the smoke-filled clouds above the building were smashed by a huge spaceship. The ring-shaped donut spaceship slowly hovered over the building, and the blue-white gravity beam fell on the balcony, and a huge figure nearly three meters tall walked out. ♚♞  ♦♦

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The huge metal warhammer hit the balcony, and an alien wearing a special material combat uniform, resembling a humanoid Tyrannosaurus, emerged, scaring Tony.

Looking at the fierce-looking guy who was not easy to mess with, Tony rushed towards him and decisively called for support, "Rhodey! I met a big guy and need support!"

"I can't help it!" Rhodey's voice sounded a little desperate. His armor had been modified and had very strong firepower, so he was targeted by the flying troops of the Chitauri and was chased around. After running out of ammunition, he lacked support and was in a mess. He was unable to support Tony at all.

Outside the suburban warehouse, Dr. Banner, who had just arrived at the battlefield, changed into an oversized pair of shorts. Hearing Tony's words from the micro headset, he interrupted and said, "Guys, I have a big guy here too!"

"Thank you, Banner, I love that big guy so much. Please get your big guy here quickly!" Tony's voice was intermittent, and he should be struggling to resist the attack of the big guy.

Banner nodded to Duncan and then transformed into Hulk. Under the influence of the last bit of reason, Hulk raised the corner of his mouth and showed a happy smile, because he could smash some things again!

Under Duncan's gaze, Banner's wide pants became extremely fitting after turning green. With a kick of his feet, his body jumped out like a cannonball, with extraordinary jumping power. ]|I{•------» «------•}I|[

Next, he still had to stay here and check the preparations in Pandora World at any time. He had to arrange for the materials to be loaded and sent to where they should go.

Alice walked out of the portal on the small door of the warehouse with a half-face breathing mask on her face. After coming out, she reported the situation over there to Duncan.

"The hospital, ammunition, emergency food and water can meet the needs of 100,000 people. The base has allocated 2,000 people to transport the wounded and manage them. All the requirements have been prepared."

Umbrella Corporation has been preparing for war in advance. After the order was issued, many materials that had been stockpiled long ago were pulled out and prepared in half an hour, but...

Duncan still did not see Marvel's federal army entering the New York battlefield. The official force that appeared in New York was only New York State's own 10,000 National Guard soldiers and more than 2,000 special police, who were scattered in the city without even a wave.

Even the gangs in Hell's Kitchen in New York gathered to protect their own property, but the federal army still did not appear on the battlefield.

I heard from Colonel Roddy that the army and navy were coming, and the air supremacy was taken away by the Chitauri's individual aircraft. The Air Force could only fly planes to launch missiles from a distance and it was difficult to break into the battlefield. Even so, there was still a possibility of accidentally injuring combat robots and unmanned attack aircraft.

At this time, a strange signal and a familiar voice were inserted into the communication channel again.

"Guys, we're here to support!"

The huge aerospace carrier lost its stealth effect and suddenly appeared on the edge of New York. As soon as it appeared, the fierce firepower tore off a piece of open space in the sky.

The person who inserted the communication channel was Steve Rogers, who was listed as a wanted criminal. 35 minutes after New York was invaded, they finally arrived at the battlefield and brought in strong foreign aid.

Dozens of small shuttles with strange shapes appeared in the sky, like warships from some science fiction works.

There were also many guys wearing primitive armor who left the aerospace carrier and entered the New York battlefield under the carrier of the floating platform.

The battlefield is now in chaos again. There is no unified command. Everyone is running to do what they think is right. Anyway, it is very chaotic.

Tony was not happy to hear Steve's voice, but he still knew the priorities. Now was not the time to get angry because of personal conflicts. "We must send the gems to another world, so that Thanos can't find the gems!"

"When you talk about this kind of thing, have you ever thought about the gems being things from this world, what changes will happen after they are sent to another world?" Nick Fury of Sky Hen Anshang also interrupted the communication, still speaking with a rap style, and he did raise some serious questions, but in fact he didn't want the gems to fall into Duncan's hands.

At this time, a completely unfamiliar voice interrupted the conversation, "It won't be a problem, the gems can be sent to another dimension."

The channel fell silent, and no one recognized who the owner of this voice was.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself..."

Golden sparks gradually emerged in the air in front of the command vehicle, and the sparks gradually rotated into a circular door. The new Supreme Sorcerer Stephen Strange with small eyes finally appeared in the battle. After appearing, he nodded to Duncan, "My name is Stephen Strange, the current Supreme Sorcerer of Kamar-Taj. Next, we will help the citizens move to a safe place."

After seeing this Supreme Sorcerer, Duncan simply transmitted the picture seen by the armor to others.

Although mages are strange, it seems that it is not impossible to have another mage organization hidden behind the world in this strange universe.

"If the teleportation spell appeared earlier, there might not be so many casualties..."

Nick Fury's voice in the communication was still normal. He quickly accepted the fact that there was an organization he didn't know about in this world. It would be better to transfer all the civilians so that they could use weapons of mass destruction.

Strange ignored Nick Fury's sarcasm and opened another portal in front of Duncan. Opposite the door was the top balcony of Stark Tower.

Seeing this, Duncan opened his mouth slightly...

"Teleportation can only appear in the space that the brain can imagine. I don't know what the laboratory looks like, so I can't appear in it directly."

As if he knew what questions Duncan would ask in advance, Strange was the first to give an answer.

After holding it in for a long time, Duncan said: "Okay... OK."

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